HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-11 Minutes NEWCASTLE BIA MINUTES THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2010. 9:00 a.m. ATTENDING:V.LOVEKIN, K.BASTAS,J.FOXALL, G.LEWIS,J.CLAPPERTON, C.PETERSON, TMANHAVERBEKE, S.LAWRENCE,J.BLACK 1. Call to Order 2. Minutes from the meeting. Motion to Accept: S.Lawrence, Seconded: G.Lewis CARRIED Leh 3. Business Arising from the Minutes: Rebate of$3937.50 for hydro for street posts approved. 4. President's Report: Waiting for the levy funds to arrive to pay all Invoices. 5.Treasurer's Report: Outstanding invoices will be paid to Fall Festival, parade and Massey House when funding arrives. Motion to accept:T.Vanhaverbeke,Seconded:J. Clapperton CARRIED 6.Committees: Urban Planning: Motion to accept Rekker's quote for baskets: T.Vanhaverbeke Seconded: S.Lawrence.CARRIED The hanging baskets this year will be $36 for a variety of flowers by Rekker's. Jackie will inquire about the charge for hanging them. Amos will continue to water them. Troy Foster will be paid for the snow plowing. Banners go up when the wreaths comedown to save an extra charge. Advertising: Gina will continue as chair but will need assistance. Motion to advertise Newcastle on CBOT site under new video for Clarington:J.Clapperton, Seconded: G.Lewls CARRIED Special Events: Easter Breakfast: Sat. Apr. 3 at Town Hall 8-11 a.m. June 26th Evnts is being planned. More report at the next meeting. 7. Chamber News: HST Seminar: Mon. March 29«' 5:30-7:30 p.m. 8. CBOT: Steve explained the new video being developed to promote Clarington. 9. New Business: Farmer's Market Rep.Judy Clapperton volunteered. Investigating signage on the highway entrance to Newcastle, Motion: J. Clapperton, Seconded: J.FoxaiL "MTO recognize the unique identity of each community in Clarington along the 401 and each should be entitled to place their own gateway signage subject to compliance with design criteria." CARRIED Also, we will investigate service signs entering the village. Sign bylaws are available to view from the Town. } For using the Historical Room on any other dates, we contact Bev Jeeves from the Society. Motion: G.Lewls Seconded. S.Lawrence: The BIA send a letter to Council opposing the implementation of a small business registry. CARRIED 10. Motion to Adjourn: C. Peterson Seconded: S.Lawrence CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. The next meeting will be Thursday, April 8th at 9:00 a.m.