HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-276-89• TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MARSHALL REPORT F I #f Res. # By -Law # PUBLIC MEETING General Purpose and Administration Committee Monday, November 6, 1989 PD- 276 -89 FILE #: DEV 89 -099 (X -REF 18T89080) REZONING APPLICATION - MARSHALL MACKLIN MONAGHAN PART LOT 31, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON OUR FILE: DEV 89 -099 (X -REF 18T 89080) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 276 -89 be received; and 2. THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended, submitted by Marshall Macklin Monaghan on behalf of Dekkema - Gervais Development Corporation and Sandbury Building Corporation, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report pending the receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the interested parties attached hereto. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In June of 1989, the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department was advised by the Region of Durham of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision submitted by Marshall Macklin Monaghan on behalf of Dekkema - Gervais Development Corporation and Sandbury Building Corporation. The subdivision application proposes the creation of thirty -three (33) single family dwellings with a minimum frontage of 12.2 metres, forty -five (45) two - family dwellings with a minimum frontage of 18.3 metres and forty -five (45) street townhouses with a minimum frontage of 7 metres. ...2 F, 1 Ij [ ..1 REPORT PD-27r,-89 PAGE 2 1.2 The proposal is situated on a 9.07 hectare (22.41 acre) parcel of land located in part of Lot 31, Concession 2, in the former Township of Darlington. 1.3 A Public Meeting sign providing information on the proposed plan of subdivision was erected on the subject property at the request of the Planning and Development Department. The Planning Act, however, does not contain provisions to regulate public notification of sudivision applications. Therefore, individual notice to adjacent landowners was not required. However, since an amendment to the Zoning By -law is also required in order to implement the subdivision, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance using the most recent assessment map and roll numbers. 1.4 For the Committee's information, the Planning and Development Department has determined that the Public Notice regarding this application was inadvertently sent out stating that the applicant wishes to develop 45 single family dwellings, 45 two - family dwellings and 45 townhouses. However, the applicant is seeking to develop 33 single family dwellings, 45 two - family dwellings and 45 townhouses. Nevertheless, since the Public Notice stated that the applicant was seeking to develop more units than is actually proposed, the Planning and Development Department is confident that the requirements of the Planning Act have been satisfied. 2. SURROUNDING LAND USE 2.1 The subject property is bounded by vacant land to the east, scattered residences to the north and residential subdivisions to the west and south. 3. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 3.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated for Residential development. As the primary use of ...3 5_ 16 REPORT • , .. • • PAGE lands so designated is intended to be for residential purposes, the application would appear to conform to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 3.2 Within the Courtice Major Urban Area, the Town of Newcastle Official Plan extablishes a maximum of 15 units per net residential hectare for Low Density Residential development, a maximum of 40 units per net residential hectare for Medium Density Residential development and a maximum of 80 units per net residential hectare for High Density Residential development. The applicant is proposing to develop the 9.07 hectare (22.41 acre) parcel at a overall density of 30.9 units per net residential hectare which falls within the medium density range as defined by the Town of NewcastleOfficial Plan. The Neighbourhood Development Plan for Courtice South does not identify specific areas for medium and high density development in order to permit greater flexibility in subdivision design. Medium density residential development is intended to be located adjacent to existing low density residential uses and fronting on local roads or minor collectors. 3.4 The Town of Newcastle Official Plan also established a target population of 4300 for the 112B" Neighbourhood. The proposed plan of subdivision must be reviewed within the context of the target population. Staff has estimated that the "2B" Neighbourhood has an area of approximately 117 hectares (289.1 acres) that can be developed. Therefore, given the target population of 4300, it can be determined that the 112B" Neighbourhood can develop at approximately 12.3 units per gross residential hectare in order to maintain the target population. The proposed draft plan of subdivision has a gross area of 9.07 hectares (22.41 acres) and a total of 168 units which equates to a density of 18.5 units per gross residential hectare. Staff will further analyse the density issue to ensure that the development potential of the remaining developable land within the 112B" Neighbourhood will not be prejudiced. _ ...4 REPORT PD- 276-89 PAGE 4 3.5 Within the 112B" Neighbourhood there exists one (1) "Junior Elementary School" symbol and one (1) "Neighbourhood Park (N)" symbol. Both of these facilities have been provided for through the approval of previous subdivision applications. 4. ZONING BY -LAW CONFORMITY 4.1 The Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63 zones the subject property "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)". As the applicant is desirous of developing street townhouses, the applicant has also applied to amend the zoning by -law accordingly in order to implement the proposed plan of subdivision. In accordance with the Planning Act, appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. As of the writing of this report, the Planning and Development Department has not received any written submissions regarding the current proposal. However, several area residents have made telephone and counter inquiries regarding the subject application. 5. AGENCY COMMENTS 5.1 The application for a proposed plan of subdivision was circulated to various agencies by the Durham Regional Planning Department. Subsequently, the Town of Newcastle undertook a limited interdepartmental circulation. The following provides a synopsis of the agency comments received to date. 5.2 The Ministry of Transportation has reviewed the proposed plan of subdivision and note that the location of Street "D" onto Highway #2 is not acceptable as the proposed entrance can not meet the minimum spacing requirement of 366 m (1200 feet) from an existing intersection in order to qualify for an entrance permit. The Ministry of Transportation, therefore, advises that all access to the subject property will have to be restricted to local roads with no direct access to the Highway #2. _..5 M, REPORT r_ 8• • PAGE 91 5.3 The Community Services Department has reviewed the subject application and notes that the applicant proposes that the Town accept Blocks 130, 131 and 132 as parkland dedication. The Community Services Department has no objection to the application subject to the revision of the proposed plan of subdivision and the incorporation of a .55 hectare (1.38 acre) parkette in the proximity of Street "A". 5.4 The Ministry of Natural Resources has reviewed the subject application and notes that Block 130 and Lot 111 are traversed by an intermittent tributary of Robinson's Creek. Robinson's Creek allows for the production of warm water species of bait fish which are harvested for commercial sale. However, subject to the provision of several regulatory conditions, the Ministry of Natural Resources offers no objection to the proposal. 5.5 The balance of the circulated agencies which provided comments are the Town of Newcastle Fire Department, the Durham Regional Planning Department and Ontario Hydro. None of the aforementioned agencies provided objectionable comments. The Ministry of the Environment, the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department, the Durham Regional Works Department, the Public School Board and the Separate School Board have all yet to respond. 6. STAFF COMMENTS 6.1 As the purpose of this report is to address the requirements of a Public Meeting under the Planning Act and in consideration of comments outstanding, the Planning and Development Department recommends that the application be referred back to Staff for further processing. -51 ...6 REPORT • , • PAGE • Respectfully submitted, (-) Ud," - 0� -'I& Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. DIrector of Planning and Development WM *FW *cc *Attach 27 October 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence( Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer Q Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Dekkema - Gervais Development Corporation Sandbury Building Corporation 255 Yorkland Boulevard Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1S3 Marshall Macklin Monaghan 275 Duncan Mill Road Don Mills, Ontario M3B 2Y1 ky, FMAI am rf"I m gels dW *T*Talo Cl