xial:6:00 P.M. Dinner: 7:00 Meeting followed. at Massey House Restaurant
'Attending: Guests: Amos&Doreen Langley, Betty Kay&guest
Gord&Sherry Robinson, Dwight&Deria Hickson, Karen&Gus Bastas,
Anthony&Jean Turnball, Jane&Gerry Black, Brenda Metcalf,
Judy Ciapperton, Bet Hennesy&Eric Cameron, Masood Vatandoust,
Steve&Patty Lawrence, Merle Crooks, Lorraine&Robert Forget, John Bugelli,
Jay&Cindy Summers, Todd Fitzgerald, Pauline Calvert&Guest,
Cindy McConnell&Sue Johnson. Regrets: V.Lovekin
1. Business meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. by K. Bastas,Vice Chairperson.
2. Minutes from the 2007 Meeting: Moved: A.Turnball Seconded: D.Hickson CARRIED
3. Approve the Actions of the Board of Directors:
Moved: A.Turnball Seconded: B.Hennesy CARRIED
4. President's Report: Valentine Lovekin
Read by K. Bastas in his absence.
Highlighting the past year and the service and dedication of Dwight Hickson as a member
of the Board of Management for many years.
He will be the new president of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce.
A Plan of Action will be necessary for any event of the BIA this year°.
It is encouraging to see people running for election in the BIA.
Report received as read.
Moved: K.Bastas Seconded: J.Black CARRIED
5. Report from Councillor G. Robinson.
6. Committee Reports:
Advertising: D. Hickson
Urban Planning: A.Turnball
Special Events: K.Bastas
7. Treasurer's Report: B. Metcalf Balance: $2,541.73
Motion to Accept: A.Turnball Seconded: J.Black CARRIED
Budget Report: Urban Planning: $9000 Special Events: $6000
(, Marketing: $9000 Contingency: $1000
TOTAL: $25,000 (reflecting an increase of$3750.00 from 2007)
`Motion to accept: J. Turnball Seconded: J. Bugelli CARRIED
S. Elections: One Director of Board of Management to be elected.
Nominations: 1.Judy Clapperton Moved: R.St. Denis Second: P.Dokter
2. Peter Dokter Moved: R.St.Denis Second: J.Clapperton
3. Todd Fitzgerald Moved: M.Vatandoust Second: K.Bastas
A secret ballot was taken and counted by J. Black and G. Robinson.
The successful candidate was Todd Fitzgerald.
Motion to destroy ballots: J. Bugelli Second: A. Turnball CARRIED
9. Next business meeting will be Thursday, Feb 7 at 9:30 p.m. at Town Hall.
10. Gus & Karen Bastas were thanked for providing the dinner and location.
11. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. as all business was completed.