HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-10 Minutes 5• , BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of inaugural meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p, m. on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin, (Jennifer) Stycuk Members: Allin, Lucas, Barry, Hawkins Absent: Hooper, Becz The inaugural meeting was called to order with the Secretary-Treasuer, G. Gilpin, in the chair. Gilpin recognized that Stycuk was on hand to make a presentation. Stycuk stated that she was acting on behalf of the Tourism Department of the Municipality. She reviewed the history of the 4') Municipality's "Packaging Program", beginning in 2005, and stated that in 2007 there would be 500 packages with 40 partners. She proposed that the Bowmanville BIA become involved this year with a coupon for up to three draws, each draw being for $300 in Downtown Shopping Money. There is no further expense for participating in this program. Moved by Allin, seconded by Lucas, THAT the Bowmanville BIA participate for $900 in Downtown Shopping Money in the Municipality's 2007 Packaging Program. "CARRIED" Next the members (all of whom had been acclaimed at the General Meeting in March) agreed to assume the roles as follows: Events----Lori Allin Membership Relations----Justin Barry Board of Trade Liaison----Mark Hawkins Web Site----Angela Becz j Council Liaison----Ron Hooper (appointed by Council) 1 1 -2- The members then discussed who might be approached to fill the missing positions on the Board by appointment. It was agreed that James Publishing Ltd.'s request to have Barbara Patterson appointed to the Board be approved. Further, it was decided that Jan Moffatt and Rose Turner be asked to join the Board. (It was reported later that both had accepted.) Gilpin then asked for a motion concerning the signing authority on the Bowmanville BIA's bank accounts Moved by Allin, seconded by Hawkins, THAT the signing authority for the Bowmanville BIA's bank account(s) be the Treasurer (Gilpin) and one of the following two Board members—Lucas or Barry. M Next Gilpin requested direction on who should put up the lamp post banners. At the time Gilpin reported that Forsey Signs was unable to do it, but this has since changed and they have agreed to install the banners again this year. Gilpin reported that he had received two telephone calls from David White asking about his continuing as the person employed by the Board to do street maintenance. It was agreed that an advertisement for this position be placed in the Canadian Statesman. Hawkins agreed to inform David White that his services in this regard are no longer required. Finally, Gilpin called for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Board of Management. Moved by Allin, seconded by Hawkins, THAT Edgar Lucas be Chairman of the Bowmanville BIA Board of Management (for the current term of Council). "CARRIED" Lucas then assumed the Chair and called for a motion for adjournment. '1 -3- Moved by Barry, seconded by Hawkins, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" 'fhe next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May '8, 2007in Committee Room I-C at 6:30 p. m. in the Bowmanville Library. F APPENDUM Minutes of the Board of Management Meeting on Tuesday,April 10, 2007. Moved by Lucas, seconded by Barry, THAT the hourly rate for a person doing street maintenance be increased from$10.00 to $11.00. "CAR_RIED" F