HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-01 Minutes Orono D.B.I.A. October 01 , 2007 Attending: Annette Gray, Yvonne Maitland, Lindsay Conboy, Scott Story, Councellor Gord Robinson, Marg Zwart, Amin, Karen Lowery Results of Chili Cookoff Possibilities/changes for next year - committee (under BIA umbrella) to start plans in January Jodi Stewart Val Witheridge Paul Jones Flo Sharpe - Put the stage in the middle — speakers down either side of street. - plan for at least 20 people next year to cook chili - 375 taste test bags — minimum - List buyers of the pie and silent auction - List times on advertising re: time to taste. - etc. - Johnny on the Spot — at Mercers? Notices of where washrooms are available - Municipality pays for dumping septic from the town hall Negotiate rental and clean out. - OPEN MIC 'Talent show -- kareoke — violins — guitars — singing Make sure tables are spread out This year 357 tickets sold @ $2.00 for chili bags ® $714.00 Pies raised $375.00 @ auction Silent auction = $2000.00 - proceeds to Bmvl Hospital Building fund. Owe Cynthia $24. For fly swatters Armstongs IGA donated canned goods. Margaret -- oven pot holders for bags Ad placed in Toronto Star - $600.00 Sold 2 T-shirts = $20.00 2 free t-shirts Thank you all — from Don & Ally Gauilleau -- opening of Main thru Church & Yvonne Maitland - re-opening Big Box Store Money -- walmart/Home depot - $2000.00 Faye Langmaid, Tanzen, Marg, to set up fund Capital Improvements, greening buildings, loans to Business owners. Boards from Newcastle and Orono to access 2 members from Newcastle 2 members from Orono 1 planning dept member & 1 treasurer from Mun. office Still being worked through by above members. Nothing set. Christmas lights — to be replaced gradually with clear bulbs Arvin to get prices on Lights and order same. Work Party to change bulbs — Oct. 29/07 D. Brown 697-1399 Yvonne Maitland requested to recind motion to sell the snow Blower - no official vote taken on the recinding of the motion made to sell the snow blower from earlier meeting. Amin offered to store, maintain, and run the snow blower Expenses for maintenance to go to the BIA Karen - Motion of the expense bill Yvonne — 2nd All in favor fiord Robinson looking into a community salt box CIP — Cigarette butts in tin cans Scott asking CIP why Yvonne is paying for Bell Phone on the street. Lycett, Mach & 2(isfiee Barristers & Soficitors PAUL MACK,B.A.,U.S.,LL.M. REPI_YTO: SIMCOE STREET OFFICE NEIL KISBEE,B.A.,LL.B. THOmAs GREER,Q.C.(RETIRED 1953-2007) W.KAY LYCETf,Q.C. PRANK PERRUCCIO,J.D. GUY POLLEY,LAwCLERK (RALPH WALLACE,Q.C. 1910-1988) November 19, 2007 Margaret Zwart Orono Downtown Business Improvement Association 72-15 Martin Road Bowmanville, Ontario t_1 C 3K7 Dear Madam: Re: _Big Box Stores I have reviewed the letter of October 22"d, 2007 from David Crome at Clarington. As I understand it, the Big Box Stores were seeking consents from three municipalities, namely Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono. Certainly I would assume that each of them was equally important to;the developer, although they would probably expect opposition from Bowmanville. Accordingly at first instance I would say that the consents are of equal value to the developer and the payments should be equal. I do understand that Newcastle feels that based on size that they should get 70%. 1 think that argument might be rejected, but it does have some merit. Probably the logical thing to do is to take the mid point and agree that Newcastle get 60% and Orono take 40%. That seems to recognize bath sides of the argument. Firstly, the fact that the offer was made to all the municipalities and it certainly wasn't broken down when it was made by the Big Box Stores, which is a pretty clear indication that they treated all three equally. Secondly though, it does allow for some compromise for the fact that ' Mack,Klsbae& Greer. Mack, Kisbee&Greer Lycetr,Mack&Kisbee 146 Simcoe Sheet North 88 Centre Street North 5301 Main St..Box 87 Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4S7 Oshawa, Ontario LIG 4B6 Orono, Ontario,LOB JM0 Telephone(905)571-9400 Telephone(905)576-5353 Telephone(905)983-5007 FaX(905)579-0735 Fax(905)576-0461 Fax(905)983-9022