HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-10 Minutes BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLB BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 P. M. on Tuesday, February .10, 2009 in ConuWttee Room 1-C at the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, Vanschepen (Gerard) Members: Lucas, Barry, Seaton; Hooper, Vella, Patterson,Allin Absent: nil The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized Gerard Vanschepen from Trillium Marketing Inc. who was present at the request of the Board to discuss the incorporation his'newspaper with the Bowmanville Downtowner. He began by saying how pleased he was that the Board was prepared to entrust the Downtowner to him, but went on to outline several reasons why he could not accept the proposal. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CA.I�RIED" Correspondence was received from TABIA, Municipality of Clarington, and Clarington Tourism. Moved by Allin, seconded by Barry, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED" Page 2 The Treasurer presented his report as follows: Current Account $ 8,478.72 GIC #1 20,000.00 GIC #2 53022.78 Total $ 33,501.50 Moved by Allin, seconded by Hooper, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Next the Treasurer reviewed the Proposed Budget for 2009. Discussion followed which resulted in further changes. The Budget for 2009, with revisions, which is attached to these Minutes, was then, Moved by Allin, seconded by Seaton, THAT the revised Proposed Budget for 2009 be approved. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that Mansood, on behalf of Royal LePage Frank (Newcastle, Ontario), be allowed to include photographs of Downtown Bowmanville events, in its newletters. Moved by Seaton, seconded by Allin, THAI' Mansood be permitted to use photos of events in Downtown Bowmanville in its newsletters. "CARRIED" Events: No report. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: No report. I , f ti..3 Page 3 Communications: Patterson suggested that any business owner in the downtown who witnesses someone putting up flyers in the Historic Downtown should indicate to that person that it is not allowed. Publications, No report, Board of Trade: No report. Security/Alert: No report. Under "BUSINESS ARISING" from the'previous meeting, Gilpin reported that he had not received the promised telephone call fi-om Fred Horvath with a quote on the cost of the 'Municipality watering the flowers in the Downtown. Hooper stated that he would speak to Horvath about this matter. Vella reported that she was pursuing the matter of acquiring the personal telephone numbers of business owners in the Downtown, so that they could be called in an emergency during non-business hours. It was noted that Neil Pedder of Peek's Mens' Wear was not present at the meeting. Gilpin reported that he had given him a copy of the January Minutes and Notice of Meeting for February. Lucas indicated that he would look into the circumstances. Under "NEW BUSINESS", the problem of finding someone to"water the plants in the Downtown at an affordable cost was discussed at length. It was decided that a letter be sent to Council requesting that Lucas be placed on Council's Agenda for their March 2, 2009 meeting. At this time he will report to Council that, while the Board has the funds to purchase the flowers, it does not have the money to have them watered on a regular basis, anti, therefore, will not be putting hanging flower baskets or planters in the Downtown this year. This has not been a problem in the past, as Rekker Gardens has watered the flowers in the downtown on a regular basis for the past 23'years, at no. charge to the Bowmanville BIA. Next Gilpin tabled the invoice for membership in the OBIAA for 2009. Page d Moved by Vella, seconded by Allin, THAT the Bowmanville BIA renew its annual membership in the OBIAA for 2009, at a cost of$150.00. "CARRIED" Moved by Seaton, seconded by Allin, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 2009 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m.. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN E3../Y f M`/ NVILLi.. Financial Report for 2008 (Unaudited)and Budget Budget Actual Approved Budget 2008 2008 2009 Administration $ 40,000 $ 38,405.76 $ 41,500,00 Events 76,500 69,027.87 69,000,00 Special Promotion 2,000 1,891.00 2,000.00 Streetseape (net) 9,000 8,328.88 9,000.00 Capital Works 15,000 17,853.15 151000,00 Contingency Fund 00 00,00 0.00 Publications 9.000 9,220.00 95,000.00 Website Maintenance 2,000 999.48 1,000.00 . Totals $160,000 $151.726.17 $1465500.00 Less: Cash surplus _26,000 10,000.00 Net Budget $134,000 $136,500.00 (1) (1) This amount represents an increase of 1.8% in the Bowmanville B1A budget for year 2009.