HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-02 Minutes t-age i of s UAMMIMNI Move to... - [ALA From., Terrens Wellness Centre C990 Sent: 2008/07/10 18:28:07 To: stutts @rogers.com, sueblueberrys @rogers.com, appieblossomshop @bellnet.ca, anngray @porch light,ca, mteantiquemall @yahoo.ca, drschroeder @oronochiro.ca, g rob!nson @municipality.clarington.on.ca, tectone @durham.net, oronotimes @rogers.com, ramirawdah@hotmaii.com Cc: Subject: Orono BIA meeting June 02108 Attendees - Annette Gray, Amin Rowdah, Scott Story, Sharon McCartney, Counc. Gord Robinson, Yvonne Maitland, Karen Lowery Sharon passed the minutes -- all in favor. Antiques & Art show -- August 16/08 - 10pm - 4 pm - organized by Annette Gray waiting an the street closure permit. Ncsl BIA & David Crohn met with Marg re update on money's to be shared between Newcastle and Orono from the Big Box store development in Bowmanville Negotiations started at 50% shared down to 40% for Orono / 60% Newcastle Newcastle still wants 30% for Orono 35% is the figure to take back to Newcastle board Annette motioned - all in favor of 35% to take back to Newacastle Gord Robinson has the permits available in hand for the road closure for Antiques show from the CCIP - Scott Story -- discussion of the possibility of using a drip system irrigation with a timing device for the hanging baskets in town. Scott to check of feasibility from treasurer - Yvonne final payment of wreaths completed Scott - meeting 9thJune with the committee for the Chili Cookoff - requesting to ask OPG for $500. donation again -- do a silent auction again with RESERVE bids this time on some of the items. - permits -- talent show suggested to do the entertainment with auditions ahead of time - Volunteers for the committee need to be recorded for insurance purposes under the BIA umbrella Kathy Byrns / Jodi Stewart / Paul .zones /Kathy Abernathy Blue Grass Festival - most shop owners found it to be relatively good for downtown https,//www,start,ca/g9/mail7o=item:53479801 7/10/2008 Page 2 of 3 r esp. the food based stores Concert in the Park - Averages 50 - 100 people - 6:30 - 8:00 pm beginning with strawberry social June 25th ending with BBQ on Aug. 27th - Yvonne made motion to sponsor 1 event - all in favor - suggestions - offer a special on that night with local businesses - need a "blurb" to explain on the 27thAug "Orono Bus. Assoc. welcomes you" Amin suggests - Youth involvement program - hold events Talk to community services - re drop in programs which would be staffed and programmed by community services Claxington Gord Robinson to put someone in contact with us. . . Sugg/ sports - movies - games - activities outside & inside Apply to municipality for a grant Outdoor rink / local winter carnival (Skip Crosby works in Community Services) New Canada Flags - Amin has a friend who sells flags Scott to check on the number of flags required Note - 175th Committee has a $6000 debt - borrowed locally re books - "Reflections of our Village - Orono" Athletic assoc. forgave $1000 / debt is $5000 Marg Zwart has lots of books - Sale price $15.00 Gift basket to be put together for Amin re all the snow blowing volunteer work he did on the streets of Orono last winter. At Gord Robinson's request. . . Orono Hall board requests a committee from the Bia to address some issues to help everyone to work better together water & electricity / plants / chili cookoff useage / snow removal / keys - doors to front have been left open - who has them End of Meeting. . . Karen Lowery / Secretary BIA Orono Mid-June - brief meeting at request of Annette Gray - Karen Lowery, Marg Zwart, Yvonne Maitland in attendance Annette requesting some help at time of Antique & Art & folk music day - Aug.16/08 --- Lisa Walley looking after the Art & Folk Music - Almost all boothes full on the street ( $95. for a 16X13 table ) -- Consideration for costs to be shared or less for students - Yvonne to check with Sylvie Parker / Elenor Magdar is on board local artisans required 2 Ponta-pots to be used -- $125 each - BIA to pay for these Insurance - Bank account to be opened under BIA umbrella - Gord Robinson has garbage cans & picnic tables coming littps://www,start.ca/go/mail?o=item:53479801 7/10/2008 Yage 3 of 3 Advertising - Life Section - Thursdays or Saturdays in the Toronto Star (regionalized) Way Sack Times - $150 for 1/4 page - covered by Annette Other adv. through Orono Times - & Oshawa Suggestion of Banner over Main Street Nord has been left with the Clark High School re communittee hours for student help End of meeting. . . Karen Lowery / Secretary https://www.start.ca/go/mail?o=item:53479801 7/10/20Q8