HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-12 Minutes BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 Committee Room 1--C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, (Margaret) Seaton Members: Moffatt, Hooper, Allin, Hawkins, Barry, Turner Absent: Lucas, Patterson, Becz The Meeting was called to order by Justin Barry, the Acting Chairman. He acknowledged that there were no delegations present. The Secretary noted that there was an error in the Minutes of the May meeting—that the new President of Clarington Board of Trade is Michael Patrick, not Kilpatrick, as reported. Moved by Hawkins, seconded by Hooper, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as corrected and circulated. "CARRIED" No correspondence was available at the Meeting. Next the Treasurer presented his report a follows: Current Account $ 6,919.62 GIC 41 1035213.92 GIC #2 3 112.83 Total $113,246.37 Page 2 Moved by Allin, seconded by Hawkins, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented "CARRIED" DIRECTOR REPORTS: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that the funds identified to build the bus shelter and facade at 20 King Street East will be switched to repairs and up- grades to the bridge over Barber's Creek on King Street West. Gilpin asked Hooper about the need for new wood on the benches in the Downtown. Hooper said that he would investigate and report at the next meeting. Events: Allin reported that all of the arrangements for the Fabulous Fifties Festival had been made. Membership Relations: Barry reported that there was one new business in the Downtown, "Nutrition 905". Streetscape: Turner reported that a street maintenance person had been hired. Her name is June Binnington and she started on Tuesday, June 5, 2007. She also mentioned that there were 30 applicants for this position and that she had interviewed 10 of them before making her selection. Communications: No report. Publications: Moffatt reported that Peter Parrott, the editor of the Bowmanville Downtowner, will be including an article in the next issue on Gary Cole of Cole's Barber Shop, which has been in operation since 1905. Gary Cole retired recently and has closed the business Website: Barry noted that a number of new businesses have appeared in the Downtown recently, but have not yet appeared on the Website, due to their failure to respond to the opportunity to be included. It was suggested that a blank fact sheet be handed to each new business owner, to be filled out and promptly returned to the Chairman of Membership Relations. He would then forward it to the Website Chairman to be used to up-date the Website. As he noted, "There is nothing worse than a Website that is either out of date or incorrect.". The Board agreed. ` Page 3 Board of Trade: Hawkins stated that in addition to the three new doctors coming to Clarington reported at the May Board meeting, there is a possibility of an additional two more. There was no "BUSINESS ARISING" from the previous meeting. Under "NEW BUSINESS", Moffatt requested permission to produce a colouring book again this year. She said that the theme would be �A "Bowmanville's Legacy" and would follow the same format as in the past, and would be done for the same cost. She then declared a conflict of interest in this matter. Moved by Allin, seconded by Hawkins, THAT Moffatt be given permission to produce a colouring book again this year, with the same format; and that the Bowmanville BIA purchase the same quantity as in 2006, at the same price. "CARRIED" Moved by Turner, seconded by Hooper, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11, 2007 in Committee Room 1-C at 6:30 p. m. in the Bowmanville Library.