HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-97REPORT N0.97 REPORT ON SUBDIVISION APPLICATION - CHALLISTER INVESTMENTS: 1. Ministry of Housing File No. 18T -25149 2. Applicant - Challister Investments Limited 3. Location - Pt. Lot 7 and 89 Conc. 2, Former Township of Clarke 4. Proposed Use - Residential 5. Status of Official Plan - Draft 6. Conformity With Official Plan - No. The subject land is des- ignated as'Rural" except for lots 1, 32, 33 and 34 of Part A and Lots 11 29 299 307 317 329 33 and 34 of Part B which are dds- ignated "Hamlet ". In hamlets the minimum lot size where there is no municipal water supply system is 22,000 sq. ft. Only 2 lots of the proposed meet that standard and neither of these are in the "Hamlet" area. 7. Status of Zoning By -laws: Approved. By -law No. 1653 8. Conformity with Zoning By -laws - The proposal does not conform - the subject lands south of Street C in Part A and are zoned Rural Residential. The rest of the plan is zoned Agriculture. The minimum lot sizes are 1 acre and 40 acres respectively. The lot sizes proposed are well below those requirements. 9. By -law Provisions - (1) Permitted uses - Parts A & B•single family dwellings and other uses not relevant to this applic- ation. (2) Minimum Frontage - RR 150 ft. A 330 ft. (3) Minimum Area - RR 1 acre A 40 acres (4) Minimum side yard - 25 ft. 10 Tax Arrears - None 11. Site Characteristics - (1) Slope and topography - Part A from west to east, rela- tively flat. Part B in excess of 6% slope upward from west to east. (2) Drainage - Part A good. Part B good under natural veg- etation. An engineers report would be required before approval of development. 2 - 11. (continued......) (3) Soil - Sandy loam. (4) Vegetation - Part corn field. Part B corn field and grass. (5) Existing uses and buildings - cultivated farmland and pasture, no buildings. 12. Proposed services - Piped water. 13. Municipal Services Required (not proposed by applicant)- This would have to be according to standard subdivision agreement now being drafted by our consultants. 14. Resume of Significant Agency Comments Received to Date - (a) Durham Health Unit - requires soil report by qualified engineer prior to approval of development on septic tanks. (b) Ministry of the Environment - requires that design of the proposed water system receive Ministry approval and be turned over to Municipal authorities on completion. They also caution that the extent of septic tank development could create future waste desposal problems. (c) Ministry of Transportation and Communications - requires land dedication for widening of Hwy. 2 and requires 1 ft. reserve along frontage except for proposed entrance. (d) Official Plans Section - Ministry of Housing - advise that only a small portion of the subdivision conforms with the present draft Official Plan. 15. Recommended Modifications - No precise modifications can be recommended until a plan for the development of the entire hamlet has been produced, however, the following problems should be rectified. 1. Street A has an excessive length for a cul -de -sac which should have a maximum length of 350 feet. 2. Part B has only one entrance which is insufficient and is poorly located with respect to visibility on Hwy. 2. 3. The existing streets leading to Street B would have to be substantially improved, perhaps including land acquisition to bring them up to 66 ft. in width. 3 16. Summary and Recommendations - The Hamlet of Newtonville is curr- ently under considerable pressure for development due to its proximily to Highway 401. As the construction of the nearby Wesleyville Generating Station gets underway, that pressure will increase. I think that the Town should be ready to meet that pressure with a comprehensive plan for the development of the community. Studies have been undertaken by the former Clarke Township to provide a water system in Newtonville. However, the recommended system did not serve all lands which might be developed, and it would have cost present homeowners approximately $3000 each exclusive of debt charges. This could have been reduced slightly by commercial properties hooking up. No studies have been done of the need for storm drainage which would be generated by new development, nor has it been ascertained what amount of development could be carried out without getting into a need for a municipal sewage system in Newtonville. The residents of Newtonville are already facing possible increased taxes to pay for improved street lighting, and they will obviously want to have input into any plan for the development of the community, if for no ther reason than its potential financial impact on them personally. They presum- ably will also not want to see the community totally lose its character as a rural hamlet. I WOULD RECOMMEND THAT ......... a) all subdivisions in Newtonville be considered prem- ature until a comprehensive secondary plan for the hamlet has been prepared and the Ministry of Housing be so advised. b) that money be set aside for preparation of such a plan in the Planning Department budget for 1975. c) that the Region be asked to participate in a joint water, sewerage, and storm drainage study of Newtonville to parallel the above planning study. d) that a joint steering committee to include local resi- dents be set up to supervise the planning study. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director. REPORT NO.98 INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN - REVISIONS TO TEXT: Over the past three months, the Committee have been reviewing the text of the Interim District Plan and during the course of that review, a number of changes were suggested to our consultants. Mr. Barber has now summarized all of these proposed changes into a single document which is attached and should be read alongside the original blue book. These changes are being submitted for final approval by the Committee for incorporation into the plan to be recommended to Council. I am currently reviewing the proposed changes and will have some further comments to make on the revisions at the time of their consideration. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director. 4