HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-10 Minutes Newcastle BIA Minutes Thurs. April 10, 2008 Attending: V.Lovekin, G.Robinson, K.Bastas, B,Metcalf, S.Lawrence,D,Miller,D.Hickson, T.Gyalstan, T.Fitzgerald, L.Forget, G.Lewis, J.Black Regrets: J.Kimball, LBird,J. Clapperton, LK.ennedy 1. Call to order-9:30 a.m. Guest: Fred Horvath He addressed concerns about signs, snow removal, sidewalks, traffic study. The Town is investigating more areas to put snow and get to areas more quickly. There is a problem with parked cars on heavy snow days that impede the snow ploughs. The streets will be swept soon and the hope is to keep areas free of debris,especially highway interchanges. 2. Minutes from the March meeting. Moved: D.Hickson Seconded:B,Metcaif CARRIED 3. The president presented the Plan of Action for Events. It was discussed and amended. Moved: K.Bastas Seconded: T,Fitzgerald CARRIED Any event sanctioned by the BIA must now submit an Action Plan for approval. 4. Correspondence: -letter from a citizen noticing the Town Hall lit during Earth Hour. There was a timer malfunction and they were to be off, -Letter from David Crome regarding west-end development money and the division of funds with Orono. The executive will meet with him soon. 5. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $38.10. Awaiting finds from the Municipality. Outstanding invoice for$1166.00 from Moore Electric for placing lights,flags and wreaths. Motion to Accept: D. Hickson Seconded: K,Bastas CARRIED 6. Committee Reports: Urban Planning: Tenzin reported that the wreaths will be removed and new flags installed. Lights will be removed from Town Hall and stored. Rekkers will provide 38 flower baskets at a cost of$38 per basket. Advertising: Todd will finther investigate the feasibility of using radio ads. Special Events:Easter Bunny Breakfast was a great success with over 700 attending. Thanks to all businesses that generously donating door prizes. Upcoming Events: Lemonade Sale-June 14,Fall Festival-Oct.4. If anyone plans any other events,please bring forward to the BIA. 7. Councillor: Gord reported a ward check on April 18. 8. Chamber of Commerce: Social Night-Black Knight at 5:30 p.m. The Chamber is looking for more networking/workshops/speakers. Possible dates are in June and September. They will organize the Craft tables at the Fall Festival. 9. The next BIA meeting is Thursday,May 8, at 9:30 a.m. 10. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Motion to adjourn: D.Hickson Seconded: K.Bastas } CARRIED