HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-09 Minutes 4 No NEWCASTLE BIA MINUTES SEPT. 9, 2010 ATTEN DANCE:V.LOVEKI N,K.BASTAS,J.FOXALL,S.LAWRENCE,D.PERRINC.PETERSON Y.&F.MAITLAND,E.VESA,J.CLARK,C.SUMMERS,J.BLACK REGRETS:G.ROBINSON,D.MILLER,J.CLAPPERTON,T.VAN HAVE RBEKE,G.LEWIS 1. Call to order at 9:05 a.m. They recognized the recent passing of community and business'member, Mark Hendrikx. 2. Motion to approve July Minutes: S.Lawrence Seconded: J.BLACK CARRIED 3. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $12,764.49 Outstanding cheques for $1000. Motion to accept report: C.Peterson Seconded: D.Perrin CARRIED 4. Committee Reports: Urban Planning: Amos will be paid for watering all the plants for the summer season. The cost of wreath maintenance will be investigated. Advertising: The Think Tank meetings are discussing further ways to advertise and use the Chamber website. Any business may advertise on a full page of the Village Voice in the Did You Know section and pay just half the cost. Special Events: The Fall Festival is planned for Oct. 2"d with a 3 day Midway and in the evening --dinner with Elvis impersonator show. $35 pp. The morning will start with the Running Maniacs from the Rec.Centre and the Lions Dog Walk from the gazebo. Cat World Show at noon and many activities throughout the day. Thanks to Karen Bastas, Gord Robinson and committee for all their tremendous organization of this event. Santa Claus Parade: Martha Hendrikx has tendered her resignation from the parade. Motion to accept her resignation: S.Lawrence Seconded: K.Bastas CARRIED Motion to appoint K.Bastas as Treasurer of the Santa Claus Parade: C. Peterson Seconded: J. Black CARRIED A committee will run the parade and approach Martha for all the pertinent information. The BIA recognizes the creation, contribution and dedication of the Hendrikx family to the Santa Claus parade. A letter will be sent by the BIA President to the family. A letter will be sent to Joan Kimball thanking her for her 15 years in the community as a business owner. S.Chamber News: Fall welcome letter on the website. Next networking is on Mon. Sept. 26`x' at St. Georges Church at 5:30 p.m. 6.CBOT: They are working on promoting Clarington and branding our community. There will be an upcoming Manufacturers Forum. 7.New Business: Chili cookoff in Orono: Sat. Sept. 25h. S.Next Meeting: Thursday, Oct.14th at 6:15 p.m. 9. Motion to Ajourn: J.Foxall Seconded: S.Lawrence CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.