HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-10 Minutes Newcastle BIA Minutes Novemberl0, 2011 v-ATw.villa eofneweastle.ca Attendance: Valentine Lovekin, Karen Bastas, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Jeany Barrett,Jackie Foxall, Catherine Peterson, Krista Klawitter, Wendy Partner,Diana Stephenson, Debbie Miller, Joyce King 1. Attendance taken. 2. Meeting tailed to order at 9:30a.m. 3. October Minutes approved as amended by C.Peterson, Seconded by J.Foxall. 4. Business arising from Minutes: Wendy said that from Jan-Apr 2012 some Urban Planning students from Sir Sanford Fleming College will work on a streetscape concept plan for Newcastle. Hopefully they will be able to attend the January meeting to get parameters and ideas fiom the BIA. Then in April they will deliver a powerpoint presentation showing their vision and the BIA would have an option to take that presentation to Council. S. President's Report: Valentine suggested that motions required at BIA meetings be brought forward immediately following the Treasurer's report so that if anyone needs to leave early,the motions will have already been addressed. Everyone agreed. 6. Treasurers Report: Theresa reported the bank balance as $11,660 with all chgs written taken out. The Parade donations/sponsorships are with the Municipality and have not yet been deposited. Motions from the Floor: Karen moved that the BIA rent a 10x20 storage unit at Newcastle Storage for$60+HST per month. This will be for the sleigh just purchased for future parades and for event decorations etc as well as boxes of BIA records etc. Joyce seconded. A discussion ensued regarding whether the cost of storage should be allocated at least partially to events (especially parade). Also, who would look after ensuring unneeded items v>ere not accumulating.' Carried. It was decided that by the next meeting, all old wreaths that were stored in John Clark's basement be sold to BIA members who want them for $10 each. Any not sold by the next meeting will be advertised on the website for general sale. 7. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: Scouts will be wrapping the lightposts with cedar rope on Wed. Nov.16 Karen moved that the BIA donate $100 to the Scouts for thus. Wendy seconded. Carried. Theresa is to get quotes for new banners for next year. They are to include the wehcit- wreaths will be up before the parade on November 201`, Advertising: Catherine and Debbie canvassed 10 businesses on Toronto S / (beyond the BIA limits) and Mill Street with an Advertising Opportunity I 1� i �` website. Have already received two requests for business listings at $1001 business listings are free to BIA members and$100 to other local business C J)e c f� . on the website is still available for$200 to BIA members, $400 to other local businesses for one year with opportunity to change it seasonally (4 times). Sidebar advertising is still available for $150 to BIA members, $300 to other local businesses for one year. Email infonap,villageofnewcastle.ca for advertising opportunities. Special Events: The Santa Parade (Sunday November 20, 5:30pm staiting vtTith fireworks!) is looking for adult volunteers to help the night of the parade. There will be a meeting from 2:00- 2:30pm this Sunday,November 13'1' in the Lion's Room at the Community Hall to go over volunteer tasks,safety etc. Please come if you are interested. Also looking for student volunteers for the night of the parade to be in costume and participate in the parade, Volunteer .hours for school! Still looking for more donations, sponsors for parade. Sponsors will be listed in the program. Breakfast.with Santa is going to be on Saturday,November 26 and and needs volunteers from 7:30- 11:00arn. This will probably be our last Breakfast with Santa event as we are not planning one for.2012. Fall Festival Committee is looking for members. Joyce King has a contact that may join who has event experience. Diana Stephenson and Krista Klawitter have volunteered to be a part of the committee as well. Anyone else interested,please email karenlbastasgsymmpatico.ca . Karen will act as an advisor to the new committee and pass along her experiences from past years. S. CBOT—no report 9. Chamber—no report 10. CIP--no report 11. New Business' 3eany reported that the Horticultural Brunch was a great success with a profit of $5000. The Extravaganza evening event was also very successful and made$2000. The Horticultural Society's Annual Christmas Show&Pot Luck Dinner is Tuesday,November 15'11 at 6:30 pm at the Community Hall. All welcome. Membership is $10/year. Call Jeany at 905- 987-1746 for more info. 12. Next meeting December 8`h at 9:30a.m.. 13. Meeting Adjourned at 10:20am. Motion by Jackie, seconded by Krista. Carried.