HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-09 Minutes 3y BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 7:30 p. m., on Tuesday, September 9,2008 in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, (Gord) Weir Members: Lucas, Patterson, Seaton, Turner,Hooper,Barry Absent: Vella, Allin The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized Gord Weir, the Clarington Fire Chief, who reported that the Clarington Fire Department responded to 3,600 tire calls a year, for a total loss in 2007 of$800,000,000. He went on to point out that smoke alarms are now required by law, on each level of a building. In order for businesses to provide access by the fire department to their premises when no one is present, he suggested that business owners purchase a key safe and have it mounted on the front of the building. The fire fighters are the only ones who have a key which unlocks this safe, thus removing the need for them to brake down the door in case a fire is suspected on the premises. He further suggested that all cardboard and paper be secured away from the back or sides of buildings,to discourage fires being set next to the structure. He concluded his remarks by recommending that building and/or store owners review their insurance polices annually and be alert to fire causing hazzards. Moved by Turner, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" Correspondence was received from University of Waterloo, CFIB,Municipality of Clarington,Visual Arts Centre of Clarington,Bowmanville 150'h Anniversary Committee, CIassic Displays, CBS Group and Shear Displays. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED" The Treasurer presented his;report as follows: Current Account $ 10,016.48 GFO Account 5,186.85 GIC 64,834.04 $ 80,037.37 Page 2 Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. "CARRIED" DIRECTORS REPORTS: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that the Municipality will be paving the parking lot on the north-east corner of Church and Silver Streets next week and that it will become a metered parking lot. Events: Patterson reported for the Events Committee that to date, 47 groups have been approved for this year's Apple Festival and Craft Sale, not including the craft vendors. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: Turner reported that June Binnington,the person doing the downtown clean up, is working daily from 4:30 a. m. until 8:30 a. m. and so will not be visible to the businesses owners through the day. Communications: No report. Publications: Seaton reported that she was experiencing a great response in her business from the BowmanviIle BIA advertising in the Toronto Daily Star Securtiy/Alert: Gilpin reported for Vella that the list would be tabled at the next Board meeting. Board of Trade: Barry reported on the many advantages to a business in belonging to the Clarington Board of Trade. Web Site: No report. Under `BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting. Turner reported that Rekker Gardens had confirmed that they would not be watering the flowers in the Downtown in future years. She went on to suggest that she felt that special recognition should be given them for their generosity in this regard over the past 25 years of free service. Moved by Turner,seconded by Patterson' THAT Turner be directed to purchase a framed photograph of the new bridge over Barber's Creek (Bowmanville Creek) showing the hanging flower baskets, with a plaque of recognition, at a cost not to exceed $300,and that this gift be presented to Richard f Page 3 Rekker at the Pre-Christmas Party this year. "CARRIED" Moved by Turner,seconded by Barry, THAT a letter be sent to Fred Horvath, Director of Operations, requesting that the Municipality assume the responsibility for watering the plants in the Downtown in 2009. "CARRIED" Hooper reported that the missing bollards in the Downtown have been replaced. Under "NEW BUSINESS", based on information included in the mail bag, showing photos of graffiti throughout the Municipality, and in particular, the Downtown area, including graffiti on the "Park Free" sign at the western approach to Historic Downtown Bowmanville, it was Moved by Barry, seconded by Hooper, THAT a letter of complaint be sent to the Durham Regional Police, 16 Division, requesting that they take action to stop whoever is responsible for this vandalism and to have the individuals responsible arrange to have this graffiti removed. "CARRIED" Moved by Seaton,seconded by Barry, THAT Gilpin be directed to pay the 2008 bill from Classic Displays for the Christmas decorations in the amount of$6,554.00, and that a meeting be requested with them to negotiate a three-year agreement for this service, as in the past. "CARRIED" Turner suggested that the possibility of having a farmers' market on the Remax property on King Street West be investigated. Various members suggested that they would make inquiries. No one was assigned to this task. r s Page 4 Moved by Barry, seconded by Seaton, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,November 11, 2008 (or at the call of the Chair) in Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library at 6:30 p. m.