HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-11 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Tuesday Jive 11, 2013 In attendance—Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice- Chair Carol Little, Gord Blaker, Gary Oliver, Regional Councillor Willie Woo, Arena Manager, Bryan Wiltshire Re-nets—Councillor Partner, Robert Holmes 1. Call to Order— 7:10 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes—Motion #13-123 THAT.• The minutes of May 14th, 2013 is accepted, as presented with no correction or, changes noted. Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Gord Blaker CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report—Bryan advised that the change room showers Reno. had been completed by Stonecor Ltd. within the budget and quotation approved by the board. Summer scheduling was moving along— Clarington Lacrosse was operating three nights per week. Mike Stacey's Ball Hockey was to commence June I7th on Monday nights. Zoomba Dancing upstairs had a small beginning, with only 1 hr. of scheduling Monday nights and the Men's Sunday Night Ball Hockey was proceeding, as scheduled. Bryan and the chair also reported on the Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce Trade Show, which took place on Sunday June 9th. All went well with their first attempt at holding the show at the arena. Letters of gratitude had been received by the chair, thanking Bryan for his assistance. Gord advised he was going to attempt to get a few more dollars from the chamber to cover the additional costs of allowing them to set up Saturday, before the Sunday show. Although we had agreed to Saturday arrangement, it had taken 12 hours of staff time to get every exhibitor in place. The original quote for the day was within $400.00. However, it wasn't expected they would need so much time on the Saturday for moving in. An increase to $600.00 was suggested by the board members. The Chamber members were most pleased with this venue for their annual show and requested a tentative booking for 2014. (2) Regarding ice allocation for this fall—we now have 7 hours of prime time available from the demise of the New Castle Skating Club. Prime time ice will not be a problem to dispose of However, the members suggested: We be careful in handling these time slots, so as to not get user groups trading non-prime time ice for better hours that we wouldn't be able to rent. It was suggested we do the following: • Offer the Monday and Wednesday evening ice to the Clarington Girls Hockey League, who have been looking for more ice time at Newcastle Arena • We sit on the Saturday ice availability until all of the ice requests from user groups are in our hands for the 2013-14 seasons. Then we can carefully offer it out as extra time, not replacement time. Bryan advised: He will most likely have all his ice requests for this fall, by our July meeting. Also, Motion # 13— 124 was proposed: THAT: Ice scheduling for this fall and winter season provide an increase in time for Sunday public skating. Public Skating should operate for 1 '/z hours, from 1:30—to 3:00 P.M. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Gary Oliver CARRIED 4. Financial Report— The chair advised that the Newcastle Skating Club had failed in their effort to reorganize. Their AGM was poorly attended -the President and Secretary Treasurer had resigned and no volunteers had stepped forward to form a committee and move forward. Consequently, the arena board is stuck with a debt owing from the NSC of$9,720.86. In addition, Joanne Raymond, president of the skating club and a member of our arena board, had also resigned from the board. Further, Gord had sent a letter to the Municipality Finance Department requesting they contact the skating club and ask for a audit of their finances for the past 2-3 years. Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance for the municipality had responded and will follow-up. It is most likely a non-collectable debt that we will have to write off at year-end. The Newcastle Skating Club has operated out of our arena for 40 years. Diminishing registrations put their membership below 80 participants, the past two seasons. Busy people, the lack of volunteers and girl's hockey all contributed to their demise. (3) Year-to-date financials were provided— showing A/R at $14,970.11 —most of it being from the skating club. Our income statement to May 31st, 2013 had us at 45% of our forecasted annual budget of$326,100.00. And income, YTD at $16,831.81. 5. New Business —A written request to the clerk's office had been submitted to fill the board member vacancy created by JoAnne Raymond's resignation. Gord Blaker advised: The additional lobby bench was under construction at a cost of$1,500.00 and was on schedule for this fall. Bryan had had a request from Masood Vatandoust for additional advertising space in the arena. The chair offered to follow-up with Masood. There was also advertising space requested by Newcastle Family Connection Dance to follow-up on. There are currently a couple of rink-board spaces available. Bryan also advised—we require some type of portable ramp at the Olympia Doors and ice- pad entry doors, if we continue to have trade shows on the ice pad in the off season. The recently held trade show identified some difficulties with handicapped visitors stepping or wheeling onto the floor surface. Councillor Woo advised that: Should the need arise in the future for trade show tents and chairs; Kevin Hawes of Newcastle, (beside No-Frills) would be a good contact to refer people to. 6. Next Meeting—Tuesday July 9, 2013— 7:00 P.M. 7. Adiournment—Motion # 13-125 was proposed: THAT: The meeting is adjourned Moved by: Larry Burke Seconded by: Larry Burke CARRIED