HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-56 Consolidated OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 s Leading the Way THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 91-56 Being a By-law to regulate and license certain exhibitions held for hire or gain in the municipality. Passed by Council on: April 29, 1991 Consolidation as of: July 4, 2013 Amendments: Amending Date Passed Amendment Details By-law 96-25 January 29, 1996 Change application fee from $300 to $360 Section 4 m) 97-126 June 23, 1997 Replace "Town of Newcastle" with "Municipality of Clarington" Add Schedules A, B, C, D, E Replace and add new Sections 4 1), 4 m), 4 n), and 4o) Add new Section 8 2012-063 July 3, 2012 Maximum level of audible sound for Mosport Park — August 10, 2012 to August 12, 2012 Application for Boots & Hearts Country Music Festival Section 4 1) and Section 3 (1) respectively. Disclaimer: The following consolidated by-law is an electronic reproduction made available for information only. It is not an official version of the By-law. The format may be different, and plans, pictures, other graphics or text may be missing or altered. The Municipality of Clarington does not warrant the accuracy of this electronic version. Official versions of all By-laws may be obtained from the Clerk's Department. Page 1 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 91-56 Being a By-law to regulate and license certain exhibitions held for hire or gain in the municipality. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it expedient to regulate and license certain exhibitions held for hire or gain in the municipality, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. For the purposes of this By-law, the term: a) "applicant" means the person who is required to sign an application for a license for an exhibition held for hire or gain, and where more than one person is required to sign an application for a license by subsection 3(1) of this By-law, the term "applicant" includes each person who is so required to sign the application in question; b) "charitable organization" means a charitable organization whether or not incorporated, all the resources of which were devoted to charitable activities carried on by the organization itself and no part of the income of which was payable to, or was otherwise available for the personal benefit of, any proprietor, member of shareholder thereof; c) "exhibition held for hire or gain" means a concert, a musical exhibition, a folk festival, or other gathering, (i) at which entertainment is provided to the persons who attend, (ii) a fee for admission is paid by the persons who attend, and (iii) the persons who attend are accommodated outdoors or on seats that are not located within a building, and the term "exhibition held for hire or gain" includes a proposed exhibition held for hire or gain where that meaning is required by the context in which the term is used; d) "fee for admission" means a charge in money or monies' worth for the right to attend an exhibition held for hire or gain and includes a membership fee in a club, organization, or association which entitles the member to attend an exhibition held for hire or gain; Page 2 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 e) "land" means land located in the Municipality of Clarington; f) "municipality" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; g) "Region" means the Regional Municipality of Durham. 2. No person shall hold an exhibition held for hire or gain on any land or permit an exhibition held or gain to be held on any land unless: a) at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of commencement of the exhibition held for hire or gain a license therefore has been issued by the Clerk of the municipality pursuant to this By-law; and b) no greater number of persons who pay a fee for admission in fact attend the exhibition held for hire or gain at any time(s) than the maximum number of persons specified in the licence who may attend the exhibition held for hire or gain at the particular time (s). 3. (1) A written application for a license to hold or conduct an exhibition held for hire or gain pursuant to this By-law shall be made to the Clerk of the municipality at least 45 days prior to the proposed date of commencement of the exhibition held for hire or gain. Notwithstanding paragraph 3(1) of By-law No. 91-56, as amended by By-law No. 97-126, the application for a license to hold the Boots & Hearts Country Music Festival be made to the Clerk of the municipality by July 4, 2012. 3. (2) The application shall be signed by each person(s) who proposed to conduct the exhibition held for hire or gain in question. The application shall also be signed by the owner or owners of the fee simple and leasehold interests in the land on which it is proposed to hold or conduct the exhibition held for hire or gain if such owner(s) is different from the person(s) who propose to conduct such exhibition. 