HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-09 Minutes Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 in Committee 1?ootn 1 C in the B owmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, (Len) Creamer Members: Lucas, Barry, Hooper, Holmes, Vella, Seaton Absent: Allin, Patterson, Pedder The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized the following delegation: Len Creamer, the Municipality of Clarington's Chief Bylaw Enforcement Officer, who said he was present to respond to the letter from the Board concerning the flaw in the program in the parking lot meters, which permitted all-day parking for only $1.05. He stated that it was hard to determine which cars were in violation of the two hours free parking. Further he reported that the parking lots were operating at only 25% of potential revenue and, as a result, the cost of operating the Bylaw Office was being funded from regular revenue, and no surplus was being created for the purchase of future parking lots. Next he reported that the meters in the parking lots were being recalibrated. To solve the revenue short-fall problem he said that he would be recommending to Council that the two hours free parking be eliminated and that the rate be set at $.50 per hour. He concluded his report by stating that, effective January 2011, that parking fines would be increased. The Chairman thanked Creamer for his report and stated that they would review his recommendations under "New. Business". Moved by Barry, seconded by Hooper, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. Page 2 Correspondence was received from Travel Tourism Office, Classic Displays, Municipal Treasurer, and The Visual Arts Centre. Moved by Barry, seconded by Vella, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CA.RRUED" The Treasurer presented his Interim Financial Report dated November 9, 2010. A copy is attached to the Minutes. Moved by Holmes, seconded by Barry, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that the Royal Bank is relocating out of the downtown core. A meeting is scheduled between the Board and the Royal Bank. Events: Lucas reported that the planning for Christmas is going well. Seaton stated that Ladies Night would take place on Thursday, November 18 from 5 until 10 p. m. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: Gilpin reported for Pedder that Binnington would continue doing street cleaning until the Santa Claus Parade, Communications: No report. Publications: Seaton stated that she had supplied some product pictures for the Christmas issue of the Bowmanville Downtowner. Board of Trade: No report. Security/Alert: No report. Page 3 Website: Gilpin reported that Becz would be attending the February meeting. Under `BUSINESS ARISING' from the previous meeting, Lucas reported that Janet Lange had completed the painting for Mr. Mulder, and that arrangements would be made for its presentation. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Gilpin reported that Holmes would be substituting for Patterson for the near future. Seaton and Vella described their plans for the up-coming Ladies Night. Moved by Vella, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Board grant $1,000 towards the cost of the Ladies Night, to be held on Thursday,November 18, 2010. "CARIRMD" The Board reviewed Creamer's recommendation regarding the cancelling of the two hours flee parking on the off-street lots, and making the charge $.50 per hour. They then endorsed his proposal as, currently under the existing system, there is often little or no parking space for downtown shoppers. Next Gilpin explained that, because there is a newly elected Council, the Board will be required to be re-appointed. He then asked who planned to continue on the Board and six of the members confirmed. As a result, this will leave two positions open to be filled from the membership at large. Anyone interested in sitting on the Board should contact Garth Gilpin,_the Secreta -Treasurer at 905-623-2997. Moved by Seaton, seconded by Holmes, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 11, 2011 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. Historic Downtown Bowmnnvillo Financial Report January 1 to November 9, 2010 Totals $143,500.00 Less: . Surplus 3,000.00 Net Budget $140,500.00 $121,665.24 (1) Estimated rebate from Municipality $4,600 ( $1,400) On hand: Current Account $119823.00 MM #1 10,000.00 MM #2 (Contingency) 5,000.00 $26,823.00 Budget Actual 2010 to Date Administration $44,500.00 $44,465.67 Events , 659000.00 53,597.15 Special Promotion 6;000.00 31,680.90 Streetscape 6,000.00 85,209.26 (1) Capital Works 1200.00 45410.69 Contingency Fund 00.00 00.00 Publications 9,000.00 6,113,78 Website Maintenance 1,000._00 . 1,187.79 Totals $143,500.00 Less: . Surplus 3,000.00 Net Budget $140,500.00 $121,665.24 (1) Estimated rebate from Municipality $4,600 ( $1,400) On hand: Current Account $119823.00 MM #1 10,000.00 MM #2 (Contingency) 5,000.00 $26,823.00