HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-13 Minutes BIA Minutes May 2010 �- Attendance: G.ROBINSON, K.BASTAS,J,FOXALL, EMESA,J.CiAPPERTON,T.VANHAVERBEKE,C.PETERSON, D.MILLER,C.SUMMERS,J.BLACK Regrets:V.LOVEKIN 1. Call to Order at 9:05 a.m. 2. Business Arising from the April Meeting:Still awaiting a full report on the Santa Claus Parade. If the BIA is sponsoring, a committee has to be formed with a Treasurer. 3. Approval of the April Minutes: Motion: C.Peterson Seconded: E.Vesa CARRIED 4. Treasurer's Report: Balance:$24,648.80 Still to pay for permits for f=ireworks and Hot Air Balloon for June 26tH Approval: Motion:J.Clapperton Seconded:T.Vanhaverbeke CARRIED 5. Committee Reports: Urban Plan nin : Fertilized flower baskets to arrive soon. Rekker's will hang them. Motion:T.Vanhaverbeke Seconded: K.Bastas: Amos Langley be paid $250 for June,July, August and September for watering the baskets. CARRIED Banners and flags are ripping.Theresa will contact the company for repairs. There have been incidents of vandalism on the street. Pots were broken at Benjamin Moore and Village f=lowers.Some flowers have disappeared outside businesses.Cigarette butts are on the street. Report any damages to police. Town Engineering will be invited to present the plans for the streetscape. Investigating permanent signs at the 4 gateways to our town. Sign bylaw in place but some not following it in the Municipality. Special Events: Canada Past and Present June 26tH. Poster s/flyers will be available. Businesses are asked to decorate store and run a special for the day. Many fantastic events are planned throughout the day culminating in fireworks at the Rec.Centre at dusk.Volunteers are needed . Contact Karen or Jane if you can help in any way. Final report at the next meeting. Greek Night:Sun.June 6tH at Town Hall. 6. Farmer's Market: Every Sunday. Cost is$50. If you would like to sponsor a week-contact us or Gord Lee. 7. Chamber News:Annual Trade Show:Thursday,June 3rd 6-9 p.m. 8. Next Meeting:Thursday,June 10th at 9:00 a.m. in Historical Room in Town Hall. 9. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.