HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-18 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting June 18, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tracey Ali Bonnie Seto Tenzin Gyaltsan Councillor Hooper Kim Vaneyk (Ex-officio) Ruth Goff (Ex-officio) Allan Kirby Karin Murphy Joseph Earle REGRETS: Angela Tibbles, David Reesor MEMBERS ABSENT: Colin Maitland STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Kristy Kilbourne GUESTS: Melanie Ridgely, Owner (76 Queen Street, Bowmanville) Ruth Porras, Sr. Planner/Urban Designer, Planning Services Tracey welcomed all to the meeting and in particular Joe the newest member of the committee. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST- None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 13.15 Moved by Ron Hooper, seconded by Allen Kirby THAT the agenda be adopted. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES 13.16 Moved by Allan Kirby, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT the minutes of May 28th, 2013 be accepted as amended. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS 76 Queen Street, Bowmanville Melanie Ridgely, owner of 76 Queen Street in Bowmanville, explained to the CHC that she had applied for a Heritage Incentive Grant for the replacement of 4 windows on the front of her house with architecturally accurate high efficiency windows. She passed around a photo of her house from 1908 and explained that the arched top has been capped and the grills (mullions) have been cut out of the windows. She is proposing to replace these windows with arched windows which feature the same grill pattern as was original to the house. The casement on the interior will be saved as the windows will just be an insert. There were questions from the Committee regarding whether the smaller window on the second floor was also to be replaced and whether it is intended to cap the sills. Melanie indicated that she had 'thought about replacing the second floor window but that it would be challenging to replace the grill pattern on the upper portion of the window. She mentioned that the original oak sills were in great condition and that it was standard practice for the window installer to cap the sills as part of the window installation for uniformity. She distributed examples of the work by the company she wishes to use. Draft Newcastle Urban Design Guidelines Ruth Porras, Sr. Planner/Urban Designer, Planning Services Department, gave a presentation to the Committee on the draft Urban Design Guidelines for Newcastle, providing a background, overview of the proposed guidelines. Part of the process in developing the guidelines is to obtain feedback from the various committees involved. If committee members have additional comments please send them to Ruth. BUSINESS ARISING Visual Arts Centre of Clarington (VAC) Historical Write-Up Sign — Faye has received confirmation from the VAC that the historical write-up sign will be moved in the next few weeks to the entrance of the building. Toll House — Faye has not received an update, the Toll House is still listed for sale by the realtor, no demolition permit has been applied for. Update on Heritage Incentive Grants for 2013 - There were about a dozen inquiries from designated property owners about the Heritage Incentive Grant Program. Five complete applications were received including quotes for works. Two applications were for structural/brick and mortar repair, one for pointing of a stone house, one was for repainting and repair of clapboard siding which is listed as a designated feature with a paint that will better preserve the siding, and the final application was for the window replacements at 76 Queen. It was determined based on the criteria set out that all five should receive funding. The funding is in the range of 20-25% of the total cost of the works to be undertaken for each of the projects. Memberships in Museum and NVDHS - Bonnie and Allan spoke about what each membership entailed and the benefits for members. The Committee passed the following motion: 13.17 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Joseph Earle THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee purchase community group memberships for the Clarington Museums and Archives and the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society. "CARRIED" Walbridge House — The report on the alterations for the Walbridge House was approved by Council, including the delegation of approval authority to the Director of Planning Services who will work with the owner/contractor in consultation with the CHC. Faye has spoken with the contractor who does not anticipate that they will need to come again to the CHC prior to the September meeting. The approval by Council included the structural works necessary to stabilize the foundation and framework. Candidates for designation: Knox family, 6325 Enfield Road No new information. Camp 30 A You Tube video of Erin O'Toole announcing in Parliament that the site has received national designation was circulated by Tracey. It is expected that a formal announcement on site will take place in the future; however the date has yet to be confirmed. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES (Community Improvement Plans, Etc.) Bowmanville CIP — Next meeting is July 17th. Discussion took place around the appointment of a Clarington Heritage Committee (CHC) representative for the Bowmanville CIP group. It was decided that Councillor Hooper will serve as the CHC representative as he already attends the meetings as the Council representative. Newcastle CIP — Next meeting is October 24th. Tenzin mentioned that the CIP group had also received Ruth's presentation on the draft urban design guidelines. In conjunction with the delineation of downtown Heritage District and the East District, Faye explained that an amendment had been made to the Sign By-law to reflect these changes and remove the East District from the Heritage Resource Area. Orono CIP —There has been a recent surge in applications. Next meeting is July 3rd ACO, Clarington Branch — Tracey reported that Doors Open 2013 was very successful and thanked those in attendance who volunteered to assist on the day. Clarington Tourism was more involved this year in promoting the event. Tracey showed the guidebook that Kim helped prepared. The Tyrone walking tour will be posted on the Heritage website with credit to Kim. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS) — Allan reported that a few NVDHS members continue to make videos featuring community members telling stories of earlier years in Newcastle. They are looking into obtaining another grant for editing and polishing the videos. They continue to work on updating their Newcastle Walking Tour to ensure accuracy. They still meet Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Clarington Museums and Archives — Bonnie informed the Committee that the Museum is busy preparing for Canada Day celebrations where they will have cake and a BBQ with representation from all three levels of government. Also, in July and August, at the Bowmanville Museum on the veranda afternoon high tea from 12-3pm on Wednesdays catered by the Toasted Walnut. The cost will be $11. Heritage Week Working Group — The next meeting will be in August. Tracey advised any Committee members that are interested to contact Angela. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL Ontario Heritage Trust (OHT) Nominations for 2013 The OHT has sent out a formal notice advertising the public of the extension of the deadline for nominations to September 30th, 2013. A report will go to Council in September as members of the public can submit nominations to Council for consideration over the summer. All recommendations are to be endorsed by Council. PROJECT REPORTS Inventory Photographs — No update. Barns — An update (Attachment #1) was provided to the Committee on the status of the Barn Book project and also a background of the project and the role of the Committee in this project. The first priority will be to photograph the 407 properties this summer. Faye will contact MTO to make arrangements for access. The Eckhardt barn a project by Peter Stokes in Sunderland has requested support from the CHC in their request to obtain cut field stone salvaged from the 407 demolitions. The committee supports in principle the reuse of salvaged materials; first preference is the relocation of barns within Clarington. NEW BUSINESS New Member Joseph Earle was appointed by Council to the CHC at their June 17th meeting. Joe introduced himself and spoke a bit about his background and experience. 76 Queen Street The requested alteration to 76 Queen Street was discussed. The Committee discussed the need to evaluate each application on a case-by-case basis using the site specific heritage designations as guides while recognizing the need for consistency in recommendations. The following motion was passed in support of the proposed alteration: 13.18 Moved by Allan Kirby, seconded by Joseph Earle "THAT permission be granted for replacement of the arched windows on the first floor front facade with more architecturally accurate energy efficient windows on the property identified as 76 Queen Street, Bowmanville, in accordance with Section 33(4) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.0 1990, Chapter 0.18, and further that the Committee recommends that the visual and structural elements that have retained their integrity be maintained." "CARRIED" Minor Alterations to Designated Heritage Properties In response to the need to streamline the process for heritage incentive grants and ensure the approvals process functions smoothly delegating minor alteration approvals to the Director of Planning Services in consultation with the Committee would assist in minimizing the number of steps and timeline to obtain consent to carry out works. The following motion was passed relating to minor alterations to designated heritage properties: 13.19 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Bonnie Seto "THAT Council delegate the power to authorize minor alterations to designated heritage properties to the Director of Planning Services in consultation with the Clarington Heritage Committee." "CARRIED" Allen Kirby moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: September 17th, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1A Attachments Attachment #1 — Clarington Heritage Barn Book Clarington Heritage Barn Book Role of the Clarington Heritage Committee In October, 2012, the CHC passed the following motion in support of the project: 12.28 Moved by Andrew Kozak, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT Clarington Heritage Committee endorse the proposal to create a book of Clarington barns and will participate in the endeavour by assisting with seed funding, photography and related research. "CARRIED" This project falls under the following responsibilities of the Committee as set out in the TOR: 2.5 To implement programs and activities, as decided by the Committee, which would increase public awareness and education of cultural heritage conservation issues, and promote community involvement; and 2.6 To utilize funds budgeted by Council and generated through fund raising activities to conserve the Municipality's cultural heritage, increase public awareness and education, conduct research, and provide for the general education and administration of the Committee Progress to date - Notice has gone out in the June 12th Clarington Planning E-Update about the project, soliciting participation from barn owners and volunteers. - A letter has been prepared to go out from Kim and Angela to barn owners in Clarington requesting their participation. In this letter, those interested in participating have been asked to contact the municipality using the contact information provided to them. - List of properties with barns from MPAC has been narrowed to just over 600 with some further narrowing down still to take place. - The sheet used for designated properties will be modified to suit the barn inventory. This information sheet can be completed at the same time as photographs are taken at the property. - A preliminary listing of book content has been prepared by Kim and some CHC members have offered to assist in taking on certain sections of the book when we reach that phase — Tenzin (Barn Design), Angela (Barn Raising), Bonnie will talk to VAC about display, Jenni Knox is working on glossary Partners - VAC — potential art projects, photography, exhibit. - Possibility of inclusion for Doors Open 2014 sites. - Some members of the public have responded to the advertisement in the Clarington Planning E-Update about the project. - COAA has indicated an interest in the project from their membership — Information about the project to go out in their newsletter to solicit participation from both volunteers and barn owners. - MTO has indicated a willingness to assist in this project by allowing access to MTO- owned properties. Will also approach for sponsorship. - Looking for sponsors for the project. Recommendations - Formation of a sub-committee to work on this project, this means that a group of individuals working on this project outside the membership of the CHC could be formed but have a formal link to the CHC through Kim (as liaison). - Project work and timeline be set out in phases • First phase being to undertake a comprehensive inventory of heritage barns (information sheet and photographs) in Clarington —first priority being given to MTO properties.. • Second phase being to incorporate the findings of this inventory into a publication. • Third phase being to market the publication - along with previous CHC publications. - Different funding models be investigated for the project (i.e. Trillium Grant, calendar sales, business partners - advertising etc.)