HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-15 Minutes BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at Bella Donna's (coffee shop). Present: Gilpin, Patterson Members: Lucas, Holmes, Seaton, Barry, Mulder, Hooper, Johnston Absent: None The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized the following delegation: Angela Beez from CBS Group who was present to request photos of the Downtown for the website. She then announced that video on websites was the new venue. Several video sources were suggested. She concluded by outlining additional electronic features that are available for use on websites. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received from Municipality of Clarington, OBIAA, The Visual Arts Centre and Jessica & Jahn Graham. Moved by Barry, seconded by Seaton, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CA-MED" Page 2 f The Treasurer presented his report as follows: Current Account $ 18,535.65 GIC #1 00.00 GIC #2 5,005.58 Total $ 23,541.23 Moved by Seaton, seconded by Mulder, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper suggested that the snowflake lights in the Downtown should be removed because they are "wasting electricity". Patterson stated that they were scheduled to be removed at the end of February. Hooper then suggested that the Chair should attend the GP&A meeting on February 27, at 9:30 a. m. to point out to Council that if the anchors, like the banks, are allowed to leave the Downtown then the effect could be significant. The Chair noted his suggestion. Events: Mulder reported that the Events Committee has met once to begin planning the Maple Festival and All That Jazz event. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, at 7:30 p. m. Membership Relations: Barry reported that a new business has opened in the Downtown, T Zane Vibration, located on Silver Street. Streetscape: No repor=t. Communications: Holmes reported that the January Newsletter had, been delivered and that there was no negative feedback on the 2012 Proposed Budget. Page 3 Publications: Lucas reported that he had spoken to the Post Office staff regarding using Canada Post of deliver the Bowmanville Downtowners. The cost to mail the Downtowner is 15.9 cents per item, which all agreed was too expensive. Board of Trade: Barry enquired that if the Board of Trade decided to host a "Round Table" event, where a variety of different business owners could sit around a table to discuss common concerns, how many on the Board of Management would be interested in participating. About half of the members indicated their support. Website: No report. Under `BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting, Gilpin tabled the 2012 Proposed Budget. Moved by Barry, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Proposed Budget for the year 2012 (presented at the January meeting of the Board of Management and circulated through the monthly Newsletter to the membership) become the Approved Budget. "CARRIED" Next Mulder tabled a letter fiom some of the merchants in the Downtown, which questioned the Board's decision to leave King Street open to vehicle traffic on the evening of the Christmas Moonlight Magic event. The Board reviewed their decision and decided that they would try this arrangement at the 2012 Christmas event, and then review the effect it had at the January Board meeting in 2013. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Seaton reported that she had attended a meeting of Council at which a spokesperson for Clarington Marketing Minds asked the Municipality to hire a permanent staff member who would represent a conglomerate of all tourism related organizations in Clarington. Page 4 - Seaton then went on to ask if the Board had any interest in purchasing advertising space in the Curious Tourist Guide. The Chair reported that the Bowmanville BL4 had advertised in this paper previously and had not witnessed any positive results. Moved by Seaton, seconded by Barry, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 13, 2012 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m.