HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-277-89.-I uK4 .,.y s 309•_� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC MEETING General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, November 6, 1989 REPORT #: PD 277 -89 FILE #: DEV 89 -83 & DEV 89 -117 File # Res® # By -Law # SUBJECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY -LAW WITH RESPECT TO: a) THE DEFINITION OF PIT AND QUARRY; b) AMEND THE PERMITTED NON- RESIDENTIAL USES IN THE "EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIAL" ZONE; c) AMEND SCHEDULE 1 TO REFLECT A CHANGE IN ZONING IN THOSE AREAS WHERE THE AGGREGATE EXTRACTION LICENSE HAS BEEN REDUCED. d) AMEND SCHEDULE 1 AND SCHEDULE 2 TO REFLECT A CHANGE IN ZONING FOR THOSE SITES NO ER POSSESSING AN TGGDE — rn­�_I1��jTlT+ RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 277-89 be received; and 2. THAT the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning By -law which include: amending the definition of Pit and Quarry; amending the permitted non - residential uses in the "Extractive Industrial (M3)" zone; amend Schedule 1 to reflect a change in zoning in those areas where the aggregate extraction license has been reduced; and amend Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 to reflect a change in zoning for those sites no longer possessing an aggregate extraction license be referred back to Staff for further processing to enable Staff to evaluate and consider any comments /concerns offered through the Public Meeting forum; and 3. That pursuant to Section 24 of the Planning Act, the amending By- laws addressing the changes on the six sites not be passed until the appropriate amendments to the Durham Region Official Plan receive approval from the Region. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On March 13, 1989, The Town of Newcastle Council passed a resolution stating that the Region of Durham be requested to amend the Durham Region Official Plan with respect to those mineral aggregate extraction operations that have had cancelled or revised Ministry of Natural Resources licences. ...2 REPORT PD -977 -89 PAGE 2 1.2 On that same day, Council passed a resolution authorizing Staff to advertise for a public meeting for the following proposed amendments to the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84- 63: a) remove the "Extractive Industrial (M3)" zone from those lands which are no longer licensed or have had a reduction in the area licensed for aggregate extraction, by the Ministry of Natural Resources for aggregate extraction and to place an appropriate zoning on such lands; and b) to clarify the "Permitted Non - Residential Uses" in the "Extractive Industrial (M3)" zone to indicate that processing plant- aggregate, aggregate stockpiling, and outside storage of aggregate materials be permitted only as accessory use; and c) to amend the definition of "Pit" and "Quarry" to reflect that "processing plant- aggregate ", "aggregate stockpiling" and "outside storage of aggregate materials" may be permitted only as accessory uses. 2. PURPOSE OF THE AMENDMENTS 2.1 It is the intention of the Mineral Aggregate Resource Policy Statement and the Regional Official Plan that aggregate extraction operations be regarded as interim land uses. Accordingly, upon the cancellation of all or part of an extraction licence, the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law should be appropriately amended. This policy is supported in the Durham Regional Official Plan (Section 4.2.2) which states that once mineral agggregate resource extraction has been completed, such areas shall only be used without amendment to the Plan, for those uses as permitted within the Permanent Agricultural Reserve Area, the General Agricultural Area or the Major Open Space System, depending as the case may be, on the immediately surrounding land use designation, and the respective restricted area zoning by -law shall be appropriately amended. 2.2 Staff have compared the Regional Official Plan and By -law 84 -63 to the Ministry of Natural Resources' list of currently licensed pits and quarries (excluding wayside pits and quarries). There are ...3 5 REPORT NO PD- 277-89 PAGE 3 three (3) sites which are no longer licensed but remain identified as extraction operations in the Durham Region Official Plan and are shown as zoned 11M3" on Schedules 1 and 2 of the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended. A further three (3) sites remain licensed but have had their licensed areas reduced below that which is indicated in the Official Plan and By -law 84- 63. 2.3 Attachment No. 1 to this report reveals the location and identification numbers of the subject aggregate extraction operations as shown in the Regional Official Plan. Attachment No's. 2 to 7 provide more detailed information on each of the sites. 2.4 In addition to a pit and a quarry being permitted uses in the "Extractive Industrial (M3)" zone, an aggregate processing plant, aggregate stockpiling and the outside storage of aggregate materials are also allowedin the current zoning by -law. This is contrary to the intent of the Official Plan which indicated these latter uses should be permitted only as accessory to the operation of a licensed aggregate extraction operation. Hence, Staff propose to amend By -law 84 -63 to remove "processing plant- aggregate ", "aggregate stockpiling" and "outside storage of aggregate materials" from the list of permitted uses in the 11M3" zone, and to amend the definition of "Pit" and "Quarry" to specify these activities as being accessory to these usesso as to bring the current by -law into conformity to the Official Plan. 3. PROPOSED 3.1 The proposed amendements have been considered in the following order and would have the following effects a. Amend the definition of "Pit" to specify that "a processing plant- aggregate ", aggregate stockpiling" and "outside storage of aggregate materials" may be permitted as accessory uses. ...4 1)'l 4 REPORT PD -277 -89 PAGE 4 b. Amend the definition of "Quarry" to specify that "a processing plant- aggregate ", "aggregate stockpiling" and "outside storage of aggregate materials" may be permitted as accessory uses. C. Amend the "Permitted Non - Residential Uses" in the "Extractive Industrial (M3)" zone by deleting "a processing plant - aggregate", "aggregate stockpiling" and "outside storage of aggregate materials ". This amendment would ensure that these uses may not exist as "primary uses" in this zone. d. Amend Site 50, located in Part Lot 32, Concession 9, former Township of Darlington to reflect a 22.65 ha reduction in the area licensed for aggregate extraction. The licensed area has been reduced to 59.5 ha. The area no longer licensed will be zoned "Agricultural (A) ". e. Amend Site 52, located in Part Lot 17, Concession 10, former Township of Darlington to reflect a 6.43 ha reduction in the area licensed for aggregate extraction. The licensed area has been reduced to 134 ha. The area no longer licensed will be zoned "Agricultural (A) ". f. Amend Site 90, located in Part Lot 29, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington to delete the "Extractive Industrial (M3)" zone to reflect a site that is no longer licensed for aggregate extraction. The area no longer licensed will be zoned "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP) ". g. Amend Site 93, located in Part Lot 6, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington to reflect a 5.89 ha reduction in the area licensed for aggregate extraction. The licensed area has been reduced to 7.86 ha. The area no longer licensed will be zoned "Agricultural (A) ". h. Amend Site 98, located in Part Lot 7, Concession 9, former Township of Darlington to delete the "Extractive Industrial (M3)" zone to reflect a site that is no longer licensed for aggregate extraction. The site will be rezoned to "Agricultural (A) ". i. Amend Site 103, located i Part Lot 27/28, Concession 7, former Township of Clarke, to delete the "Extractive Industrial (M3)" zone to reflect a site that is no longer licensed for ...5 D25 REPORT PD -277 -89 PAGE 5 aggregate extraction. This site will be rezoned "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP) ". 4. PUBLIC NOTICE & SUBMISSIONS 4.1 Staff notes that the date fo the Public Meeting was advertised in the local newspapers and the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act for public notices. 4.2 As of the writing of this report, no written submissions have been received. However, numerous telephone and counter enquiries for the purpose of clarification have been made. 5. AGENCY COMMENTS 5.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following departments /agencies in providing comments, offered no objection to the application as filed: - Town of Newcastle Public Works Department - Town of Newcastle Community Services Department - Town of Newcastle Fire Department - Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Durham Region Health Department - Ministry of Natural Resources 5.2 Durham Region Planning Department noted that an amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan is being processed which will address these changes in aggregate extraction licenses. The Region also stated that this matter will also be included as part of the Regional Official Plan review process which is currently underway. In addition, clarifying the "permitted uses" in the 11M3" zone is essential to Official Plan conformity since the Durham Region Official Plan clearly indicates that "processing plant - aggregate ", "aggregate stockpiling" and "outside storage of aggregate materials" are to be accessory to an aggregate extraction operation. ...6 F5 -2-6 REPORT PD- 277 -89 PAGE 6 5.3 The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority had no objection to the proposal, however, they did request that those areas currently zoned "Environmental Protection" remain so zoned. 5.4 Comments have yet to be received from the following agencies: - Durham Region Works Department - Ministry of the Environment 6. RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 The purpose of this Report is to comply with the requirements of the Planning Act and provide the public the opportunity to state comments /concerns regarding the amendments. Accordingly, Staff respectively recommends that the proposed amendments be referred back to Staff for further processing. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. t, rend eE. Kotseff DIrector of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Officer P HM *FW *cc *Attach 26 October 1989 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Harvey Ambrose Highland Creek Sand & Gravel 800 Wentworth St. E. P.O. Box 338 Oshawa, Ont. L1H 8A9 Pickering, Ont. L1V 2R6 Mykola Uriadka R. R. #3 Bowmanville, Ont L1C 3K4 J. R. Gibson Box 57 Hampton, Ont. LOB 1J0 Joan Hudgins R. R. 1 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K2 G. A. Coombes R. R. #5 Bowmanville, Ont W. Cochrane R.R. #1 Orono, Ontario L1C 3K6 LOB 1M0 ps C) m n m m X -D m v m n m z N m v D m D m v c n m v . .. ov cm ;O (A =G DZ Krl me c� o� z- Di rI o� m n D r z r 19 Z m Z O W V `Z tO !, V Evil Z O N N W U Z O U GIONAL ROAD 3 KEY MAP M a • • • SITE 5Q„ 7 v mil a, 0 a ►a J I Z of c� i I i i i i A 1 i 1 � I I i n Lei Z O N N W U Z F,,dO' k i �rn iz 0 1 � 1 W V I Z i i SITE 52 ,,3, rivilo��= SITE 90 SITE 93 532 l SITE NO LONGER 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 i I I CPR 7 I I I i i M3 i REGIONAL ROAD 20 , I � I I i I I q I � I Adw z 1 O EP 1 A-1 W 1 I I 1 E 1 I I I i COW i i i I KEY MAP 1 o U Z O U rs- L 11 Z 0 VI w U Z 0 U .! �� Z 0 to w U Z 0 SITE 103 534