HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-08 Minutes BIA MINUTES APRIL S, 2010 Attendance:V.LOVEKIN, K.BASTAS,J.FOXALL, G.ROBINSON, G.LEWIS, D. HICKSON, C.PETERSON, E.VELA, M.HENDRICKX,J.BLACK Regrets: S.LAWRENCE,J.KIMBALL, T.VANHAVERBEKE,J.CLAPPERTON 1. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Business arising from the April minutes: Investigations for signage for the village and home-based businesses are being done. 3. Motion to approve April minutes: E.Vela Seconded:J. Foxall CARRIED 4. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $21,714.09 The levy cheque was received on April 6th. Outstanding invoices have been paid. Motion to accept report: D.Hickson Seconded:J. Black CARRIED 5. Committee Reports: Urban Planning:J. Clapperton sent a committee report about "branding" Newcastle and creating a "tag line".This would be a joint effort with the Chamber. Motion to approve up to $750 for advertising/promotionHmarketing the branding of Newcastle from Advertising budget: G.Lewis Seconded: D.Hickson. CARRIED Special Events: Easter was successful but not as many attended as last year, The profit from the raffle of bikes will go to the Food Bank. Canada: Past& Present on June 26th will feature activities all day beginning at the Library and culminating in Fireworks at the Rec. Centre. More detailed plans to follow next month. Businesses will be encouraged to decorate for Canada Day with window and store displays and specials as well as advertise the event for the town. Santa Claus Parade:_Mark gave the report. He will get sponsor replacement cheques not cashed. BIA needs a detailed record of button money and all funds given plus invoices. BIA needs to see the budget for the 2010 parade at the next meeting.There will be a parade committee formed to plan the next parade to address fundraising, advertising and a treasurer plus the status of the grant. There is to be a detailed report at the next BIA business meeting on May 13th. 6. Chamber News:The HST meeting was successful with 38 attending. Next networking is Mon. April 29th at St. George's Church at 5:30 p.m. 7. Councillor Robinson:Signage was discussed. All bylaws should be enforced equally. Gard will meet with Planning Dept. and have a report for next meeting. 8. Farmer's Market: Opens in May. 9. Motion to adjourn: C.Peterson Seconded:J. Foxall CARRIED 10. Next Meeting:Thursday, May 13th at 9:00 a.m.