HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05-14 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarin ton Minutes of Meetin,-- Tuesday May 14, 2013 In Attendance-Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice-Chair Carol Lovekin, Gord Blaker, Gary Oliver, Councillor, Wendy Partner, Arena Manager, Bryan Wiltshire Regrets-Councillor, Woo-Joanne Raymond 1. Call to Order- 7.10 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes-One correction was brought to the chair's attention- Motion# 13-117 should have read: one additional lobby bench be considered; not two, as indicated. Motion #13-119 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of May 14th, 2013 is accepted, with the above noted change. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Gary Oliver CARRIED 3. Arena Mana,-er's Report-Bryan provided quotations from both Cimco Refrigeration and Black& MacDonald for the installation of the Brine Pump. Cimco our preferred service contractor had visited the arena and re-quoted this project. Their new quotation came in at $5,800.00, compared to their original quotation in 2012 of$9,000.00. Black& MacDonald quoted at $6,200.00. Both quotations were plus HST. Motion # 13- 120 was proposed: THAT: Bryan is advised to accept the Cimco quotation and to proceed with the installation. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Larry Burke CARRIED Quotation from Stonehard Canada had also been acquired for re-surfacing the walls and floors of the change room showers. The price came in at $7,100.00, plus HST. Motion # 13-121 was proposed: THAT: This project also is moved forward and Stonehard be contacted to proceed. Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Councillor, Partner CARRIED (2) Bryan also advised that the Newcastle Skating Club had requested the upstairs meeting room for their AGM. As of their current financial status, the members agreed to wave any rental cost for the upstairs room. 4. Financial Report—An Income Statement was provided for YTD April 30th 2013 showing revenue at $146,970.49 and YTD expenses at $108,286.57. Accounts receivable at $20,897.41. The chair advised: The Newcastle Skating Club had delivered a cheque to his home, in the amount of$3,000.00. This left a concerning $9,720.86 outstanding - $5,996.56 being from last season, plus $3,724.30 behind for the current season— (March—April ice). The future of the club looked in doubt. 5. New Business— The chair had received Jo-Anne Raymond's resignation from the board and would be in contact with the Clerk's office for applications to replace her. He would also be in touch with her and the rest of the executive regarding their ice rental debt. It had been suggested to him that there may be more money available after their AGM, this month. Bryan suggested: We need to resolve this situation with the skating club, so he could move forward with ice allocation for the fall. The best timing we could provide would be at our next meeting, in June. Gord Lee advised: The energy audit, completed by the municipality would soon be available and he had requested a discussion with Mr. Horvath on the results. Water consumption or, the billing costs have been a concern to the arena board for some time. 6. Adiournment—Motion # 13-122 was proposed: THAT: the meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Larry Burke Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED