HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-13 Minutes NEWCASTLE BIA MINUTES NOV.13, 2008. f Attendance: V.Lovekin, G.Robinson,K,Bastas, T.Fitzgerald,B.Metealf, D.Hickson, T.Vanhaverbeke,L.Forget,J.Foxall,J.Black Regrets: J.Summers, S.Lawrence, G.Lewis,J.Clapperton 1. The meeting was called to order by the President at 9:35 a.m. 2. Guest : Anne Harley spoke of bus tours maybe coming to Orono and Newcastle in the spring for tours of the towns and two art galleries. Downtown businesses will be informed as well. She will update this to us in the new year. 3. Approval of the October Minutes: Moved: T.Fitzgerald Seconded: B.Metcalf CARRIED 4. Business Arising from the Minutes: The a-vote was unanimous for accepting Orono's proposal for West End Development money division of funds. Motion: T. Vanhaverbeke Seconded: T.Fitzgerald CARRIED That the BIA recind the previous motion of obtaining a loan from the Municipality because the division of funds with Orono has been decided. A letter will be sent to David Crome at the Municipality from the President. Cheques have been issued to Terry Fox Run and Lions Club for$2120 from the Fall Festival. The Santa Claus Parade has all permits, police,program, fire works and buttons in place. For Nov.23rd. Chairperson,Martha Hendrickx submitted all documentation to the BIA President. 5. Correspondence: 9r"Annual BIA Conference in Toronto,March 29-31109. Motion: G.Robinson Seconded: K.Bastas To provide a subsidy from the BIA if someone attends the conference. CARRIED Amos Langley submitted a request for an increase of his monthly payment for salting,snow clearance and flower upkeep, since now he goes to Brookhouse with his services. Motion: K.Bastas Seconded: J.Foxall A reply be sent stating that beginning Jan.1,2009, his monthly payment will be$450. CARRIED Gord Robinson has brought snow concerns to the attention of Fred Horvath. 6. President's Report: Valentine thanked the membership supporting the' Orono proposal.This will build a relationship with Orono and not be counterproductive. 7. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $15,862.25 5 outstanding invoices. Budget will be finalized for the annual meeting at December's meeting. Motion to Accept: J.Black Seconded: K.Bastas CARRIED Gord and Brenda will meet with Valentine,Nov.20 to discuss budget concerns. 7. Committee Reports: Urban Planning: Wreaths are being placed on the poles before the Parade date. Garlands/bows will be ordered from Heart to Heart. Placed on poles by the Scouts s in past years. Jackie Foxall will replace Tenzin as the committee chair for the interim. Thank-you to the committee for organizing the wreaths and banners. Advertising: T.Fitzgerald There will 2 local newspaper ads for the Santa Parade and Breakfast. He is still investigating advertising in the Toronto Star. Special Events: K.Bastas Posters and tickets are out for the Santa Breakast on Nov. 29th. Four boulevard signs have been ordered. There will be two reindeer from the Bowmanville Zoo,children's entertainer Jim Parker,pancake breakfast. Jay Summers. from Tim Horton's has donated a coffee maker for the raffle for a needy local family. Volunteers are needed to assist the committee. S. Councillor Robinson: Waterloo University did a study of BIAS. Carl Good is the new chair of the CIP committee. Theresa Vanhaverbeke is the BIA representative. There is free Senior skating at Newcastle Arena on Tuesdays 1-2 p.m. Donations for the Food Bank are appreciated. 9. Chamber News: D.Hickson On their website there can be a link to the BIA. 10. New Business: There will be some special invited guests to the annual meeting on January 19th. Invitations will be sent before Christmas by the Secretary to all individuals and businesses concerned. 11. 2009 MEETING DATES: Jan.195Feb.12,Mar.12,Apr.9, May 14,June 11, July 9,Aug.13, Sept.10, Oct. 8,Nov. 12,Dec.10 12. The next meeting is Thursday,Dec. Ill" at 9:30 a.m. 13. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.