4. Every applicant for a licence under subsection 3(1) of this By-law shall submit to the Clerk of the municipality either with the application or at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of commencement of the exhibition held for hire or gain in question, in support of the application, each of the following: a) a description of the exhibition held for hire or gain, and a description of the land on which the exhibition held for hire or gain is to be held, which land shall include any areas for motor vehicle parking, camping, the sale or consumption of food and refreshments, which are available to persons who pay a fee for admission to attend the exhibition in question; Page 3 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 b) a statement of the applicant under oath of the maximum number of persons who pay a fee for admission who will be permitted by the applicant to attend the exhibition held for hire or gain at a specified time or times together with a description of the means by which attendance will be limited to such maximum number of persons; c) the proposed period(s) of time during which the exhibition held for hire or gain will be held which shall include any additional period(s) during which persons who pay a fee for submission who propose to attend or who have attended the exhibition in question will be permitted to enter or to remain on the land on which the exhibition held for hire or gain is held before the exhibition has commenced and after it has concluded; d) a letter signed by the Chief of Police of the Regions Police Service certifying that in his opinion adequate police protection will be available during the period(s) referred to in paragraph 4.c) for the exhibition held for hire or gain, if the estimated cost thereof specified in the Chief of Police's letter including any security deposit that he requires the applicant to make from which the Police Service may be indemnified in respect of damage to or loss of Police Service equipment or vehicles while on the land referred to in paragraph 4.a) during the period(s) referred to in paragraph 4.c), is paid by the applicant as provided in paragraph 4.e) on or before the day which is at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of commencement of the exhibition held for hire or gain in question; e) a certified cheque payable to the Region in an amount equal to the estimated cost of adequate police protection including the security deposit referred to in paragraph 4(d); f) a letter signed by the Chief of the Municipality of Clarington Fire Department certifying that he has approved a Fire Safety Plan under the Ontario Fire Code, O.Reg. 67/87, as amended from time to time, if such is required in respect of the exhibition held for hire or gain on any land referred to in paragraph 4.a); g) a letter signed by the Chief of the Municipality of Clarington Fire Department setting out his estimate of the additional cost, if any, to the municipality of providing adequate fire protection in connection with the exhibition held for hire or gain and the amount of money that in his opinion should be deposited by the applicant with the municipality from which the municipality may appropriate monies to indemnify the municipality in respect of damage to or loss of any municipality-owned fire equipment or vehicle(s) while on the land referred to in paragraph 4.a) during any of the period(s) referred to in paragraph 4.c); Page 4 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 h) a certified cheque payable to the municipality in an amount equal to the estimated cost of providing adequate fire protection and the security deposit set out in the Fire Chief's letters referred to in paragraphs 4.f) and g); i) a certified cheque payable to the municipality in the amount that in the opinion of the Director of Public Works of the municipality will be sufficient to reimburse the owners of lands located within 150 metres of the land referred to in paragraph 4.a) on which the proposed exhibition held for hire or gain will be conducted including the municipality as the owner of public highways, for damage which is caused by or results from unauthorized entry on or use of any of such properties by persons who attend or who are employed by the applicant or by his contractor in connection with the exhibition held for hire and gain at any time(s) during the period(s) referred to in paragraph 4.c), provided that the aforesaid amount shall not exceed $30,000.00 with respect to the exhibition held for hire or gain in question; j) a letter signed by the Region's Medical Officer of Health certifying that he is of the opinion that all public health and sanitation requirements in connection with the exhibition held for hire or gain are likely to be satisfied; k) a certified copy of a comprehensive general liability policy of insurance issued by an insurer licensed to do business in Ontario which provides for limits of protection of at least $10,000,000.00 in respect of the exhibition held for hire or gain referred to in paragraph 4.a) during the period(s) referred to in paragraph 4.c), which provides coverage, including bodily injury, property damage, and non-owned auto insurance, which names the municipality as an insured party and which provides a coverage period at least equal to the period(s) referred to in paragraph 4c) plus one (1) day before the commencement and one (1) day after the conclusion of the exhibition held for hire or gain in question; 1) in the case of a concert which is an exhibition held for hire or gain, a letter signed by the Municipality of Clarington's Director of Public Works stating that in his opinion he is satisfied with the written evidence provided to him by the applicant, which shall include the written opinion of a professional engineer retained by the applicant and the evidence relied on by the professional engineer, that in the professional engineer's opinion the maximum level of audible sound measured in accordance with this By-law at each of 4 noise monitoring locations proposed by the applicant each of which shall be adjacent to a different boundary of the land on which the concert is proposed to be undertaken shall not exceed the maximum level of audible sound set out below at any of the times set out below: Concerts — Maximum Hours To Level of Audible Sound 12:01 AM 9:59 AM 45 d BA 10:00 AM Midnight 60 dBA Page 5 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 provided that in the case of "Mosport Park" which comprises the lands and premises more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, the noise monitoring locations shall be situated within 10 metres of a boundary of Mosport Park shown on the Map contained in Schedule "B" attached to and forming part of this By-law. Notwithstanding paragraph 4(I) of By-law No. 91-56, as amended by By-law 97-126, the Maximum Level of Audible Sound for Mosport Park for the period August 10, 2012 to August 12, 2012 shall be as follows: Concerts — Maximum Hours To Level of Audible Sound 2:00 am 8:59 am 45 dBA 9:00 am 1:59 am 110 dBA m) an agreement executed by the applicant by which the applicant agrees with the Municipality of Clarington to save the municipality harmless from and indemnify it in respect of all costs, charges, expenses and liability that it may incur as a result of the applicant's undertaking of the concert referred to in 4(I), and the municipality's undertaking of monitoring by the municipality's employees, contractors or consultants of the level of audible sound generated by the concert in question at not more than the 4 noise monitoring locations referred to in paragraph 4(I), and reporting to Council of the municipality respecting such monitoring; n) a letter signed by the Municipality of Clarington's Director of Public Works of the municipality setting out his estimate of the costs, charges, expenses and liability that the municipality will incur as a result of the applicant's undertaking of the concert in question, and the municipality's undertaking of monitoring by the municipality's employees, contractors or consultants of the level of audible sound generated by the concert in question, at the 4 noise monitoring locations referred to in paragraph 4(I), and the aforesaid Director's estimate of the amount of money that in his opinion should be required to be deposited by the applicant with the municipality from which the municipality may appropriate money in order to save the municipality harmless from and to indemnify it in respect of the aforesaid costs, charges, expenses and liabilities; o) a certified cheque payable to the Municipality of Clarington in an amount equal to the municipality's Director of Public Works' estimate set out in his letter referred to in paragraph 4(n) of the amount of money that should be required to be deposited by the applicant with the municipality from which the municipality may appropriate money in order to save the municipality harmless from and to indemnify it in respect of the costs, charges, expenses Page 6 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 and liabilities to the municipality in respect of the matters referred to in paragraph 4(n); p) an agreement executed by the applicant by which the applicant agrees with the municipality to save the municipality harmless from and indemnify it in respect of all costs, charges, expenses and liability that it may incur as a result of issuing a license to the applicant for the exhibition held for hire or gain or that may arise out or result from of the holding or conducting of the exhibition in question; and q) except in the case in which the applicant is a charitable organization, an application fee of $360.00 paid in cash or by certified cheque payable to the municipality. 5. At any time prior to the completion of the exhibition held for hire or gain which is permitted by a licence issued under this By-law, the licence therefore may be revoked by the Clerk of the municipality by written notice served on the applicant or delivered to the applicant's address as set out in the application for the licence, Either a) if the Clerk is satisfied that incorrect or false information has been submitted to the Clerk in support of the application for the licence; Or b) if the Medical Officer of Health of the Regional Municipality of Durham advises the Clerk in writing that he is no longer of the opinion that all public health and sanitation requirements in connection with the exhibition held for hire or gain are likely to be satisfied. 6. For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, no license shall be issued under this By-law if the exhibition held for hire or gain is not permitted by By-law 84-63, as amended from time to time or under any replacement of or successor to such By-law. 7. This By-law shall not apply to: a) any exhibition held for hire or gain if the number of persons who pay a fee for admission who attend such exhibition is fewer than 250; and b) any exhibition held for hire or gain (i) on an allowance for public highway owned by the Municipality of Clarington, Page 7 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 (ii) on or in a park or recreational facility owned and/or operated by the Municipality of Clarington, or (iii) on or in the Municipality of Clarington Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. 8 (1) For the purposes of this By-law the term, (a) "Acoustic Calibrator" means an electro-mechanical or mechanical device intended for the calibration of sound level meters and meeting the specifications for equipment used in the measurement of sound set out in Schedule "C" attached to and forming part of this By-law. (b) "A-weighting" means the frequency weighting characteristic as specified in Schedule "D" attached to and forming part of this By-law and intended to approximate the relative sensitivity of the normal human ear to different frequencies (pitches) of sound. (c) "A-weighted sound pressure level" means the sound pressure level modified by application of the A-weighting. It is measured in decibels, A- weighted, and denoted dBA. (d) "decibel" or "dB" means a dimensionless measure of sound level or sound pressure level in which sound levels are measured. (e) "dBA" means the dB level to which has been applied the A-Weighting. (f) "effective sound pressure" at a point means the root-mean square value of the instantaneous sound pressure, over a time interval, at the point under consideration as detected with a sound level meter meeting the specifications for equipment used in the measurement of sound set out in the aforesaid Schedule "C". (g) "Fast response" means a dynamic characteristic setting of a sound level meter meeting the specifications for equipment used in the measurement of sound set out in the aforesaid Schedule "C". (h) "frequency" of a periodic quantity means the number of times that the quantity repeats itself in a unit interval of time. The unit of measurement is hertz (Hz) which is the same as cycles per second. (i) "Quasi-steady impulsive sound" means a sequence of impulsive sounds emitted from the same source, having a time interval of less than 0.5 seconds between successive impulsive sounds. Page 8 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 (j) "Slow Response" means a dynamic characteristic setting of a sound level meter meeting the specifications for equipment used in the measurement of sound set out in the aforesaid Schedule "C". (k) "Sound" means an oscillation in pressure, stress, particle displacement or particle velocity, in a medium with internal forces (e.g. elastic, viscous), or the superposition of such propagated oscillation, which may cause an auditory sensation. (1) "Sound level" means an A-weighted sound pressure level. (m) "Sound level meter" means an instrument which is sensitive to and calibrated for the measurement of sound. (n) "Sound Pressure" means the instantaneous difference between the actual pressure and the average or barometric pressure at a given location. The unit of measurement is the micropascal (uPa) which is the same as a micronewton per square metre (uN/m2). (o) "Sound pressure level" means twenty times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the effective pressure (p) of a sound to the reference pressure (p) of 20 uPa). (2) For the purposes of paragraph 4(1) of this By-law, the measurement procedures which shall be followed in measuring the level of audible sound are set out in Schedule "E" attached to and forming part of this By-law. 9. The invalidity of any section, portion of a section, paragraph, portion of a paragraph, clause, or portion of a clause of this By-law is not intended to and shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this By-law. 10. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence under the Provincial Offences Act. 11. This By-law shall come into force and have full effect immediately on the final passing of it. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 29th day of April, 1991 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 29th day of April, 1991 Original By-law Signed by Mayor and Clerk Page 9 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 By-law 91-56 SCHEDULE "A" Lots 33, 34 and 35 and the unopened original road allowance between Lots 34 and 35, Concession 9, Geographic Township of Clarke, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham. Page 10 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 By-law 91-56 f +{ r; cl hr I � � I I I1 4Tf f{f 4 7 G J 17th ' 7{3 p rot ? 71l 1-' I� Ik �IJI � � Llr 15Y� L Page 11 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 By-law 91-56 SCHEDULE "C" SPECIFICATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT USED IN MEASUREMENT OF SOUND 1. General Purpose Sound Level Meter (1) Purpose A General Purpose Sound Level Meter is a sound level meter which is intended to be used for the measurement of non-impulsive sounds, without significant A-weighted acoustic energy above 2000 Hz. (2) Specifications A sound level meter which meets the following specifications is a General Purpose Sound Level Meter: (a) the sound level meter, including a microphone equipped with a windscreen shall be consistent with the provisions of Schedule "D" attached to and forming part of this By-law; (b) the sound level meter shall incorporate A-weighting; (c) the sound level meter shall have a minimum usable range of sensitivity of from 40 dBA to 100 dBA and it shall read to an accuracy of +/-1.0 dB over that range; (d) a windscreen shall be installed on the microphone and shall not affect by more than 1 dB the tolerance prescribed in clauses (a) and (c); (e) the sound level meter, including a microphone equipped with a windscreen, shall, when operated in the presence of wind, indicate a wind-induced sound level not in excess of the relevant value listed in Table C-1 below. TABLE C — 1 WIND SPEED dBA 15 km/h 41 20 km/h 48 25 km/h 53 Page 12 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 2. Acoustic Calibrator (1) Purpose An Acoustic Calibrator is an electro-mechanical or mechanical device which produces sound of a known frequency and which, when coupled to a sound level meter, produces a predictable response in the sound level meter if the sound level meter is operating properly at the calibration frequency. (2) Specifications A device, capable of producing sound, which meets the following specifications, is an Acoustic Calibrator: (a) the device shall be capable of being physically attached to a sound level meter in such a way that the device and the sound level meter are "acoustically coupled", that is, sound from the device is transmitted through the air by way of a chamber formed by the attachment of the device to the microphone of the sound level meter; (b) the device shall produce sound of a stated frequency, within a frequency tolerance of +1-5%; (c) the manufacturer of the device shall provide with the device, any data required in order to determine the sound level reading which should be indicated on the sound level meter when calibrated for those microphone and sound level meter types with which the manufacturer recommends the device be used. Where additional accessories must be used to provide this sound level reading, the manufacturer shall state that they must be used; (d) the maximum tolerance in the sound pressure level generated by the device when coupled to the microphone shall apply over an atmospheric pressure range of 87 kPa to 107 kPa, and shall be +/- 0.5 dB over the temperature range of from 0°C to 40°C and +/- 1.0 dB over the temperature range of from -10°C to 50°C. (e) if the device is battery powered, means for checking the battery condition shall be included with the device; (f) the following data shall be provided with the device by the manufacturer, (i) the nominal sound pressure level produced, (ii) the nominal frequency at which the device operates, (iii) the ranges of temperature and atmospheric pressure over which the device is intended to operate, and the applicable overall sound pressure level tolerance for these ranges. Page 13 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 By-law 91-56 SCHEDULE "D" Schedule "D" comprises the provisions of the document entitled "Sound Level Meters" (IEC 651), First edition, 1979 Amendment 1 (1993-09) published by the Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale, Geneva, Switzerland, with the exception of the provisions set out below. Schedule "D" does not include the following provisions of IEC 651: Page Reference 5 "Other IEC Publication Quoted in This Standard" 9 IEC 537 - "D" weighting 17 IEC 537 - "D" weighting 43 IEC 537 - "D" weighting 11 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary, chapter 801 17 ISO 266 Footnote to Table IV Schedule "D" also does not include references set out in Amendment 1 (1993-09) to the Standard IEC 942 1988 Sound Calibrators under the title "Other IEC Publications Quoted in This Standard. Page 14 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 By-law 91-56 SCHEDULE "E" MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES 1. Measurement of Steady or Impulsive Sound (1) (a) Classification For the purpose of this procedure sounds are placed in three mutually exclusive categories as follows: (i) Quasi-Steady Impulsive Sounds, such as, but not limited to, the sound from pavement breakers, riveting guns, ineffectively muffled internal combustion engines or ineffectively muffled air compressors; (ii) buzzing sounds, such as, but not limited to, the sounds from positive displacement blowers, chain saws, small combustion engines and concrete finishers; (iii) all other sounds including rock music. (b) Application This procedure applies to measurement at a point in reception of: (i) sound of a type mentioned in category (i) of clause 1(1)(a); and (ii) sound of a type mentioned in categories (ii) or (iii) of clause 1(1)(a), which is always higher than the permissible level or which, when the sound is present, does not vary in level over a range of more than 6 dB during the period of observation. (2) Instrumentation (a) Sound Level Meter (i) A General Purpose Sound Level Meter shall be used for the measurement of sound in categories (i), (ii) and (iii) of clause 1 (i)(a). (b) Calibrator An Acoustic Calibrator shall be used. (c) Windscreen A windscreen shall be used in all outdoor measurements. (3) Measurement Location For sound transmitted solely through air, the measurement location shall be the points of reception specified in paragraph 4(a) of this By-law. Page 15 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 (4) Use of Instrumentation (a) Battery Check If the sound level meter is battery powered the condition of the battery shall be checked after the meter has been allowed to warm up and stabilize. The battery condition shall be rechecked at least once per hour during a series of measurements and at the conclusion of such measurements. The meter shall not be used unless the battery condition is confirmed to be within the range recommended by the manufacturer for proper operation. (b) Calibration The sound level meter shall be calibrated after the meter has been allowed to warm up and stabilize at least once per hour during a series of measurements and at the conclusion of such measurements. (c) Sound Level Meter Settings Measurements shall be taken using the following response settings: (i) Slow Response (dBA) The slow response and A-weighting shall be used for sound in categories (i), (ii) and (ii) of clause 1(1)(a). (d) Instrument Configuration (i) Reflective Surfaces The microphone shall be located not less than 1 metre above the ground, not less than 1 metre from any sound reflective surface and not less than arm's length from the body of the person operating the meter. Not more than one person, other than the operator of the meter, shall be within 7 metres of the microphone and that person shall be behind the operator of the meter. (ii) Microphone Orientation The microphone shall be oriented such that the sound to be measured is incident at an angle recommended by the microphone manufacturer for flattest frequency response in a free field. (d) Measurement - Slow Response (i) Readings Taken For sound in categories (i), (ii) and (iii) of clause 1(1)(a), a minimum of three observations with a minimum observation time of 15 seconds each shall be made. The observed average reading for each of the observations shall be noted as well as the minimum and the maximum of the range of sound levels during each observation period. If the difference between any two observed average readings is greater than 3 dB, a minimum of six observations shall be made. Page 16 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 (e) Variation in Calibration Measurements shall not be reported if the sound level meter calibration has changed more than 0.5 dB from the previous calibration. (ii) Weather Conditions (a) Wind Measurements shall not be taken unless the wind-induced sound level is more than 10 dB below the measured levels. (b) Humidity Measurements shall not be taken if the relative humidity is above the maximum for which the meter specification is guaranteed by the manufacturer (normally 90%) (c) Precipitation Measurements shall not be taken during precipitation. (d) Temperature Measurements shall not be taken when the air temperature is outside the range for which the specifications of the instrument is guaranteed by the manufacturer. (5) Documentation The following represents the minimum information which shall be contained in a report of an investigation where the above procedure was used. (a) Acoustic Environment (i) Location and description of sound sources. (ii) Dimensioned sketch including photographs, if possible, of the location of the sound source and the point of reception, showing all buildings, trees, structures and any other sound reflective surfaces. (iii) Physical and topographical description of the ground surface. (iv) Meteorological conditions prevailing at the time of the investigation including approximate local wind speed in km/h, wind direction, air temperature in °C, approximate relative humidity and extent of cloud cover. (b) Instrumentation All the equipment used for making sound level measurements shall be listed, including: (i) type, model and serial number of sound level meter; (ii) type, model and serial number of microphone; (iii) type, model and serial number of Acoustic Calibrator; (iv) extension cables and additional amplifier, if used. Page 17 of 18 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION OF BY-LAW 91-56 (c) Acoustical Data The measurement details shall be described, including: (i) the location of the microphone, using a sketch if necessary; (ii) measurements or readings obtained, preferably listed in tabular form, referencing location on a sketch or map, time periods involved, and relevant data required for making calculations; and (iii) details of any calculations. Page 18 of 18