HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-20 Minutes CLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 20, 2013, 3:00 P.M. MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Mayor Foster Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Rolf Kluem, Durham Regional Police Services Maria Perrino, John Howard Society Also Present: Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk 1. MINUTES Moved by R. Kluem, seconded by A. Foster THAT the minutes of the meeting held on May 16, 2013, be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING (a) Election of Vice-Chair Moved by M. Perrino, seconded by R. Kluem THAT the election of the Vice-Chair be deferred to the next meeting. CARRIED (b) Graffiti Chris Newman reported that he had not heard from Canada Post. Anne Greentree also reported that Len Creamer had also not heard from Canada Post. Members discussed their options for addressing the matter of graffiti and an appropriate approach to cleaning graffiti in target areas. It was concluded that graffiti clean-up day in Clarington would be August 22, 2013. Rolf Kluem will review the DRPS graffiti report to identify target areas and will speak to his youth officers to determine which youth may best participate in this project. Rolf confirmed that DRPS does have brochures regarding graffiti which can be used/distributed during the project event. He will confirm if event sponsor information could be added (in some manner) to the brochure. Mayor Foster committed to approaching Hydro One and Veridian to seek their participation and to acquire paint for their boxes. As well, Mayor Foster agreed to approach a local business [local to the project target area(s)] to sponsor lunch for the participant youth. Len Creamer was assigned the task of contacting Engineering Services for information regarding agreements between the box owners and the Municipality and to determine how we can enforce those agreements as it Clarington Safe - 2 - June 20, 2013 Communities Committee pertains to box maintenance. Len Creamer was also assigned the task of contacting Bell Canada, Rogers and Canada Post to advise them of our clean-up event and invite them to participate. Chris Newman agreed to prepare a press release and seek the media's attention on this project. Chris committed to designing a poster advertising the project and agreed to forward the poster to Jennifer Cooke for her review and to have it posted on the Municipal website. (c) Parking Around School Areas — Update from Community Meeting Mayor Foster provided a verbal update regarding the community meeting. No real issues were identified regarding Emily Stowe P.S. but an issue was raised by one resident regarding Mother Theresa Catholic Elementary School. A staff report will be presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee in the fall. (d) Clean Up of the Valley — Update/Summary Chris Newman provided a verbal update of the event stating it was a fun day, with decent turn-out. Approximately a dozen bags of garbage was collected with several items being retrieved from the creek. Erin O'Toole, MP attended the event. Chris advised that he did take pictures of the event and Jennifer O'Meara of the Clarington This Week has assured him they would run a story about the event. (e) Community Survey — Discuss Revisions Chris Newman advised that he did not receive any feedback, and thus proceeded to re-draft the Oshawa survey in an effort to make the survey more suitable to Clarington's needs. Chris distributed copies of his re-draft. Members discussed and made a number of changes to the draft as presented by Chris. Chris committed to modifying the draft and emailing it to Patti Barrie for distribution to the Committee members. Members will be given one week to submit comments to Patti. The final survey will be discussed at the September 19th meeting including form, launch, duration, and media coverage. Chris confirmed that the Committee will have a table at the Family Safety Day event and he expects this is when the survey will be launched. 3. NEW BUSINESS (a) Durham Regional Police Trending Reports Rolf Kluem advised that the officers have turned their focus recently to persons who are under court order and ensuring compliance with those orders. As well, they have been focusing on roadway safety. The results are indicating a positive impact with a decline in reports and complaints. This month, the property crime rates have declined and they believe this to be attributed to assigning officers to the problem areas. Rolf confirmed that Clarington is a safe community with no major crimes reported. In response to Mayor Foster's request, Rolf committed to Clarington Safe - 3 - June 20, 2013 Communities Committee looking into the opportunity of having a communications release prepared by DRPS for each Committee Meeting which Chris would then be able to release to the media following each meeting. (b) Brain Storming for Next Event This item was covered earlier in the meeting regarding the Graffiti clean-up project. (c) Potential Partnership Event on July 18, 2013 Chris Newman advised that the Firehouse Youth Centre, in partnership with "Pro- Action" Cops & Kids will be co-hosting a community swim and BBQ event at the Orono Park on Thursday, July 18, 2013. This is a free event with the swim starting at 11:00 am with the BBQ immediately following. 4. OTHER BUSINESS There was no Other Business introduced. 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled to be held on September 19, 2013. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by M. Perrino, seconded by R. Kluem THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Chris Newman, Chair Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk