HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02-13 Minutes BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin Members: Purdy, Lucas, Hooper, Barry Absent: Hawkins, Becz, Allin The Meeting was reconvened by the Chairman, who then recognized that there were no delegations present. There being no Minutes of the previous meeting as it was in recess until the February meeting, there was no motion to adopt. Correspondence was received from the Municipality of Clarington, CBS Group Inc., and the Santa Claus Parade committee. Moved by Barry, seconded by Lucas, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED" Next the Treasurer presented his report a follows: Current Account $16,497.24 GIC #1 31,341.11 GIC #2 3,091.26 Total $50,929.61 i Page 2 - Moved by Lucas, seconded by Barry, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented "CARRIED" Moved by Hooper, seconded by Barry, THAT the Draft Budget for 2007 amounting to $128,700 (net) become the Proposed Budget for 2007 without any changes in the allocations. "CARRIED" Gilpin, again, noted that this amount was unchanged from the amount approved for the past four years. DIRECTOR REPORTS: Council Liaison: The Chairman recognized Councillor Ron Hooper as the new Council Liaison, replacing Councillor Jim Schell. Hooper gave no report. Events: No report. Membership Relations: No report. Streetscape: No report Communications: No report. Publications: No report. Website: No report. Board of Trade: No report. Under `BUSINESS ARISING", the motion to approve the Draft Budget for 2007, as reported in the January meeting portion of these Minutes, as moved by Hawkins, and seconded by Lucas, was voted on and declared "Carried". r Page 3 Hooper reported that no business in the Bowmanville BIA showed interest in displaying their merchandise at the Zellers Store in the Clarington Plaza. The motion which was moved by Hawkins and seconded by Lucas at the January portion of this meeting, that Gilpin be directed to pay the 2007 fee for membership in the OBIAA was voted on and declared "CARRIED". Gilpin reported that the All-Members Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, March 20, 2007, beginning a 7:30 p. m. in Courtroom #1, at 132 Church Street in Bowmanville had been circulated to the membership in the January Newsletter along with the details of the 2006 Financial Report and the Draft Budget for 2007, and that arrangements have been made with the Canadian Statesman to run three advertisements concerning this meeting, one in January, one in February and one in March. There was no "NEW BUSINESS". The following businesses were selected to receive the Special Initiatives Award: Zante Restaurant and Alcatraz. It was requested that businesses be reminded that they are responsible for clearing the snow from the sidewalk in front of their business within 12 hours, and that failure to do so could result in possible litigation (due to personal injury accidents). Moved by Lucas, seconded by Barry, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10, 2007, or earlier, at the call of the Chair, in Committee Room I-C at 6:30 p. m. in the Bowmanville' Library.