HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-267-89TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #I- o�/,Z, Res. # By -Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: October 23, 1989 REPORT #: PD- 267 -89 FILE #: SLJ$,JECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY STATUS REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 267 -89 be received for information. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 In previous years, the Town of Newcastle has not participated extensively in the marketing of the municipality to promote and enhance the economic well -being of the Town. It was becoming obvious that other municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area were actively seeking investors and achieving growth not only as a result of their locational characteristics but due, in part, to the business marketing practices of the municipality. Early in 1989, the Mayor and Council expressed the importance of economic and tourism development for the purposes of the ...2 F_ nn En J 7 7 JLa creation of employment opportunities in the municipality and improving the Town's industrial /commercial assessment base. It has been a goal of the Town's Official Plan to provide a balanced community rather than to become a dormitory suburb for the metropolitan areas to the west. 1.2 This year the Town has commenced a pro- active approach to economic development initiatives, placing increasing emphasis on the attraction of new industrial and business enterprises. It is intended that this be the first of a series of periodic reports submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee for information purposes. The report that follows is included to provide Council and members of the public with an overview of the activities undertaken by the Town and to indicate the extent of economic development acitivity that has been realized by the Town in 1989 to date. 1.3 The economic development program for the Town is co- ordinated through the office of the Mayor, the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Planning and Development. The Strategic Planning Branch is assigned the day -to -day duties for industrial marketing activities and co- ordination with the planning process. Recently, Ms. Cynthia VanDinten, a Planner in the Development Review Branch, has been assigned to the Strategic Planning Branch as the contact and liaison person for economic development activities. 1.4 A Working Group consisting of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Director of Planning and Development, the Manager of the Strategic Planning Branch and the planner responsible have met regularly to review economic development and marketing activities. It is the goal of this working group ...3 J7/ JJ to formulate a comprehensive economic development and industrial marketing strategy for the Town as well as to deal with individual economic development prospects. At this time, Staff is operating under a basic three point strategy: (i) encourage and support existing businesses in the Town (ii) attract smaller industrial prospects from Toronto looking to relocate in the Greater Toronto Area; and (iii) attract Pacific Rim and other investors looking to move their business operation to the Greater Toronto Area. 2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR 1989 The basic elements of the Economic Development Program for 1989 have been reviewed by Council in several forums: staff's presentation to Council in November 1988, the Budget discussions, and the Planning Work Program presented in Report PD- 100 -89. 2.1 INFORMATION BASE: The Planning Work Program identified a number of actions to increase the amount and quality of basic information on the Town of Newcastle and to improve the quality of its presentation. i) Basic Information and Statistics A comprehensive package known as the "Community Profile" has been prepared containing statistics on demographics, population forecasts, labour force, industrial land and land values, transportation and community facilities. This is deemed important since the first step for any serious investor is to investigate the business and community environment of the municipality under consideration for a new plant. This information will be ....4 9 Q K updated and improved on an ongoing basis. A copy of the current information package will be distributed to members of Council under separate cover when it has been updated. ii) Industrial Profile Survey During the summer period, a survey of existing industries was undertaken to help the Town gain a better understanding of the industries currently located in Newcastle and to establish better communication with those existing industries. The survey gathered information on company organization, products manufactured or serviced, import or export requirements, employment and building specifications. The latter is important should the building be leased. The Town may be in a position to refer future prospects seeking rental premises to the Owners of them. A report on the results of the survey is being finalized and will be presented to Council at a later date. Industrial Land Inventory The Town's Industrial Land Inventory has been reviewed and updated. It has been placed on a computerized data base to facilitate future updates. This inventory contains information pertaining to available industrial lands, their location and site information, as well as the availability of vacant industrial buildings. 2.2 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES: There have been a variety of efforts undertaken by the Town to promote the Town of Newcastle as a place for business opportunities. These efforts are summarized below: i) Community Exposure This year the Town has had widespread exposure in several publications. For example the Toronto Star recently r� ...5 . .�. .