HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-09 Minutes •4 f.5 t I BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p, m, on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 in Committee Room 1-C at the Bowmanville Library, Present: Gilpin, (Shelia)Hall), CBT Members: Lucas, Hooper, Pedder, Barry, Seaton Absent, Patterson,Vella,Allin The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized the following delegation: Shelia Hall from the Clarington Board of Trade who spoke about the "Shop Local" program in 2008-2009. She reported that they had received good feedback from the survey, which indicated that more radio and TV should be used. The problem is-that to use such media would increase the fee to the businesses and that is not popular at this time, As a result, the Board of Trade will be taking a break from the program for the time being, She concluded her presentation by indicating the Board's willingness to share the"Shop Local" logo with the Bowmanville BIA, Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated, "CARRIED" Correspondence was received from Collis and Reed Research, and the Municipality of Clarington., Moved by Barry, seconded by Seaton, THAT the correspondence be received and filed, "CARRIED"• A'� Page 2 The Treasurer presented his report as follows: Current Account $ 2,942.12 Money Market Fund #1 15,006.92 Money Market Fund #2 5,000.00 Total $ 22,949.04 Moved by Pedder, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: No report, Events: No report, Membership Relations: Barry reported that two new businesses had opened in the downtown: Paisley's and Village Candy Shop. Streetscape: No report. Communications: Gilpin reported for Patterson that the Faster Egg Hunt posters will be distributed the week of March 15. Publications: No report. Board of Trade: Parry reported that the manager and the assistant manager of tho new tWalMart had attended the recent meeting of the Board of`frade, ,Security/Alert: It was reported that the .After Hours Telephone List is still a work in progress. Website: Pedder repotted that he had sent Beez information about the coming events in the Downtown with a brief description of each. i I Page 3 Under "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting, Gilpin reported that.he had sent Council a letter requesting-funds from the Escrow Account for the purpose of funding the marketing surveys which were approved at the Februaty meeting. Hooper reported that-the request had been approved by council, Under "NEW BUSINESS", Gilpin was directed to contact Collis and Reed Research once confirmation from the Munieipality was received. Barry reported that the plans to refurbish Darlington Nuclear under the Province of Ontario's "New Build"was not proccediug at this time Moved by Seaton, seconded by Barry, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,April 13, 20I0 in Committee Room I-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m. it ' it