HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-287-89V/ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Cd, V.log, Res. # By -Law # METING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: November 6, 1989 REPORT #: PD- 287 -89 FILE #: SUB.ECT: COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3C RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 287 -89 be received; 2. THAT the proposed amendment to the Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Courtice North Neighbourhood, attached hereto, be APPROVED; 3. THAT the proposed amendment be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department for their information; and 4. THAT the delegations and interested parties be so informed. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 Neighbourhood Development Plans are to be prepared in conformity with both the Durham Region Official Plan and Town of Newcastle Official Plan and may identify specific policies related to the development of each neighbourhood and shall indicate such matters as: overall population levels based on the roads and service infra - structure and the environmental sensitivity of the land; ...2 599 25 the location and residential density of specific land blocks; the location and area of schools, open space, parks, recreation facilities, conservation lands and convenience commercial facilities; the road alignments of arterial and collector roads and the general location of local roads. 1.2 Two portions of the Courtice Urban Area remain without a Neighbourhood Development Plan: i. Courtice North Neighbourhood 3C; and ii. the northwest portion of Courtice West Neighbourhood. Staff are working to sequentially complete Neighbourhood Development Plan coverage for the Courtice Urban Area. 1.3 A draft Neighbourhood Development Plan was prepared for Courtice North Neighbourhood 3C and presented at a public meeting on June 19, 1989. The draft Neighbourhood Plan (Attachment No. 1) was prepared for the purposes of soliciting comments from the general public and various agencies concerned. Staff are now presenting a revised plan for adoption as Town Policy (Attachment No. 2). 1.4 The proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan applies to the southerly portion of Neighbourhood 3C, bounded by Nash Road, Hancock Road, Courtice Road and Highway No. 2. 1.5 Report PD- 142 -89, presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee June 19, 1989, indicated a planned population of 850 persons for the southern portion of Courtice Neighbourhood 3C. Furthermore, the southern portion of 3C denoted predominantly Low Density Residential uses with the exception of a residential special policy block, a neighbourhood parkette, and ...3 5 9/ 26 •a"" • 0- ;• major open space system corresponding to Black Creek (Attachment No. 1). Commercial uses and a school were not incorporated into this portion of the land use structure plan for Neighbourhood 3C. 2. OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: 2.1 The south portion of Neighbourhood 3C is designated "Residential Area ", "Major Open Space System with Hazard Land" and "Hazard Land ", within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as shown in Attachment No. 3. 3. AGENCY COMMENTS: 3.1 The proposed Courtice North Neighbourhood 3C plan was circulated to various agencies and departments to obtain comments. The following agencies /departments responded with no objection to the proposed plan: - Newcastle Community Services - Separate School Board - Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Ministry of Natural Resources The Neighbourhood Plan was circulated and reminder letter sent, indicating that if the Town did not receive a resonse from their agency /department within thrity days, we would assume they have no comments to make. The following agencies /departments have not yet responded: - Public School Board - Ministry of Transportation - Ministry of the Environment 3.2 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department indicate that water supply for this area should be adequate for fire fighting, however, when roads are planned for subdivisions, it should be insured that they comply to the Ontario Building Code. ...4 599 27 aa. • •0, 3.3 While the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority have no objection with the Neighbourhood Development Plan for the southern portion of Neighbourhood 3C, they have provided the following comments with respect to the northern portion of Neighbourhood 3C. "The Courtice Urban Area Environmental Impact Analysis "Planning Concept" has designated virtually all of the undeveloped lands of the northern portion of Neighbourhood 3C as "Special Policy ", "Open Space ", and "Environment /Hazard" areas. Most of this neighbourhood exhibits a shallow groundwater table and is dissected by a number of groundwater discharge tributaries to the Black Creek. the northern portion of the neighbourhood supports the most extensive deciduous forest in the Courtice Urban area, containing water tolerant species such as hemlock (regionally uncommon) and a mature maple /beech /oak association. This forest contains unusual attributes, and provides significant wildlife habitat and hydrogeologic functions. Between Courtice Road and Hancock Road, most of the forested area is within the urban boundary and therefore the continuity of the Greenbelt between the Farewell and Bowmanville Creek valleys is dependent upon the preservation of the forest area within the urban boundaries of the northern portion of Neighbourhood 3C. In this regard, we anticipate that development constraints, imposed by the extensive high groundwater and forest areas within Neighbourhood 3C, may be more significant than those previously encountered in Courtice North Neighbourhoods 3A and 3B. In view of the intricacy of the interrelationships between forest, groundwater, stream basef low and wildlife habitat /movement, it will be necessary to prepare a land use structure plan and appropriate development policy guidelines prior to the approval of any development applications in the northern portion of Neighbourhood 3C. A comprehensive environmental /hydrogeo logical impact analysis must be carried out concurrently with the preparation of the neighbourhood land use structure plan and impact mitigation measures incorporated into both the land use structure plan and governing policy provisions." 3.4 The Region of Durham Public Works and Planning Departments have provided the following comments: ...5 599 28 "i) The southern portion of Neighbourhood 3C is outside the service area limit as defined by the 1989 Servicing and Finance Study for Development Charge purposes, and services are not immediately available for this area. Full municipal services are anticipated to be extended to this area in the near future... ...Provision of services to the southern portion of Neighbourhood 3C will occur in a logical manner in accordance with the staging policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan. ii) The population projection as shown on Schedule 2C of this development plan generally conforms with the availability of servicing capacities. iii) Courtice Road and Nash Road in this area are designated as Class A Arterial and future Class B Arterial respectively in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Access to these roads should be limited to one intersecting street onto Courtice Road and two intersecting streets on Nash road. In addition, all developments abutting Courtice Road and Nash Road should also proceed on a principle of reverse frontage. However, we would encourage policies which would address higher density residential or other uses along arterial roads where it may not be technically or functionally feasible to proceed on the principle of reverse frontage. iv) We would encourage that secondary plans have provisions specifying appropriate densities rather than attempting to deal with and encourage a diversity of housing types at the subdivision stage." 3.5 The Town of Newcastle Public Works have provided the following comments: "i) The road configuration contains five (5) dead -end streets (i.e. two cul -de -sacs and three hammer heads). These dead - end streets will constrain snow removal operations and it is suggested that the number of dead -end streets be reduced within this neighbourhood; ii) The implementation of this reconstruction of Nash Road; 599 29 plan will require ...6 the iii) The implementation of this plan will require the extension of Town services, namely street lighting and sidewalks to this neighbourhood; iv) A stormwater management plan is not approved but is currently being reviewed by Staff." 4. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS: 4.1 A written submission was received June 15, 1989, from Paul and Dorothy Tuerk, Group Box 18, Box 22, R.R. #6, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K7. The Tuerks raised the following concerns: i) That the "EP" designation at the southeast corner of Nash and Courtice Roads remain in place. ii) That a Low Density Residential designation exclude semi- detached units. iii) That Council deem the subdivision application by Macourtice Developments premature. The Tuerks have also verbally expressed concerns that future residential development in the southern portion of Neighbourhood 3C may impact their well. The Tuerks have been provided with the Durham Region Well Interference Policy. 4.2 At the June 19, 1989, General Purpose and Administration Meeting, Mr. Don Samis, R.R. #6, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K7 articulated an objection to the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for Courtice noting that there are not enough schools to accommodate 850 additional persons. He questioned wisdom of building residential properties on good farm land. As this is an area with a shallow water table, he feels that residential development will have an adverse impact on surrounding wells. He reiterated that the proposal is far too dense for the area concerned. ...7 599 30 4.3 A written submission was received July 18, 1989 from William D. Manson of WDM Consultants. Mr. Manson has raised concerns on behalf of his client, Courtice Heights Developments, who owns 50 acres of land north of Nash Road between Courtice Road and Hancock Road. Mr. Manson supports the development of lands within the southern portion of Neighbourhood 3C, but is concerned with the proposed population allocation. Mr. Manson is concerned that too great a proportion of the allocated population, based on a population per acre basis has been proposed for the southern portion of Neighbourhood 3C as opposed to the northern portion. 