HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05-28 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting May 28, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Seto Angela Tibbles David Reesor Councillor Hooper Karin Murphy Kim Vaneyk (Ex-officio) REGRETS: Tracey Ali, Tenzin Gyaltsan, Allan Kirby MEMBERS ABSENT: Colin Maitland, Ruth Goff (Ex-officio) STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Kristy Kilbourne GUESTS: Jim Sculthorpe, Sam Jex (Walbridge House) Mike Porporo, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Angela welcomed all to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None to declare. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 13.11 Moved by Ron Hooper, seconded by Bonnie Seto THAT the agenda be adopted. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES 13.12 Moved by Bonnie Seto, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT the minutes of April 16th, 2013 be accepted. "CARRIED" 13.13 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Bonnie Seto THAT the minutes of the May 21St, 2013 Special Meeting be accepted as amended. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Walbridge House Jim Sculthorpe and his colleague Sam, presented drawings for the Walbridge House. He reiterated that major interior renovations had been done to the house over time and that no original trim remaining, the original interior configuration is a mystery due to various fireplaces and chimneys that existed throughout the house and the presence of multiple types and varying directions of subflooring. The owners would like to replicate/replace the exterior siding of the building to as close to the original as possible. The front dormer (not original) is proposed to be removed with a dormer being added in the back of the building. The soffit and fascia will be redone using pine, the same materials as were used originally. They have priced out re-milled clapboard siding and would prefer to use a prefabricated alternative that very closely resembles the original siding. They would like to preserve as much as they can of the heritage of the building, however they are also working within a budget. Before they begin to restore the exterior of the building, they have a number of significant structural projects they will need to undertake in order to bring the building up to code and make it habitable. One of the issues they are facing is that the east wall is completely structurally unsound and will need to be completely rebuilt. The foundation needs some repair as it has been undermined by the services to the lot, the sills all around the house will have to be replaced as will the ground floor trusses. They are proposing to continue working with the Heritage Committee throughout the process. Currently, Committee and Council approval is required in order to begin their structural work. Barns Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Staff have mapped barn/farm structures using codes from MPAC; additional work was done to refine the list in order to narrow it down further by type and dates in order to obtain a narrower, more targeted list of farm structure owners to approach for potential inclusion in the book. Mike Proporo from MPAC provided photographic examples and descriptions of each type of structure for the codes that had been selected. The list has been narrowed from upwards of 3300 to 700. This list could be narrowed further by sorting by frequency in codes and by grouping properties with the same owner. BUSINESS ARISING Ontario Heritage Trust (OHT) Nominations for 2013 Supporting documentation was received for all three of the Heritage Committee's recommendations. The OHT has since decided that they will be extending the deadline for nominations to September 30th, 2013 and will be advertised to the public in September. Recommendations are to be endorsed by Council, so a report will not go to Council until September. Visual Arts Centre of Clarington (VAC) Historical Write-Up Sign — No update 407 Special Meeting — some disappointment was expressed at the content of the meeting with Ministry of Transportation MTO staff as it appeared to be revisiting items that had already previously been addressed by the CHC. Staff confirmed that the information from previous meetings, concurrence of Council and the salvage strategy for Clarington, as well as Committee and Council resolutions had been sent to MTO. The letter from the MTO Central Region Manager confirms receipt. Candidates for designation: Knox family, 6325 Enfield Road No new information. Angela will follow-up with Jenny Knox regarding this designation. Camp 30 An informal announcement regarding the national designation was made. The site received designation as a national historic site in April. The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) Clarington Branch and MP Erin O'Toole are currently working on setting up a foundation to govern the site. The Museum has indicated that they have no interest in assuming the site. REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES (community improvement plans, etc) Bowmanville CIP — Meeting was held on April 17th. At this meeting, the group reviewed its Terms of Reference and composition as the 3-year term should be renewed. Most members have indicated they