HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-13 Minutes Newcastle BIA Meeting Minutes Sept.13, 2007 Attendance: V. Lovekin, G. Robinson, D. Hickson, K.Bastas, A. Turnball, B. Metcalf, T. Gyaltsan, J.Albi, S.Lawrence, T.Broad, L.Forget, J.Clark, J.Black Regrets: J. Kimball, R.Green 1. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. Guest Speaker: Marion Manders from Elections Ontario 2. Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion to Accept Minutes: B.Metcalf Seconded: A.TurnbalI CARRIED 3. President's Report: 1. John Clark has offered his office basement room for storage of BIA items. A letter will be sent releasing him of any liability of loss or damage to items. 2. Gord Robinson will check with the municipality concerning insurance. 3. There will be a meeting with the Orono BIA regarding Funding from the West End Development. 4. The CIP is working on a mission statement. A newsletter will be drafted and then there will be an open house to the public explaining the use of funds. 4. Treasurer's Report: Balance: $19,467.36 A breakdown of the budget was discussed. Motion to Accept Report: D.Hickson Seconded: S.Lawrence CARRIED 5. Committee Reports: 1. Advertising: There will be a half page ad in This Week for Fall Festival. Orono Times may have a new section for Newcastle News published Quarterly which could reach 10,000 locations. 2. Safety and Ddcor: The Christmas lights will be up by Nov. 1St The placement of who does the lights and wreaths will be decidcd by Oct.11. 3. Urban Planning: Prices will be investigated for all the light decorations. John Albi is looking into donation of flags for troop support. Canada flags will be replaced in the spring. Motion to amalgamate Safety& D6cor and Urban Planning to one committee called Urban Planning with T.Gyalstan as chair and A.Turnball as assistant. Motion: T.Gyalstan Seconded: K.Bastas CARRIED 5 4. Special Events: Fall Festival is planned for Oct. 5, 6 with a 2 day Midway and !N , full activities and vendors on the Saturday. Pancake Breakfast: 7-10 a.m., Running Maniacs: 8:30 a.m., Dog Walk: 9:00 a.m. Activities, Crafts in Town Hall, Rides and Events 9- 3 p.m, Swing Dance: Evening All Day: Music. Road Closed until 5:00 p.m. Volunteers needed for a few hours or the day. Contact Karen Bastas. 6. Ongoing Business: 1. Annual Meeting is January 8.2008, 2. The new committee is Urban Planning. Joan Kimball will resign from the Executive when a replacement has been appointed at the AGM. 3. A precise list of BIA members is being compiled and the BIA boundaries are being established and discussed at the next meeting. 4. Flower planters could be extended to the east end of the BIA boundary. A letter will be sent to Bloomfields for a bid for 2008 planters. 7. New Business: 1. Cost of letterhead and envelopes will be discussed at the next meeting. 2. Bids for dinner catering for the AGM (Jan.8- 40 people-in Lion's Club Room in Town Hall) are being accepted now. C` ! Submit bid to any executive or mail to the BIA by Nov.1,2007. 3. Dates of BIA meetings: 2nd Thursday each month- 10:00 a.m. (Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan.10, Feb.14, Mar.13, Apr.10, May 8, June 12) 8. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. 9. Next Meeting: Thursday, Oct. 11 at 10:00 a.m. in Town Hall. ***If you have any agenda items or questions, please contact Valentine or Jane.***