5. REVISIONS TO THE DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR COURTICE NEIGHBOURHOOD 3C: 5.1 In response to the concerns of the Regional Planning Department and the Land Use Planning for Housing Policy Statement, which has been outlined for Committee in Staff Reports PD- 264 -89 and PD- 230 -89, Staff have revised the draft Neighbourhood 3C, to incorporate a Medium Density Block associated with the Residential Special Policy Area designation on the southeast corner of Nash Road and Courtice Road. This Medium Density Block will be subject to the prerequisite detailed environmental engineering studies and will only be considered subsequent to satisfying the Town's concerns. It is felt that, if necessary, the medium density dwelling units can be designed in such a manner to provide for an open space link for the hazard land areas. Moreover, the medium density block will satisfy the Region's concerns by incorporating specific densities into the secondary plan. In the absence of more detailed policies to be established in response to the Provincial Policy Statement, this will satisfy the Ministry of Housing by providing for an affordable housing alternative within the 3C Neighbourhood. ...8 599 31 5.2 Three pedestrian /bicycle paths have been added to the plan which will provide area residents access to both the neighbourhood parkette and the Major Open Space system corresponding to Black Creek. 5.3 In response to the comments provided by the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department, the neighbourhood plan has been revised to reduce the number of dead -end streets by joining the two hammerhead streets in the north end of this neighbourhood to form a crescent (see Attachment No. 2). 5.4 A land use structure plan for the northern portion of Neighbourhood 3C has not been prepared at this time. At such time that Staff are in a position to prepare a land use structure plan for the northern portion of Neighbourhood 3C, the concerns of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the population allocation for the Neighbourhood will be addressed. The concerns of the Courtice Heights Developments could be addressed by adjustments to the overall population for the neighbourhood at that time if deemed appropriate. There is some remaining servicing capacity allocated for the Courtice Urban Area. It should be noted, however, that the population allocation for Neighbourhood 3C was established in recognition that the severe environmental constraints would make much of these lands undevelopable. 6. CONCLUSION: 6.1 The proposed amendment to the Neighbourhood Development Plan, for Courtice North Neighbourhood 3C will provide Council with a guide to which future development proposals may be assessed. The land use structure plan is well integrated in terms of the mix of housing alternatives, and in terms of access to parkland and the open space system. ...9 599 32 *•� •► U • The revisions to the draft land use structure plan, which incorporate medium density residential uses, satisfy these concerns expressed by the Region. It is therefore respectfully recommended that the proposed amendment attached hereto, be APPROVED. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development DC *FW *jip October 30, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence E./ 1 6tseff, M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer INTERESTED PARTIES TO BE NOTIFIED OF COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL'S DECISION: Paul and Dorthy Tuerk Group 18, Box 22 R.R. #6 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K7 Don Samis R.R. #6 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K7 Tunney Planning 340 Byron Street S. Suite 200 WHITBY, Ontario L1N 4P8 Hugh Fair 1655 Nash Road, Box 42 Unit C -6 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1E 1S8 WDM Consultants William Manson 20 Clematis Road WILLOWDALE, Ontario M2J 4X2 David Riznek R.R. #3 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K4 Daniel Dzikewicz R.R. #2 Harmony Road North OSHAWA, Ontario L1B 2K3 Alan Godel 227 Bridgeland Avenue TORONTO, Ontario M6A 1Y7 599 33 0 0 v j O ATTACHMENT No. 1 0 0 0 2 i COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3C o ,00 no aoft LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN SCHEDULE 1 C LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ;. ;. ;. ;, ;. ARTERIAL ROAD — TYPE 'B' RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL POLICY ' -'��� MAJOR COLLECTOR ROAD MAJOR OPEN SPACE '.'.'s' LOCAL ROAD PARKETTE QQ 599 3 4 ATTACHMENT No.2 LANDS SUBJECT TO FURTHER AMENDMENT TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN O O - J °v. NASH ROAD M 4 -8 ha . • . • . • .•— O O v 0 z i COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3C 0 100 200 300m LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN SCHEDULE 1C MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MAX. UNITS PER NET HECTARE 4 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ; ;'- SPECIAL POLICY - MAJOR OPEN SPACE PARKETTE PEDESTRIAN/ BICYCLE ® ®o �• - PATHWAY ARTERIAL ROAD -- TYPE 'B' MAJOR. COLLECTOR ROAD LOCAL ROAD 599 35 ATTACHMENT No. 3 COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3C COURTICE SECONDARY PLAN " ��� 100 60 Zoo 3oom SCHEDULE 6 -1 Urban Area Boundary `_ Neighbourhood Park Residential Area Existing And Proposed Elementary School mim Major Open Space System With Hazard Land . << L Intersection Impovement Required Hazard Land ° "�', Nei h ourhood Boundary 9 p n �—�— T ! 