would like to remain. As Andrew Kozak was the CHC representative appointed to this group, the CHC will need to appoint a new representative to this group prior to the next meeting which is to be held on July 17th Newcastle CIP — Meeting was held on April 25th. At this meeting, they received a presentation on Draft Urban Design Guidelines for Newcastle. A special meeting was held on May 13th where the CIP group provided their comments on the Draft Urban Design Guidelines for Newcastle. Funding that was approved in the 2013 budget for Engineering Services to prepare a streetscape study. The next meeting will be October 24th. Orono CIP — Meeting was held on April 3rd. For the last couple of years, the Orono CIP grant allocation has sat largely unused. However, recently there has been a surge in applications. Their next meeting is July 3rd ACO, Clarington Branch — Kim delivered Tracey's report. Myno Van Dyke was guest speaker at our last ACO meeting. He presented some very interesting and educational information on both the Newcastle and Orono Toll Houses. There was also some discussion on Camp 30 next steps. Doors Open Clarington preparations are nearly complete. Guide books printed and promotional materials are circulating in the community. One last minute addition of a private home in Tyrone to the DOC tour and the site owners are getting excited about the event by preparing their properties and gardens for the guests. Doors Open Clarington Orientation/Thank you Volunteers night will be Wed. May 29 in Tyrone at 7 PM. Opportunities to volunteer and assist in the day are still available. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society NVDHS — Allan was not present to provide an update. Clarington Museums and Archives — Bonnie informed the Committee that the Museum is not interested in relocating the Smoke House from one of the 407 properties to the Kirby Museum or storing any 407 salvage items. She also announced that the Museum has a new exhibit at the Sarah Jane building, entitled "Children at Play". Heritage Week Working Group — The next meeting will be in August. Angela announced that the COAA has sold more of the local heritage books. As a result, over $500 has been raised to date through the sale of books this year at various locations. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL E-mail from Tracey Ali - requesting that the CHC consider purchasing a corporate membership for the Clarington Museum and Archives and renew membership in NVDHS. After some brief discussion, the Committee decided to defer this item for discussion at the next meeting. In the mean time, Bonnie will get some information from the Museum on the Corporate Membership and Allan will be asked to bring some information from NVDHS on the benefits of membership. PROJECT REPORTS Inventory Photographs — No update. Barns — Kim reviewed the draft letter for heritage barn/farm structure owners with the Committee. Some changes were suggested. Staff will review and review with Kim any further changes. The task list for the project was reviewed. Volunteers are needed to assist with the completion of different sections of the book and other tasks related to the project. The Clarington Older Adult Association (COAA) has indicated that some of their members might be interested in volunteering to assist in tasks such as photographing, etc. NEW BUSINESS Response to Heritage Incentive Grant Program There have been between 8-10 inquiries about the Heritage Incentive Grant Program. Three completed applications with quotes for works have been submitted. Faye has sent out an e-mail to all of those who have inquired requesting that any applications and quotes be submitted by the end of the week as property owners are anxious to get started on projects and are awaiting a decision from the Municipality. Most of the applications/inquiries so far have been structural in nature which is secondary in terms of priority. First priority goes to applications that address heritage features listed in the designating by-law. Andrew Kozak resignation/appointment of new member Angela read Andrew's resignation letter to the Committee. The Clerk has been requested to initiate the process for appointment of a new member. Council will be provided with applications that have been received in the past. Walbridge House Given the complex and ongoing nature of this construction project, the Committee put forward the following motion regarding alterations to the Walbridge House. 13.14 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Ron Hooper THAT Council approve as an alteration under the Ontario Heritage Act, the works to stabilize the foundation and structure and authorize the Clarington Heritage Committee to work with the Walbridge House property owner and their agent on 483 King Avenue East, Newcastle to monitor and provide ongoing advice on the refurbishment of the house as shown on the attached plans, dated May 27, 2013 such that the architectural and cultural significance for which the house was designated are retained. "CARRIED" David Reesor moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: June 18, 2013, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1A, Newcastle Urban Design Guidelines, Senior Planner/Urban Designer, Ruth Porras Attachments Attachment#1 —Walbridge Plans