HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-10 Minutes ' BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, Langmaid (Faye) Members: Barry, Hooper, Patterson, Allin, Turner, Seaton, Vella, Becz Absent: Lucas The Meeting was called to order by Barry in the absence of the Chairman, who then recognized Faye Langmaid, Manager of Special Projects, Municipality of Clarington. Langmaid reported that she was present for two reasons. One was the Clarington sign by-law review and the other was related to the Community Improvement Plan 2005. She noted that she was concerned about the lack of Bowmanville BIA presence at any of the four public meetings held on the topic. Currently, as a result of the Heritage Resource By-law, no bill-boards are permitted in the downtown areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono. Back-lighted signs are permitted if the building has been moderized, but no pillon signs (with two support poles) and no "A" type signs are allowed. Next she spoke about the Community Improvement Plan 2005 which encompasses the area from Vanstone Mill to Mearns Avenue, which includes an infill grant and can help those who were affected by the recent fire on King Street West. Up to $21,000 plus $10,000 for in- fill is available to each owner. She concluded by asking for the Board's input on the spending of this money. C_ Page 2 . Moved by Patterson, seconded by Turner, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulate "CARRIED" There was no motion to receive the correspondence as it was not available. Next the Treasurer presented his report a follows: Current Account $ 11,206.13 CFO Account 5,186.85 GIC 95,510.99 Total $1115903.97 Moved by Hooper, seconded by Allin, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented "CARRIED" DIRECTOR REPORTS: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that there had been no communication to date on the proposed addtions at the Rona site. Events: Allin reported that plans for the up-coming sidewalk sale were moving forward. Patterson reported that she had spoken to the restaurant owners about their participation in the August Moonlight Madness event, suggesting to them that they serve their food cafeteria style and that the food be eat at tables located outside in front of their business. Membership Relations: Barry stated that there were four new businesses in the Downtown--Pepe's Restaurant, Turquoise (clothing), RT Tackle and Liah's Little Treasurers. Streetscape: Turner reported that Rekker's Garden Gallery had agreed to water the flowers in the Downtown for one more year. { Page 3 Communications: Patterson stated that the posters advertising the Fabulous Fifties Festival had been delivered. Publications: Seaton stated that the second full-page advertisement had appeared in the Toronto Daily Star. Gilpin was informed that no more space had been allocated to the "Historic Downtown Bowmanville" banner at the top of the page. Security/Alert: As this was Vella's first meeting she was given a copy of an earlier "Telephone Alert", and members shared with her what they wanted in the form of Downtown security. Website: Becz filed a report covering the period from September 2007 to date and further reported that the events on the website had been up-dated for 2008, She then apologized for missing the past six meetings, and then offered her resignation. Under `BUSINESS ARISING" the acting-chairman recognized Karen Vella from "Family" and welcomed her to the Board. Questions were raised about the replacement of the missing bollards in the Downtown. Hooper reported that none were currently available for replacement, but that more had been ordered. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Gilpin tabled a report he had only received that afternoon on "Applications to Amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law by Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. to permit a wider range of commercial uses". Much heated discussion followed at which time the following observations were made: That the proposed additional 10,000 square foot commercial requested was the equivalent of the entire commercial area on King Street in the Historic Downtown, from Scugog Road to Silver Street, That the Ontario Municipal Board's recommendations as to what can be allowed on the site was limited and very definite, Page 4 10 That the population to support what has already been approved has yet to be realized, let alone the newly proposed additional 10,000 square feet, That the recently announced permanent layoff of 2,600 General Motors workers will result in a great many more homes for sale in the area and significantly fewer shoppers, and, That the ever increasing price of gasoline and the subsequent increase cost of commuting will make buying a home in Clarington less of an attraction. Gilpin was directed to forward these concerns regarding the request for an additional 10, 000 square feet commercial space in the Official Plan. Next Becz's offer to resign from the Board was discussed. As a result, it was: Moved by Turner, seconded by Patterson, ( THAT Becz's offer to resign from the Board of Management be accepted. "CARRIED" Moved by Turner, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "C NIRMED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 9, 2008 in Committee Room I-C at 6:30 p. m. in the Bowmanville Library.