HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-13 Minutes BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Bo WMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Minutes of a regular meetin of the Board of Management held at 6:30 p m on Tuesday, November`135 2007 Committee Room 1-C in the BoWiflanville Library. Present: Gilpin Members: Lucas,Hawkins,Hooper, Turner,Patterson, Becz,Barry Absent: Allin The Meeting tin was called to order by the Chairman, who then recognized that there were no delegations present. Moved by Hawkins, seconded by Turner, t ^ "l HAT the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as circulated. T "CARRIED" ondence was received from CBS Group Inc. and Classic The corn es p Displays. Moved by Hooper, seconded by Becz, THAT the correspondence be received and filed. «CARRIED" Next the Treasurer presented his report which is attached to the Minutes. Moved by Hawkins, seconded by Patterson, "CARRIED"THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented 5 Page 2 DIRECTOR REPORTS: Council Liaison: Hooper reported that a meeting had been he the construction on the bridge at the entrance to the downtown.held to discuss special signage has been posted. Completion date for this work a result, December 2007. is early in Events: Lucas reported for Allin that plans for Moonlight schedule. Magic are on Membership Relations: Barry stated that there are three new town Blue Cat Realty, Baby-Go-Round and 9 to S (which businesses sinesses in Irwin Hamilton's building). located in Streetscape: No report. Communications: Patterson reported that the Christmas Wine Party notices, as well the Moonlight Magic posters, have been delivered. and Cheese delivered. Publications: No report. ` Website: Becz gave a summary of the work done on the site reported that the website had received 2533 inquiries already this year and is the top search engine in Durham Region. Hooper will y month. It of the photo taken by Stephen Frank of the 2007 Apple Festival Becz a copy the website. pp trval for use on Board of Trade: Hawkins repotted that the Boar Bridges" seminar was a success, nettin d of Trade's "Building eight new doctors have been recruited fo $2,000. He further reported that needed. r Clarrngton, but that five more are Under "BUSINESS ARISING,, , Hooper reported that the Municipality will } be replacing the wood on the benches in the Downtown months, during the coming Lucas stated that he will be in touch with Swan creation of new Welcome signage for each end of he Downtown.concerning the _ Page 3 Under "NEW BUSINESS", a moment of silence was observed to note the passing of Jan Moffatt. Patterson stated that there was a need to purchase additional canopes for use during the events, as some had been destroyed by the wind during the past year. Moved by Patterson, seconded by Hawkins, THAT four additional canopes be purchased in the new year to replace ones that had been destroyed "CARRIED" Discussion took place about placing coupons in a future Downtowner as a way of encouraging shoppers to purchase in the Downtown. In stead it was agreed that an announcement be placed in the Downtowner directing shoppers to visit our website to "obtain valuable merchant coupons redeemable at selected stores". The announcement is to be about 2" X 5". Becz will contact the stores to determine who is interested in this promotion. She also agreed to design the discount coupon. Moved by Hawkins, seconded by Patterson, THAT five hundred dollars be sent to the Jan Moffatt Fund at the 'Visual Arts Centre. "CARRIED" Next the question was raised as to who would replace Jan Moffatt on the Board as the Chairman of Publications. Moved by Turner, seconded by Barry, THAT Margaret Seaton be appointed to the position of Chairman of Publications. "CARRIED" A new logo was next presented, to replace the existing one. Page 4 Moved by Hooper, seconded by Becz, THAT the logo tabled at the meeting by Gilpin replace the existing logo. "CARRIED" Next Hooper reported that the CPR Holiday Train will be stopping in Bowmanville again this year. The date is Sunday, December 2, and the time is 8:45 p. m. It will be stopping for about 45 minutes at the crossing on Scugog Road. Melony Doane will be on hand to provide entertainment. Donations of food will be collected. He indicated that some stores may wish to be open on this occasion. Hooper announced that the Bowmanville Sesquicentennial celebration will take place June 29 to July 1, 2008. He went on to say that the Bowmanville BIA has been asked to "host" this event. Plans include a parade, a pancake breakfast, a church service, and a walking tour. Lucas agreed to be the Board's designate to the committee which is planning the event. Gilpin tabled a lamp post banner design which includes the new logo and recognizes Bowmanville's 150 years. Hooper is to show this idea to the Sesquicentennial Committee. It was reported that the decal message on the parking meters in the Downtown is difficult to read and to understand. Hooper agreed to arrange to have this message made larger and to read "Free Parking on Saturday and Sunday". Lucas ended the meeting by saying that he hoped to see everyone at the Pre- Christmas Wine and Cheese Party on Wednesday, November 21 at Chanterelle Bistro. Moved by Turner, seconded by Patterson, THAT the Meeting be adjourned. "CARRIED" The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 8, 2008 in Committee Room I-C at 6:30 p. m. in the Bowmanville Library. y' Historic Downtown Bowmanville Financial Report 2007 showing Budget,Actual (to date), Projected Expenditures and Draft Budget 2008 Budget Actual Projected* Total* Draft *(rounded to the Budget nearest$100) 2008 Administration $33,000.00 $35,903.33 $ 1,500.00 $ 37,400.00 $42,000.00 Events 67,800.00 46,999.00 14,700.00 61,700.00 70,000.00 (1) Special Promotion 2,000.00 1,560.88 1,100.00 2,700.00 3,000.00 Streetscape 10,000.00 11,641.25 1,500.00 8,600.00 (2) 9,000.00 Capital Works 15,000.00 5,201.78 6,500.00 11,700.00 15,000.00 Contingency Fund (500.00) 0 0 0 0 Loan Installment 4,000.00 4,000.00 0 4,000.00 0 Publications 9,000.00 3,726.53 4,600.00 8,300.00 9,000.00 Website 2,000.00 1,256.03 800.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Totals $142,800.00 $110,288.80 $30,700.00 $136,400.00 $150,000.00 (1) West End Development no longer a contributor. (2)Reflects contribution by Municipality for cost of casual labour. Cash on band: November 13,2007 Current Account $ 7,119.35 GIC#1 42,341.11 CFO 5,000.00 (Contingency Fund) Total $54,460.46 Less: CFO 5,000.00 Balance $49,460.46 Less Projected 30,700.00 Net Surplus $18,760.46 Draft Budget 2008 $150,000.00 Less: Surplus 2007 18,700.00 Net Draft Budget 2008 $131,300.00 Approved Budgct 2007 128,700.00 Increase in Budget for 2008 $ 2,600.00