� printed a profile on the Town of Newcastle in the Homes Section indicating that the Town is planning for growth and specifically focussed on the Town's economic development. The Town was also featured in Mandarin Homes, a Chinese magazine promoting homes and living in suburbs. In addition, the Town has been featured in the Financial Times Directory of Industrial Locations. The Town will be recognized in the Readers Digest Tourist Guide for 1990. In addition to the above, the Town has purchased some advertising space where considered appropriate, including the ALCOMA Business Directory for Durham Region and the 1989 Tourist Guide for Durham Region. Promotional Literature The Town's brochure entitled "Newcastle: Your Target for Investment" was received earlier this year and has been widely distributed in the Greater Toronto Area, Far East, Europe, and at several Trade Shows. In addition, several smaller one -page handouts have been prepared including the "Look Who's Moving to Newcastle" sheets, identifying new industries. iii) Promotional Video The Town's promotional video is currently being updated for use at trade shows, staff presentations to investor groups, possible mail -out to potential investors, and to Provincial and Federal offices located overseas. iv) Characterization Map Canadian Advertising Consultants has been retained to prepare a characterization map of the Town. This project is designed to convey a visual impression of the Town �„ n ...6 • showing areas of interest in the community such as libraries, recreation centres, and businesses. It serves to relate existing business areas to major community features and is therefore a viable promotional vehicle for area businesses. The cost of the map's publication are largely paid for by advertising and the Town will be responsible to distribute 10,000 copies. The artwork is nearing completion and it is anticipated that the map will be printed for distribution sometime in November. V) Memberships: The Town is a member of the Economic Development Liaison Committee established by Durham Region which meets bi- monthly to co- ordinate the economic development activities in the Region. In addition, the Town is a member of a number of associations which enables staff to "keep in touch" with current developments across Ontario and in Durham Region. These include the Ontario Industrial Development Council (OIDC), The Tourist Association of Durham Region (TADR) and the Durham Region Manufacturer's Association (DRMA). Staff have been present at a number of meetings and the Mayor was a head table guest at the annual meeting of the DRMA. vi) Trade Shows: The Town of Newcastle has been represented at one trade show this year, although other opportunities and requests have been turned down due to limited staff resources. The Town was represented at the "Industrial Commercial & Investment Real Estate Show" presented by the Toronto Real Estate Board at the Development Institute Conference in May. There was widespread interest in the Town at the show. ...7 ��� �i REPORT NO.: PD- 267 -89 PAGE 7 2.3 PLANT SITE LOCATION INQUIRIES 2.3.1 Staff and the Mayor's office regularly receive inquiries from businesses planning to relocate or expand. Many of these view the Town of Newcastle as a desireable location with many advantages. The most common questions relate to the number and training of the available labour force in the area and the availability of serviced industrial land for sale. 2.3.2 General inquiries are dealt with by Staff and /or the Mayor who provide the standard promotional material and may research some areas of interest to potential investors. Follow -up letters and phone calls are made where there is a serious interest in the Town. Staff will regularly take the more serious investors to tour possible sites in the Town. 2.3.3 Firms which indicate a serious interest in locating in the Town are invited to meet with senior staff and the Mayor for a presentation and tour of the Town. Approximately a dozen such tours have been arranged to date. Several very large firms have expressed interest in the Town and Staff are actively following up these leads. 2.3.4 Numerous inquiries have been received in 1989. Because of the tremendous interest developing about the Town, a more formal record keeping and follow -up system is being devised and will be implemented in the coming year. 2.4 PACIFIC RIM INITIATIVE 2.4.1 On June 1, 1989, a five (5) member delegation from the Town embarked on a twelve day economic promotion mission to the Far East including Taiwan and Hong Kong. r. ...8 �� CCU Some highlights of the activities include prime -time television and radio interview with the Mayor, meetings with local Canadian, Federal and Provincial trade officials, participation in a three day trade show in conjunction with the North American Real Estate Exposition, and hosting an exclusive seminar and information session at the new Hong Kong Convention Centre attended by approximately 175 people. Part of the delegation went to Taiwan to meet with local business industrialists. The seminar, advertisements, and considerable local media coverage in Hong Kong had created tremendous interest in the Town. The delegation was caught in a somewhat overwhelming but pleasant situation in that there was insufficient manpower to meet with all the business people who had expressed interest in the Town. Out of the numerous inquiries and meetings, twenty -three (23) serious prospects arranged follow -up meetings with the delegation that lasted well into the evening. 2.4.2 The summary of the costs to the Town for the Economic Development mission to Hong Kong and Taipei are as follows: Delegation Costs $27,700 Consulting Services $ 6,200 Advertising $10,000 Office, Transportation, Administrative, Etc. $ 6,600 Trade Show & Exhibition 4,200 TOTAL $54,700 2.4.3 The follow -up contacts and meetings which have materialized since the actual mission to the Far East include the following: inquiries are being received by mail and followed up by Staff. It is anticipated that some of these ...9 5 61 REPORT NO.: PD- 267 -89 PAGE 9 will materialize into actual visits to the Town from interested investors. several delegations by businessmen and their agents have visited the Town for discussions with officials between July and September. The exact nature of the visits has varied from informal discussions through the Mayor's office or major presentations and tours conducted by Town Staff. These would appear to be serious inquiries from investors investigating relocation possibilities in the Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto Market Areas. from the Town's contacts with Federal and Provincial trade officials overseas, there have been a number of referrals to the Town of prospective investors in Hong Kong and Taipei. It is expected that several of these will result in follow -up visits to the Town of Newcastle. a further six delegations as a result of contacts made during the Hong Kong mission are expected to arrive in the last quarter of 1989 through arrangements made with the Mayor's office. 