HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-13 Minutes Newcastle BIA Minutes October 13, 2011 Attendance: Valentine LOVEKIN, Karen BASTAS, Theresa VANHAVERBEKE, Jeany BARRETT, Jackie FORA 1L, Catherine PETERSON, Lorraine FORGET, Krista KLAWITTER. Regrets: Wendy Partner 1. Meeting called to order at 9:30a.m. 2. September Minutes approved by Karen Bastas, Seconded by Catherine Peterson. 3. Wendy was to talk about the Streetscape for Newcastle and possibility of partnership with College students. 4. President's Report. 5. Treasurers Report presented by Theresa Vanhaverbeke. Bank balance $19,744. Each Committee needs to begin considering their budget for 2012. Have told the Municipality that we are expecting the 2012 budget to hold at $25,000 again. If we keep the budget as is, tax levy on businesses will not increase. Financial information regarding the West End money: $135,000 is Newcastle's portion. Need to address how to spend West End development funds as the money should not be held longterm. Maybe it could be spent on streetscape. Treasurer's Report approved by Karen Bastas, seconded by Lorraine Forget. b. Special Events report presented by Karen Bastas. Fall festival still had good turnout regardless of weather. Sold 253 tickets for a sellout evening show. Broke even on event. Santa Parade,looking for volunteers, students and adults. Also looking for a button sales sponsor donation. $4,000 for bands. $10,000 needed to work with parade. Need lots of sponsors. Would be good if all businesses had a float in the parade. Jamie Burns has offered an antique taxi to be the Santa Float this year. The float committee has purchased a sleigh. Large sponsors are needed. Cheques payable to Municipality of Clarington for the Newcastle Santa Clause parade. Karen suggested doing_ an evening show for the Horticultural society as an extra fundraising event. 7. Safety and Decor committee is to look into getting new banners. Karen Bastas will check with Dwight Fraser where wreaths will come from for Remembrance Day. $. Advertising Committee report presented by Catherine Peterson. Ready to approach business outside of BIA for advertising on web site. Have 2 reports regarding web site hits. 1919 visits for the first month. 5032 for the second month with the biggest hits being on Apple Blossom Flowers and Home Hardware and the Fall Festival. In-depth reports regarding web-site are available from Catherine Peterson. Website Banner advertising available for $200 to BIA members or $400 for local (non-BIA) businesses. Website Side bar advertising available available for $150 to BIA members or $300 for local businesses. Banner and Sidebar ads are for one year, permitting seasonal changes (4x per year) and include a business listing on the.website. Business listings for BIA members are fee and for local businesses the cost is $100. 9. Horticultural Society: Gardens will be started next year. Preparing tender for fountain to be moved to the corner of Mill Street and King Avenue West. Still need to raise more money for the Heritage Garden project. Have received $123,400 Grant from the Trillium Foundation. $20,000 has-been raised from the community since April. No Board of Trade News. No Chamber news: Proposing to let Santa Breakfast and Easter Breakfast go as BIA has had no one step forward to run them and because they are an expense that is not seen to increase business in the downtown. Require co-coordinator for Fall Festival for 2012. Jane black has resigned as Secretary and we need to fill this position. Welcome to Dr. Krista Klawitter, B.Sc., D.C. of Newcastle Family Chiropractic Centre. Next meeting November 10'' at 9:30a.m. Meeting adjourned`10:50 am.