HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-17 Minutes NEWCASTLE BIA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MON.JAN.17, 2011 35 guests attended The Old Newcastle House at 6:30 p.m.for dinner. 1. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by the President. He thanked K.Adams for hosting the event and preparing dinner. 2. Dean Perrin brought greetings from the Chamber of Commerce. 3. Approval of 2010 meeting minutes: S.Lawrence Seconded:J.Foxall CARRIED 4. Approval of the Actions of the Board of Directors: E.Cameron Seconded:T.Vanhaverbeke CARRIED 5. President's Report:Valentine Lovekin thanked all the BIA Directors and his Secretary, E.MacDonald for their all work this past year. He recognized the great contributions of Gord Robinson as our councillor. 6. Treasurer's Report:J.Foxall reported on the past year. Total Income of$65,000(including west end funds and Town grants) Expenses:$56,750. Motion to accept: C.Peterson Seconded: B.Hennesey CARRIED 7. Budget for$25,000 was presented. Motion to accept:J.Foxall Seconded:J.Bugelli CARRIED Forthcoming west end funds will be used for street capital improvement, 5. Committee Reports: Safety& Decor: Flower baskets,Snow removal/salt,Watering flowers, Banners,Wreaths, Christmas garlands are duties of the committee. Advertising:Think Tank meetings will return in the spring.Working on a BIA website exclusive to the village merchants and links to all businesses. Full page ad in the Tourism Guide.Ad space for local businesses in the Village Voice available each month where BIA pays half the cost. Special Events: In 2011-Easter Bunny Breakfast,July 1"Event, Fall Festival-Evening Dinner with Shania Twain/Neil Diamond Impersonators,Santa Claus Parade, Breakfast with Santa.Some events downsized to make them cost effective. It was emphasized that these events only are successful when people volunteer to help. 9. Election of Directors:The BIA was created by a by-law from Clarington for an election of a Board of Management of 6 members from the business sector and one from Council. President:Valentine Lovekin, Vice President/Special Events: Karen Bastas,Treasurer:Jackie Foxall,Safety& Decor:T.Vanhaverbeke,Advertising: Deb Miller/Catherine Peterson Appointment of Secretary:Jane Black The Directors will be referred to Council for approval. Motion to close nominations:J.Bugelli Seconded: B.McCaw CARRIED List acclaimed by the President. 10. New Business:Jeany Barrett from the Horticultural Society reported that the Trillium Grant application for the Heritage Garden Project for the Town Hall has reached the second level. More funds will be raised in the business community to complete the entire project. Catherine Peterson reported there will be municipal space for a skateboard park.There has been an application for a Trillium grant. More volunteers are needed to help with this committee. 11. Through the year, BIA meetings will alternate between morning and evenings. The next meeting is Thurs. Feb.1&at 9:00 a.m. 12. Motion to Adjourn: G.Gallacher Seconded: L.Forget CARRIED