2.4.4 The Town's initiative into the Pacific Rim has led to many inquiries and resulted in some very serious prospects who are preparing to establish new facilities in the Town of Newcastle. It is expected that the high public exposure of the Town in Hong Kong at an opportune time will continue to yield dividends with the appropriate follow -up actions. The Town has received inquiries from other municipalities who wish to follow the Town's example in their economic development missions. 2.4.5 To date a number of serious projects have been discussed. At the request of the investors, these projects must ...10 599 62 REPORT NO.: PD-267-89 PAGE 1W remain confidential until they have materialized to the point where the parties wish to disclose their exact nature. In general terms, the following types of industries are considering or have made relocation plans in the Town of Newcastle: (i) import- export trade business (ii) textile and garment manufacturers (iii) tourist facilities (iv) automotive parts and supplies manufacturer (v) office and industrial buildings to provide space for small and medium site business. 3. INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY - JANUARY TO SEPTEMBER 1989 3.1 New Industries Since January 1989, a number of new industries have located in the Town of Newcastle creating a total of 75 new jobs. These are summarized below: Crothers Limited A 25,000 sq.ft. facility in the Courtice Industrial Park to sell and service Caterpillar heavy equipment. Brandon Kitchens A 27,000 sq.ft. showroom and distribution centre for kitchen and bathroom cabinetry in the Courtice Industrial Park. Brandon Kitchens is part of the Halminen Group of Companies. Railside Steel A 11,300 sq.ft. manufacturing plant for Fabricating mining, pollution control and sewage treatment equipment in the Courtice Industrial Park. The plant has commenced operation and will have an official opening in November. Custom Trailer Custom Trailer began full production in Manufacturing May of this year at their 28,700 sq.ft. facility on Port Darlington Road in Bowmanville. The new plant will allow the company to expand into new product lines, such as waste disposal bins, in addition to the large semi dump trailers for gravel and other bulk materials. ...11 `�99 63 3.2 BUILDING PERMITS: PAGE 11 New construction in 1989 has been led by the major expansion to the St. Mary's Cement Plant. In 1989, the total value of permits applied for as of the end of September, 1989 was for $38.8 million of industrial construction and $2.3 million of commercial construction. This is exclusive of any construction by Ontario Hydro. The following lists major construction activities completed or underway as of September 30, 1989. Minor alterations under $25,000 or 1000 square feet in size, are not included in the projects listed below: Industrial St. Marys Cement New Office Bldg.(23,300 sq.ft.) St. Marys Cement New Manufacturing Facility Delta Faucet Plant alterations Halloway Holdings Industrial Bldg. (7500 sq.ft.) Schleiss & Holland Industrial Bldg. (14,400 sq.ft.) Handi Storage Storage Units (8,200 sq.ft.) Rossert /Taunus Industrial Condominium (13,000 sq.ft.) Rossert /Taunus Industrial Condominium (9,700 sq.ft.) AVP Extrusions Addition to Factory (6,800 sq.ft.) Motor City Crane Industrial Building (12,800 sq.ft.) Commercial Flying Dutchman Renovation VanHaverbeke Store addition (7,700 sq.ft.) T. Price Fruit Stand (1,500 sq.ft.) Prestonvale Centre Convenience Plaza (9040 sq.ft.) Mosport Park New Facilities Cody's Restaurant Interior alterations 722918 Ont. Ltd. Renovate Gas Bar and New Car Wash E.J. Stutt Commercial Bldg. (3,000 sq.ft.) Klawitter /Hynes Store Addition (7,000 sq.ft.) Reid Restaurant Addition (1200 sq.ft.) 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 In the last quarter of 1989, the following activities are planned: 599 64 ...12 rew -. 4 . 0 :0 ki Follow -up of leads from the Pacific Rim initiative and other substantive inquiries received to date Update and revision of the information and statistical package Mail out campaign to targeted industries in Toronto Circulation of joint venture opportunities in Newcastle to various Federal and Provincial trade offices abroad and across Canada Publication of business directory for the Town of Newcastle Publication of Characterization Map of the Town of Newcastle 4.2 Longer term initiatives which are under consideration include the following: a more pro- active involvement in tourism (e.g. investigation of a possible tourist information centre); establishing a more beneficial forum to involve existing industries in economic development efforts (e.g. breakfast meetings for local industrialists) completion of a comprehensive economic development strategy further economic development missions abroad. 4.3 For the first time, Newcastle has been placed "on the map" both in the Greater Toronto Area and internationally. These efforts need to be ongoing and maintained in the longer term to reap the full benefits from the Town's initiatives to date. Other municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area and in Southern Ontario have well- established, organized business marketing programs and staff resources to attract investors to their community. ...13 599 65 PAGE 13 We believe that it is in the Town's interest to continue serious efforts to attract employment opportunities to the Town which have begun in 1989. In the longer term this should contribute to the development of a more balanced assessment base, which is necessary for the economic health of the Town. We believe that the objectives of strong economic development and the creation of a healthy economic and financial base for the Town is worthy of support by all Departments and members of Council. Respectfully submitted, n Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development CRV *DC *FW *jip October 12, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence 9 Kotseff Chief Admi istrative Officer Information Package under separate cover. X77 JO