HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-11 Minutes BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 5:30 p. m. on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library, Present: Gilpin Members: Barry, Hooper, Lucas, Vella, Seaton, Holmes, Mulder Absent: None The meeting was called to order by the Secretary--Treasurer, Garth Gilpin, who acted as Interim Chairman for this inaugural meeting. Gilpin began by wishing all present a healthy and prosperous 2011 year. He then noted that there were no delegations present, and observed that seven members were currently present on the Board, leaving one more position to be filled. The owner of Bella Donna's, Donna Johnston, was suggested as a person who might be interested in filling this open position. . Johnston has since agreed to sit on the Board to fill this position. Moved by Barry, seconded by Lucas, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received. from CBS Group Inc., OBIAA, Rick and Barb Patterson, The Bo„vmanville Salvation Army, Santa Claus Parade Committee, James Printing & Signs, and the Municipality of Clarington. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED” Page 2 The Treasurer presented his Annual Report for 2010. A copy is attached to the Minutes. Moved by Lucas, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Next Gilpin presented a Proposed Budget for 2011, which showed a Net Budget total of 144,500 (a 2.85% increase). A copy of the Proposed Budget is attached to the Minutes. Moved by Lucas, seconded by Hooper, THAT that the Proposed Budget for 2011 be accepted as presented. "CARRIED" Moved by Barry, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Proposed Budget for 2011 be accepted as the 2011 Budget. "CARRIED" Next the Interim Chairman asked of nominations for the position of Chairman of the Board. There were no nominations and so Lucas was asked if he would take the position, to which he agreed. The Interim Chairman called for a vote and Lucas was acclaimed as Chairman of the Board of Management for the term 2011 to 2014. Next, the Directors were acclaimed in the following positions; Events, Janet Mulder; Membership Relations and Board of Trade Liaison, Justin Barry; Streetscape, Donna Johnston; Communications, Catherine Holmes; Publications, Margaret Seaton; and Website, Karen Vella. It was agreed that the position of Security Alert be discontinued. Under `BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting, Lucas reported that the painting of the Mulder Furniture store was finished and ready for Page 3 presentation. He will announce at a future Board meeting when and where this presentation will take place. Lucas then assumed the chair for the balance of the meeting. Under "NEW BUSINESS", the Chair acknowledged receipt of the letter of resignation from Rick and Barb Patterson and suggested that Peter Kooger and his wife, Sharlene, be made the Events Co-ordinators. Moved by Mulder, seconded by Holmes, THAT Peter Kooger, and his wife, Sharlene, be asked to become the new Events Co-ordinators, for an annual remuneration as outlined in the 2011 Budget. "CARRIED" Next Gilpin reported that Frank Cowles had resigned as one of the Events Facilitators and that Jim Snock had indicated an interest in assuming this position. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Board accept the resignation of Frank Cowles as one of the Events Facilitators, and offer the position to Jim Snock, "CARRIED" Gilpin then noted that since Kooger's former position as an Events Facilitator would not be filled this year, that there would now be only two facilitators. The Chair then asked for direction on the Bowmanville BIA becoming a member of the OBIAA for 2011, There was no support for becoming a member at this time, Next Hooper thanked Vella and Seaton, on behalf of the Board, for their efforts in making the "What a Girl Wants" evening, in November, a success. Page 4 He then reported that he had attended a Tourism and Marketing Minds meeting at which it was noted that the signage showing direction to the downtowns of Bowmanvnille, Newcastle and Orono was weak on the Regional Roads. Hooper concluded his report stating that Creamer is required to report to Council on the status of the parking in the downtown, and may recommend that the free two-hours on the off-street lots be discontinued. Gilpin said that he had spoken to Creamer about a hand-held device which can be used to record licence plate numbers and the time. Creamer said he would investigate the use of such a device and its cost. Next it was reported that the metering device in the 20 King Street East parking lot was repaired, but is again malfunctioning. Mulder volunteered to speak to Len Creamer and to Patti Barrie about this problem and to inquire as to what progress Creamer has made in researching the hand-held monitoring device. Moved by Seaton, seconded by Vella, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February S, 2011 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6.30 p. m. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE Financial Report for 2010 (Unaudited) and Budget Budget Actual Budget 2010 2010 2011 Administration $ 44,500 $ 44,559.27 $ 39,500.00 (1) Events 655000 6507.54 66,000.00 Special Promotion 63000 300.90 6,000.00 (2) Streetscape (net) 6,000 5,298.57 16,000.00 (3) Capital Works 12,000 10,964.69 9,000.00 (4) Contingency Fund 00 00.00 0.00 Publications 9.000 9,402.05 9,500.00 Website Maintenance 1,000 1,187.79 1,500.00 Totals $143,500 $1405790.81 $147,500.00 Less: Cash surplus 3,000 3,000.00 Net Budget $140,500 $144,500.00 (5) Cash on Hand: December 31, 2009 Cash on Hand: December 31, 2010 Petty Cash $ 200.00 Petty Cash $ 200.00 Current Account 2,988.15 Current Account 3,085.12 (6) Contingency Fund 5,000.00 Contingency Fund 5,000.00 Cash Surplus $ 8,188.15 Cash Surplus $ 8,285.12 (1) Decrease will result from hiring Peter Kooger and his wife, Sharlene, as the new Events Co-ordinators @ $15,000 (as recommended by Rick and Barb Patterson), and reducing the number of Events Facili- tators from 3 to 2--an overall saving of$5,000. (2) To fund promotion of the Downtown, NOT related to the regular special events. (3) To hire June Binnington for waste control @ $5,000 (net), purchase hanging flower baskets and flowers for the planters @ $4,500, and fund the watering of the flowers ct $6,500. (4) Decrease will result from not renewing the contract for the Christmas lighting with Classic Displays a $6,550 and the purchase of Christmas banners @ $3,500 instead. (5) Represents a 2.85% increase in the tax levy in 2011. (6) Includes interest earned in the'amount of$387.73.