HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-09 Minutes BOARD OF MANAGEMENT BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p. m. on Tuesday, January 9, 2007 Committee Room 1-C in the Bowmanville Library. Present: Gilpin Members: Barry, Allin, Hawkins, Hooper, Lucas Absent: Becz, Purdy The Meeting was called to order by Barry who reported that he was acting as the Chairman for this meeting, in the absence of Purdy. He then recognized that a quorum existed and that there were no delegations present. 1 Moved by Allin, seconded by Hawkins, THAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. "CARRIED" The correspondence was received from the OBIAA, CBS Group, the Ontario Municipal Board, the Bowmanville Salvation Army, and the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington. Moved by Hawkins, seconded by Lucas, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. "CARRIED>' Next the Treasurer presented his report for the year 2006, a copy of which is attached to the Minutes. Page 2 Moved by Hawkins, seconded by Lucas, THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented "CARRIED" The Treasurer then requested that the Draft Budget for 2007 be addressed. In reviewing the proposed amount for Administration, it was Moved by Allin, seconded by Hawkins, THAT the Secretary 'reasurer's remuneration be increased by $3,000 each y ear, be innin in 2007 and f©for the next three.years there after, and to be ; g g assigned as determined. "CARRIED" After further review and discussion, it was Moved by Hawkins, seconded by Lucas, THAT the Draft Budget amounting to $128,700 (net), as detailed in the attached statement, be approved, subject to review at the next meeting, after being circulated to the membership. (Due to there no longer being a quorum present, this motion was not voted on.) The Treasurer noted that this net amount was unchanged from 2006, and from the previous three years before that. DIRECTOR I-EPORTS: There were no Director reports. Under "BUSINESS ARISING", Hooper reported that he had not yet been in touch with Zellers regarding their proposal about displaying merchandise being sold in the Downtown, in their Bowmanville store. Page 3 Under "NEW BUSINESS", Gilpin requested direction regarding the paying of the membership fee to belong to the OBIAA in 2007. Moved by Hawkins, seconded by Allin, THAT Gilpin be directed to pay the 2007 fee for membership in the OBIAA. (Due to lack of a quorum, this motion was not voted on.) Next Gilpin reviewed the procedure for elections to the Board of Management, stating that an All-Members Meeting was necessary in 2007 for this purpose, as a new Clarington Council had recently been elected. It was agreed that the procedure outlined, including the dates suggested, was satisfactory. Moved by Lucas, seconded by Allin, THAT the Meeting be recessed until the regular monthly Board meeting in February. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 13, 2007 in Committee Room I-C at 6:30 p. m. in the Bowmanville Library. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BOWMAIVVILLE � Financial Report for 2006 (Unaudited) and Budgets Budget Actual Draft Budget 2006 2006 2007 Administration $ 30,500 $ 29,703.91 (1) $ 33,000.00 (?) Events 653,300 62,188.90 67,800.00 (3) Special Promotion 3,000 1,993.42 2,000.00 Streetscape (net) 9,000 9,976.55 10,000.00 Capital Works 16,000 12,729.17(1) 15,000.00 Contingency Fund 00 00.00 0.00 Loan Installment 4,000 4,000.00 4,000.00 Publications 9.000 71)949.29 9,000.00 Website Maintenance 2,000 2,037.45 2,000.00 Totals $138,800 $130,578.69 $1421,800.00 Less: Portion of 2006 Surplus 14,100.00 Budgeted Amount for 2007 (same as last 3 years) $128,700.00 On hand December 31 2005: On hand December 31 2006: Petty Cash $ 200.00 Petty Cash $ 200.00 } Current Account 9,617.87 Current Account 16,331.51 GIC 00.00 GIC 6,341.11 Contingency Fund 3,025.36 Contingency Fund 3,091.26 Total $123,843.23 Total $25,963.88 (2) (1) See itemized details below. (2) Includes interest earned in the amount of$1,407.01. (3) Plus anticipated $8,500 from West End Development(down from the $10,000 received annually for the past nine years). Itemized Capital Works Expenses: Itemized Administration Expense Classic Displays $ 5,928.00 Events Staff $17,000.00 Storage Dent 3,355.00 Operational Costs 61,384.04 Banners 960.60 Secretary-Treasurer 5;000:00" Banners (up/down) 829.45 Wine/Cheese Party 15047.81 Balloons 613.98 Presentations 147.06 Supplies 529.51 OBIAA Membership 125.00 Pole Garland 512.63 Total $121,729.17 Total $29,703.91 )