HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-11 Minutes BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOW MANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meting of the Board of Management-hold at 6:30 p. in. on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 in Committee boom 1-C at the Bowmanville Library. Present:, Gilpin, Dodd(Jo Ann, Watershed magazine) Members. Lucas, Hooper,Barry, Seaton, Pedder, Patterson Absent: Allin, Vella, The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized the following delegation: ;:.. Jo Ann Dodd from Watershed magazine made a presentation in which she circulated copies of recent issues and stated that this publication had an up- scale audience which would benefit merchant advertisers from Downtown Bowrnanville. The readers are age 35+ and the magazine has a circulation of 25,000, with an audience of 125,000. Further it has a 4Y2 readership per issue, it has been published for the past•, eight years and has a shelf life of four months. The cost to advertise for a full page is $2,500, Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. SCLARFIEDN Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Clarington and an email from CBS Group. Moved by Barry, seconded by Pedder, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. `SCARRIED" i Page 2 The Treasurer presented his report as Follows: CurrentA.ccount $ 1,232.66 Money Market Fund #1 5,000.00 Money Market Fund #2 95,025.55 Total $101.258.21 Moved by Patterson, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "C PRIED" Reports: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that one of'the mayorality candidates has questioned the Board's policy about campaigning in the downtown during : the Festivals. (See"New Business") Events: No report. Membership Relations: Barry reported that Douglas Barber, Lawyer, and 1PC Investments have re-located. Streetscape: Pedder reported that June Binnington started cleaning in the Downtown on Monday, May 3. Communications: Patterson reported that the Fabulous Fifties Festival posters would be distributed in the Downtown during the first week in June and that the out-of-town ones would be delivered on Tuesday, Juno 8. Publications: No report. Board of Trade: Barry stated that it was reported at the B of T meeting held to-day, that the larger (inns report that their business is starting to pick up. !V\ F E I f Page 3 Security/Alert: Lucas reported for Vella that the After Hours Call List is complete'and that the Shoplifting Call List: had been up-dated. Gilpin asked Patterson to arrange for the After Hours list to be photocopied and the Shoplifting Call list to be printed---both to be circulated as soon as possible. Website: Pedder reported that the Website map had been up-dated and that CBS Group was awaiting the up-dated new photos of the businesses in the Downtown. Gilpin reported that there was no "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting, Under{* "NEW BUSINESS", Gilpin reviewed the history behind the Bowmanville BIA's policy regarding candidates campaigning in Downtown Bowmanville during the festivals. The policy- which was shuck in 1993 at that year's Apple Festival and Craft Sale is "That a candidate, and a limited number of his/her supporters, may walk along King Street from George ,tom Street to Scugog Road, through the crowds gathered, speaking to potential 0 voters; and then return to. George Street along the same route, once only during the event.". The Board was then made aware of a current candidate's disability which made it impossible for that candidate to walk that distance. The Board then directed that the candidate should avail himself/herself of a conveyance with which to travel the distance and back. The Board further stated that no candidate is to be permitted to set up a table within the designated area during the hours of the festival, unless he or she has rented a store front, in which case a table may be located on the sidewalk in front of that site. By statute, the mandate- of a Business Improvement Axea is restricted to the promotion of the BUSfNESSES located in the designated area; as set fbi th in the local municipal by-law. Gilpin read from a letter received from Faye Langiriaid, Manager of Special Projects, Municipality of Clarington, in which she outlined the purpose of the Bowmanvillc Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Liaison Group and rcqucsted that a member of the Board of Management sit as a member, It was agreed that Pedder would be the Bowmanville BIA's representative to the Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Liaison Group and that, if