HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02 Minutes Page 1 of 2 N Move to... From: Terrens Wellness Centre C Sent: 2008/05/11 21:44:43 To: sueblueberrys @rogers.com, appleblossomshop @bellnet.ca, rawdah @rogers.ca, anngray@porchlight.ca, debbiel.thompson@cibc.com, mtcantiquemall @yahoo.ca, drschroeder@oronochiro.ca, grobinson @municipality.clarington.on.ca, tectone @durham.net, oronotimes @rogers.com, ramirawdah @hotmaii.com, srstory@porchlight.ca, stutts @rogers.com Cc: Subject: February BIA Meeting February BIA Meeting -- Orono Annette Gray, Marg Zwart, Sharon McCartney, Scott Storey, Conc. Gord Robinson, Yvonne Maitland, Amine Rawdah, Karen Lowery Jill Easton - Dodge Rodeo event. Suggestions for the Rodeo Event -- band Friday Night, Sat. & Sun. fair event, super dogs, games, Junior Farmers Dance, opportunity for Vendors in the middle of the fair grounds - Coupons and sponsorships avail. Passport to the city coupons! ! All information and event times available on the Rodeo Website Handicap parking in town - gone through procedure?? Recommended to be in front of Stutts Pharmacy All cement planter boxes to come back to town - Tom Cox advised Snowblower - costs $84. 60 in maintenance E-mail addresses to be added and BIA notes to be sent ahead of time. Minutes from last meeting - all in favor - yes Treasurer Hydra - $177. and $11. owe Kendal Lions Club for Tent at Chili Cookoff - $100.00 $218.57 in bank account - $450. o/s Suggestion - Mark Stapelton ownes a large tent Gord Robinson to push ahead the Levee Cheque Big Box store settlement money. Meeting to be set between Newcastle and Orono re split - suggested 30/70 split If not settled, council. will . Invite Faye Langmaid for CIP meeting re building code requirements on .interior and moneys available. Sears catalogue business available. Terrens Wellness giving up the Sears business, Not Just Chocolate has indicated their interest in taking same with approval from Sears. https://www.start.ca/go/mail?o=item:50532431 7/11/2008 Page 2 of 2 Jodi Tennant again asking for .local support for the Bluegrass event for 2008 . $400.00 Motion for $400 passed volunteer service recognition April 27 - May 03 special recognition for Adults & Youth 3 possible applicants -- Mae Tab & the Schoenmaker's Town Hall events Library lawn concerts Municipal grants available - talk to Gord Robinson June 25 - Strawberry social - then band kick-off April 05 - spaghetti dinner $400 .raise by Amine for Mae Tabb $400 Silver Buckle "Pkge # 2 - Re BIA advertising for the Dodge Rodeo Yvonne motioned Annette 2nd All in favor - Marg to E-mail tonight our request Discuss the Orono BIA float in Orono Fair parade next meeting ask - Wendy Partner to borrow the easier bunny suit for the Faster Egg hunt - Scott will ask also talk to Tino re Easter Egg order X-mas lights to come down soon - weather permitting C. I . P. - hand rail to be continued over to post office - proper cigarette butt-out containers - international symbols to be replaced on signs re Library/arena suggestion for Green Prgram for big orono sign on Hwy 115 - solar panel Sign on Taunton rd - without permit- issues being addressed looking for police patrol of parking lot on crown lands and vandalism at Orono Park Constable to be at next CIP meeting to adress vandalism Annette Gray of Patriot Antiques would like to do an "Antique Show" next year downtown, Possibly held the same time a rodeo in June Next meeting March 31/08 llttps://www.start.ca/go/mail?o=item:50532431 7/1 1/2008