HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-14 Minutes /I—I I Newcastle B1A Minutes August 14, 2005. Attendance: K.Bastas, G.R.obinson, D.Hickson, B. Metcalf,T.Fitzgerald, T. Vanhaverbeke, J.Albi, J.Clapperton, L.Forget, J.Foxall, J.Black Regrets: V.Lovekin, S.Lawrence, J.Summers, G.Lewis, J.Kimball 1. Call to order: 9:45 a.m. 2. Guests: Representatives from Shear Display: Decorative Lighting. They explained sizes and costs of banners, arms, wreaths for the poles. They also provide a service package for installation, storage, and maintenance. They will send quotes and warranties to the committee for reporting at the Sept. meeting. Guest: C. Green, inspector, 16 Division, Durham Police (see the attached report) 3. Minutes from the July meeting. Moved to Approve: L.Forget Seconded: B.Metcalf CARRIED 4. Business Arising from the Minutes: Flower basket quotes are to be in by the Oct. meeting for voting. 5. President's Report: Agreement with Orono is still pending. 6. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $24,029.91 Money for the Santa parade has been received. Deposit ($250) for the Cat World Show. 6. Committee Reports: Urban Planning: A letter will be sent to Jeany Barrett for repairing the flower basket in front of Benjamin Moore. Advertising: $7837 left in the budget. Special Events: The Fall Festival Action Plan was presented. Oct.3,4 with street closures for Midway and vendors. Dance will be on the Sat. evening. (Tickets-$25 pp.) Proceeds to local charities. Volunteer help is greatly needed for all events. Motion to accept plan: J.Foxall Seconded: T.Vanhaverbeke CARRIED 7. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Next meeting: Sept.11th. Report: August 14, 2008 Inspector Charlie Green, Durham Police (Canadian Order of Merit,for Exceptional Service-May 2007) He distributed a booklet with all the police statistics for Durham Region and discussed the safety issues in our area. Durham is the 10th largest police unit in the country. Clarington is 90% satisfied with police services and feel safe. There are 282 officers in Durham. Clarington has 18 front-line vehicles. Government grant of$510,000 will be used to work on the gang problems with the use of a rapid response team. The peak calls for police in Newcastle were in July of'07 and "08. The most were on Saturdays(17%) and the rest distributed through the week. (11% on Wed.) The highest number of calls were for disorder (property damage, noise, keeping the peace) and traffic. Others were for weapons, domestic, alarms, criminal activity. There are 70-80 persons always waiting for bail hearings in Durham. He explained all calls are on a priority level-911 calls taking precedence. The need is for more officers but none will be added in 2009. There will never be a village constable as in the past. A new, bigger police station to be built in Dowmanville. What can we do as citizens to help? always report criminal activity immediately: 905-579-1520 - only use 911 for an emergency - write your councillor if you have a concern or question - be vigilant and observant-especially around downtown and report,suspicious person(s) or behaviours