HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-07 Minutes NEWCASTLE BIA MINUTES THURSDAY, FEB.7, 2008. 'own Hall Historical Room ATTENDING: J. ALBI, K.BASTAS, J.BLACK, J.CLAPPERTON, P.DOKTER, L.FORGET,T.FITZGERALD, D.HICKSON, G.LEWIS, B.METCALF, G.ROBINSON,V.RUPA REGRETS: J.KIMBALL, S.LAWRENCE,V.LOVEKIN 1. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair, Karen Bastas at 9:45 a.m. 2. Motion to approve the minutes from the Dec.meeting: B.Metcalf Seconded: T.Fitzgerald CARRIED 3. Correspondence: Financial audit papers from the Town, due by Feb. 29,2008. Letter from OBIAA regarding membership: tabled to next meeting. 4. Financial Report: Treasurer: B.Metcalf Balance: $3952.05 Motion to pay$395.32 for Moonlight Madness advertising: B. Metcalf Seconded: J.Albi CARRIED by majority. In future, no invoices will be paid without prior approval by the BIA. Action Plans affecting the budget should be submitted at least 3 months in advance. Motion to accept Treasure's Report: B.Metcalf Seconded:J. AN CARRIED 5.President's Report: V. Lovekin was absent but he sent news of the West End Development funds. A letter has been sent to the Town to decide the allocation of funds with Orono. Our decisions has always been a 70130 allocation. Orono was not in agreement,thus the Town is to decide now. Committee Reports: Urban Planning: no report Marketing: Todd Fitzgerald: The March newsletter will target 10,000 homes. It was discussed to include a calendar of upcoming events and best kinds of ads. The deadline for the next one is Feb.29. More assistance is always needed. Please contact Todd at MinCom Real Estate. Special Events: Karen Bastas The Easter Bunny Breakfast is Sat.March 22 from 8-11 a.m. Posters and flyers are available for all stores. Tickets are at locations on poster. Businesses are asked to donate a prize for the draws at the event. Ballots will also be available soon to businesses to pass to customers. An Action Plan will be submitted for the Fall Festival and Christmas events. 7. Councillor Gord Robinson: The issue of town snow clearance was discussed.Amos Langley is clearing all the sidewalks and does down to the IGA note. The Santa Claus Parade can be a separate event and committee on its own. An Action Plan must be submitted to the BIA very soon for the 2008 parade. 8. Unfinished Business: The calendar of events for 2008 and 2009 will be discussed at the March meeting. Any suggestions or plans can be submitted at that time. 9.Motion to adjourn: K.Bastas Seconded: B.Metcalf CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Next meeting is Thursday, March 6 at 9:30 a.m.