HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-13 Minutes J BOARD OF* MANAGEMENT BOWMIANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6;30 p. rn,, on Tuesday, Jan:tiary 13, 2009 in Committee Room I-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin Members: Lucas, Seaton,Hooper,Barry, Vella, Patterson,Allin Absent: The meeting was called to order; by the Chairman, who began by wishing the Board members a Happy and Prosperous New -Year, and then recognized that there were no delegations present. Moved by Barry, seconded by Allin, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated, "CARRIED" Correspondence was received fzom Langley Utilities Contracting, KX96, Municipality of Clarington, CBS Group Inc. and the Bowmanville Zoo. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CAMRIED" The Treasurer resented his report for 200 which is attached to these P p E � Minutes), Moved by Seaton, seconded by Patterson THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" r. Page 2 `. He then proposed a Budget for 2009 showing a zero increase from 2008 (which is attached to these Minutes). Moved by Hooper, seconded by Patterson, THAT the Budget for 2009 be unchanged from the total of$134,000 (as approved in 2008). "LOST" Moved by Allin, seconded by Patterson, THAT the Budget for 2009 be-increased to a total of $139,000, with the increase and any other identified savings in the Budget to be used to cover the cost required to pay for the watering of the hanging flower baskets in the Downtown in 2009. "CARR�IJD" Reports: { Council Liaison Hooper confirmed that Horvath had stated that the cost of the watering of the flowers in the Downtown would not be borne by the Municipality. He fiirther noted that in Peterborough that the municipality pays for the flowers and the Peterborough BIA pays for the watering. He went on to state that the Municipality is currently negotiating a new contract for garbage pick-up. Events: Allin reported that the Events Committee had had it first meeting of the new year, when it reviewed the initiatives of Christmas 2008, and Began its planning for 2009. Membership Relations: Bari°y repoiled that Soper Creek Wool had opened a store in the Downtown. Streetscape: Gilpin reported that Rose Turner had resigned from the Board. Communications: No report. Page 3 Publications: Seaton stated that since she no longer had a portfolio because of changes in the publishing of future issues of the Bowmanville Downtowner, that she had no report. Board of 'Trade; Barry reported that it was announced at the most recent Board of Trade meeting that Clarington is one of the best places in Canada to do business, Security/Alert: -Vella reported that business owners were reluctant to provide their personal home telephone numbers to receive telephone calls after hours, if there was an emergency situation in their business. It was agreed.that this information would be available only to other store owners. The Board agreed to ask business owners to co-operate in this matter, for their own benefit, Under "NEW BUSINESS", Seaton reported that she had had marry inquiries fi•om out-of:town cbstomers, who saw the adveztisenients in the Toronto Star, over the past year. Unfortunately there is no money available in the 2009 Budget to continue this initiative. Discussion took place on the assuming of the publishing of the Bowmanville Downtowner by Trillium Marketing Ltd. with the understanding that the unique_components of the Downtowner would be incorporated into the new publication. The details will be discussed with the publisher at the next Board meeting. Next it was decided that Neal Peek would be invited to join the Board as Chairman of Streetscape. Gilpin tabled a Quote from Langley Utilities Contracting in the amount of $787.50 to repair and clean the cross-street banners. Moved by Barry, seconded by Vella, THAT this work be approved p roved for the rice stated. "CARRIED" Page d ti Moved by Seaton, seconded by Vella, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. `iCAIMED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Eebruaq 10, 2009 hi Committee Room 1-C at 6:30 p. m. in the Bowmanville Library. I HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BOWMANV►LLB Financial Report for 2008 (Unaudited)and Budget Budget Actual Proposed Budget 2008 2008 2009 Administration $ 40,000 $ 38,405.76 $ 431000.00 Events 76,500 69,027.87 69,000.00 Special Promotion 2,000 1,891.00 2,000.00 Special Advertising 6,500 6,000.03 00.00 Streetscape (net) 9,000 8,328.58 9,000.00 (2) Capital Works 15,000 17,853.15 15,000.00 Contingency Fund 00 00.00 0.00 Publications 9:000 9,220.00 9,000.00 Website Maintenance 2,000 999.48 11000.00 Totals $160,000 $151.726.17 $148,000.00 Less: Cash surplus _ 26,000 10 000.00 Net Budget $134,000 $138,000.00 (3) F: On hand, December 31, 2007; On hand December 31,2008; Petty Cash $ 200.00 Petty Cash $ 200.00 Current Account 11,254.59 Current Account 10,150.93 CIC 14,834.04 G1C 00.00 Contingency Fund 5,103.56 Contingency Fund T5,000.00 Total $31,292.19 Total $ 15,350.93 (1) (1) Includes interest earned in the amount of$1,607.68 (2) Does not include provision for watering plants (3)A4.0% increase would mount to $5,360 for a total of$139,360. f f