1' !' 1 I:• ' •f �' 'I PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment is to introduce a land use structure plan and corresponding policies for the southern portion of Neighbourhood 3C. The plan will act as a guide to Council in assessing various development proposals within the southern portion of Neighbourhood 3C. LOCATION: The subject lands are bounded by Highway No. 2 and Black Creek to the south, Courtice Road to the west, Nash Road to the north and Hancock Road to the east. The subject lands are located in Courtice, being part Lots 27 and 28, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, Town of Newcastle. BASIS: The Durham Regional Official Plan, as approved by the Minister of Housing, permits the Councils of area municipalities to prepare development plans detailing the urban design and physical planning details of part of an area municipality. As a component of the development plan, land use structure plans adopted by Council, shall be used as a guide in the preparation of restricted area (zoning) by -laws for that area. Section 6 of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, requires Council to prepare development plans for the various residential neighbourhoods identified therein. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. By deleting the words "Neighbourhoods 3A and 3B" in: Section 1.1; the third paragraph of Section 1.3; Section 2.1.1; the first and second paragraphs of Section 2.1.4; the first paragraph of Section 2.3.1; Section 2.3.8; Section 2.6; and the second paragraph of Section 3, and replacing them with the words "Neighbourhoods 3A, 3B and 3C ". 2. By deleting the first paragraph of Section 1.3 and replacing it with the following: "Courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plan details policies for the lands bounded by Farewell Creek on the west, the Urban Area boundary on the north, Hancock Road on the east, and the Black Creek on the south. The Courtice North Neighbourhood is divided into three areas: Neighbourhoods 3A, 3B, and 3C." EW 599 FA ael *.m will 1. • • ) ky III a z I Do WeRy 1:51111,111 ••! ACTUAL AMENDMENT ( CONT' D) : 3. By deleting the words "Schedule lA and 1B" in: the second paragraph of Section 1.3; the first paragraph of Section 2.1.7; and Section 2.2.1, and replacing them with the words "Schedule 1 ". 4. By deleting the words "Schedule 1A" in the first paragraph of Section 2.1.2 and replacing them with the words "Schedule 1 ". 5. By deleting the words "Schedule 1B" in the first paragraph of Section 2.1.2 and replacing them with the words "Schedule 1 ". 6. By deleting the words "Neighbourhood 3B" in the first paragraph of Section 2.1.2 and replacing them with the words "Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C ". 7. By deleting the words "Schedules 2A and 2B" in the first paragraph of Section 2.1.4 and replacing them with the words "Schedule 2 ". 8. By deleting the second paragraph of Section 2.1.7 and replacing it with the following paragraphs: "The Residential Special Policy Area, as outlined on Schedule 1, contains lands which are characterized by hazard land conditions. The environmental impact of developing and /or permanently lowering the watertable is unknown and as such further study is required to provide a more complete picture of anticipated impacts. Development within the Residential Special Policy Areas must conform to the policy guidelines contained in Section 2.1 of this Development Plan and may only proceed provided that further studies, including, but not limited to, storm water management and hydrogeological studies, as may be required by the Town have been prepared and the Town is satisfied that the type, pattern and density of development proposed is appropriate." ...3 599 38 ACTUAL AMENDMENT (CONT'D): 9. By deleting the words "Appendixes A and B attached, provide an estimate of the expected student generation of Neighbourhoods 3A and 3B. Actual site requirements shall be determined by the respective school board(s)" in Section 2.2.1. 10. By deleting Appendixes A and B. 11. By adding Schedule 1C and Schedule 2C, hereto attached. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Neighbourhood Development Plan, for the Courtice North Neighbourhood, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 599 39 C) l-R Q Q1. LANDS SUBJECT TO FURTHER AMENDMENT TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN NASH ROAD M M ........... 0.8 ho O llz� Q) COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3C 0 100 1 2W 1 Nft LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN 100 SON 1111 SCHEDULE 1C MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL tM*� MAX. UNITS PER NET HECTARE W LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL POLICY MAJOR OPEN SPACE PARKETTE PEDESTRIAN/ BICYCLE PATHWAY ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE '13' MAJOR. COLLECTOR ROAD gffiffll� LOCAL ROAD O O COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3C o 100 200 30ft SCHEDULE 2C — POPULATION 100 50 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN, THE PROJECTED POPULATION ( BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH OF NASH ROAD) IS 1900 PERSONS. 599 4i