HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-91REPOHT #91 PROPOSED SChEDULE OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES I was requested by resolution of the Planning Advisory Committee to prepare a draft schedule of development charges. I have invest- igated this matter by obtaining information on the charges being levied by the Region of Durham and the other local municipalities in the Region. My findings and recommendations are outlined below: 1. Inherited Situation: During 1973 the following standard lot levies were collected by the Town of Bowmanville for each unit in any subdivision appro- ved within the town limits. Single Family Dwelling $600 Semi- Detached or Duplex Dwelling X600 Town or Row House $600 Apartment - Bachelor $150 - 1 bedroom 300 9450 - 2 bedroom - 3 bedroom or more bedrooms $600 - Senior Citizen Unit $150 Bowmanville also collected a $250 severance fee for every lot in the town created by consent. None of the other municipalities now making up the Town of Newcastle charged any lot levies for lots either in subdivisions or created by consent. 2. Other Municipalities in Durham Region - 1973: The Regional Planning Department has done a survey of the levies charged by other municipalities in the Region for lots created by consent. These are listed below for the year 1973 for - 2 - 2. (continued.....) municipalities other than Oshawa and Whitby. Other munici- palities not listed charged no lot levies in 1973. i) Bowmanville Town $250 ii) East Whitby Twp, $500 iii) Pickering Twp. $12$0 iv) Port Perry Village $1200 v) Reach Twp. 6200 vi) Scott Twp. $250 vii) Uxbridge Twp. $500 3. Regional Development Charge: On July 24th, 19749 Regional Council adopted the following schedule of Development Charges; i) For Region Sewerage System one bedroom apartments $225 other residential units $450 ii) For Regional Water System one bedroom apartments $225 other residential units $450 iii) For Other Regional Works all residential units $300 These charges are collected for all developments which require approval of plans of subdivision severances, or rezoning. They are based on the increase in the number of units which could be built on the land after approval is given. There are no standard charges for non - residential development. 4. Other Municipalities in Durham Region Current Charges: According to the latest information available through the Land Division Committee, the following development charges are - 3 - 4. (continued......) currently in effect in the other municipalities in the Region; i) Ajax; Policy under formulation ii) Brock: Per lot created $500 iii) Oshawa: Per lot created $4000 (plus other charges to complicated for use in Newcastle) iv) Pickering: Lot Development Fee $1000 Public Purposes Levy $� 280 V) Scugog: .(Applies to development approvals by subdiv- ision, severance and rezoning) Bachelor and One Bedroom Dwellin Units - Rural 9150 - Semi Urban $350 - Urban $ 500 All Other Dwelling Units - Rural $300 - Semi Urban $700 - Urban $1000 vi) Uxbridge: Single Family Dwellings - Fully serviced $1000 Water only $ 800 Unserviced $ 600 Multiple Unit Dwelling - First Unit $1000 Additional Unit $ 500 vii) Whitby: Single Family Dwellings $2350 Semi- Detached Dwelling 1y2250 Link Housing $2250 Low Rise Apartments (more than 5 units & less than 4 storeys) $1500 4 4. (continued.......) vii) Whitby; High Rise Apartments (more than 5 units & more than 4 storeys) $1200 It should be noted than some municipalities base their charges on the provision of water and sewer services even though they are not responsible for those services. 5. Recommended Charges; After reviewing the Development Charges collected by the other Municipalities in the Region of Durham, and the Charges collec- ted by the Region itself, T am recommending the following general charges should to collected until such time as a more complete economic evaluation of the implications of development costs to the municipality can be made. Schedule of Development Charges Type of Development or Use; Residential Apartment - Bachelor - 1 Bedroom - 2 Bedroom - 3 Bedroom Senior Citizen Dwelling All Other Dwelling Unit $ 375 $ 750 $1125 or more $1500 Unit (OHC or other non profit) $375 S $1500 Agriculture or Parkland Excluding Farm Dwellings 0 Any Other Use $ 250 5 6. Application: I am recommending that i) the above development charges apply to all develop- ment or redevelopment, or use of land which requires a plan of subdivision, severance, or any change in zoning. ii) the above development charges apply in the case of residential development to the increase in the num- ber of dwelling units on the land which could result from any severance or change in zoning. iii) the town reserve the right to collect additional development charges for any particular development requiring its approval as deemed necessary, 7. Time of Payment: I am recommending that for ease of administration all devel- opment charges should be paid at the following times: i) in the case of a subdivision at the time of signature of the subdivision agreement ii) in the case of a severance, prior to certification of the deed iii) in the case of a change of zoning, prior to passage of the zoning amendment. 8, Parks Levy: In the past, the previous municipalities required developers to contribute 5% of land in subdivisions for parks purposes 6 8. Parks Levy (continued....): or cash-in-lieu thereof. Under the provisions of the Plan- ning Act, the municipality may require the contribution of land for parks, or cash -in -lieu, wherever development or redevelopment of land for residential purposes takes place. I would recommend that in future, wherever residential development or redevelopment takes place, the municipality collect 5% of the value of the land in lieu of parks in all cases except where the municipality has already accepted lands for parks purposes as a condition of subdivision, severance, rezoning, or site plan approval. The person dev- eloping the land should be required to pay the 5% parks levy at the time and place of issuance of a building permit. The value of the land to be used in calculation of the parks levy, except where otherwise determined by agreement, should be the current assessed value of the land as converted to market value by the Provincial Equalization Factor in effect at the time. In the case of a single family dwelling being constr- ucted on a lame parcel, the parks levy should be charged against a maximum of 2 acres, Thus a person building a house on 40 acres of land would not be required to pay the parks levy on the full 40 acres, but only on 2 acres which would be deemed to be developed for residential purposes. If Council wishes to collect a parks levy on all new residential development, rather than just in subdivisions, a by-law must be passed under Section 35b of the Planning Act. _ 7 _ I would recommend that the Town's solicitor be authorized to draw up a by -law in consultation with myself and the Building Inspector, who should collect the proposed parks levy at same time as he collects building permit fees. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director.