HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-238-89DN: C /WEST TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # � s, 0 Res® # By-Law # SING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, October 2, 1989 REPORT #: PD- 238 -89 FILE #: OP 2.2.1(4) &RECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN - FILE: OP 2.2.1(4) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 238 -89 be received; 2. THAT the proposed amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan, being Attachment Nos. 1 & 2 respectively, be referred back to Staff for further review and the preparation of a subsequent report upon the receipt of outstanding agency comments; 3. THAT the Region of Durham be so advised and forwarded a copy of Report; and 4. THAT the delegations be informed of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 The area west of Varcoe Road and north of Nash Road was added to the Courtice Urban Area through the Amendment #22 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan® The area is designated "Residential" with a "Major Open Space" designation on ...2 529 The subject area lies within the Courtice West Neighbourhood as defined by Schedule 6 -3 of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. 1.2 A Public Meeting was held in June, 1987 in respect of the proposed amendment to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan to establish a land use pattern for the subject area. Related amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan were also considered. Council resolved to refer the proposed Neighbourhood Plan and related Official Plan Amendments back to Staff for further review and discussion with area residents. Staff met with area residents to discuss the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan in January, 1988. 1.3 Concerns expressed by area residents regarding the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for the subject area were as follows: - the location of the Neighbourhood Park and the road pattern for the lands between Harmony Creek and Varcoe Road did not allow for optimum development of the area; - the proposed road pattern did not provide for efficient movement of traffic. Support was indicated for an extension of Adelaide Avenue east of Townline Road; - support was also indicated for a pedestrian connection across Harmony Creek to connect with Lawson Road; - the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan did not protect a hardwood woodlot on the westside of Varcoe Road; - the proposed Neighbourhood Park was too large; ...2 � �n i ..J v 2. REVISED AMENDMENTS: 2.1 As a result of further review, Staff have prepared revised amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan as indicated by Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 respectively. The most significant aspects of the proposed amendments are as follows: (i) Adelaide Avenue Extension - Adelaide Avenue is proposed to be extended as a Collector Road east of Townline Road to Tooley's Road. Adelaide Avenue was previously indicated in the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Darlington Township Official Plan as an arterial road between Townline Road (Regional Road 42) and Courtice Road (Regional Road 34). It was determined that there was not a need for an arterial road along the northern boundary of the Courtice Urban Area and the road was deleted from both Official Plans. The exact alignment of the proposed Collector road will be determined through a future review of ownership, development patterns and transportation planning principles and future expansions of the Urban Area. (ii) Old Varcoe Road ® Old Varcoe Road is proposed to be closed in order to eliminate the existing sub-standard intersection with Varcoe Road. Access to the homes fronting on Old Varcoe Road will be provided through the development of the lands to the east subject of Subdivision Application 18T- 86068. (iii) Indepth Development - A road pattern has been proposed for the area east of Harmony Creek in order to allow for the Indepth development of the lands. A new road connecting with Townline Road is also proposed to permit the development of a 4.9 ha site west of Harmony ...4 �v� REPORT NO.. PD- 238 -89 PAGE 4 Creek. A road connection between this subdivision and Lawson Road is proposed to provide a second access and to allow for the development of the rear portion of the lots on the south side of Lawson Road. (iv) Medium Density Development - The Town of Newcastle Official Plan encourages the development of a range of housing types, sizes, price and tenure arrangements to provide accommodation for households of differing socio- economic characteristics. The Official Plan further states that medium density development shall be generally located at the periphery of residential neighbourhoods with direct access to collector or arterial roads. The Neighbourhood Development Plan proposes the development of a Medium Density block fronting on Townline Road. (v) Parkland Requirements - As a result of discussion with the Community Services Department, it was determined that a Neighbourhood Park as provided for by the Town of Newcastle Official Plan is not required. The Neighbourhood Plan provides for a 0.8 ha parkette which is centrally located and which provides for access to the Harmony Creek valleylands. Related amendments to the text of the Neighbourhood Plan with respect to parkland requirements for the Courtice West Neighbourhood are proposed. (vi) Dedication of Valleylands - The Town of Newcastle Official. Plan (Section 6.3.2 ii a) encourages the public acquisition of and access to, for passive recreational purposes, the valleylands of the Black and Farewell Creek systems. The proposed Official Plan amendment would extend this provision to include the valleylands of Harmony Creek. (vii) Population - Amendments to Schedule 2 (Population) and Appendix A (Student Generation) are proposed to reflect the incorporating of the lands west of Varcoe Road and north of Nash Road into the Courtice West Neighbourhood. ...5 r- REPORT NO.: PD-238-89 Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed to all owners of property within the area subject of the proposed amendment and within 120 metres. Although no written submissions from the public had been received as of the writing of this report, numerous residents and landowners have made inquiries as a result of the circulation. 4. AGENCY COMMENTS: The proposed amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan have been circulated to the following agencies for comment: - Town of Newcastle Public Works Department - Town of Newcastle Fire Department - Town of Newcastle Community Services Department - Region of Durham Planning Department - Region of Durham Works Department - Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Public School Board - Separate School Board - Ministry of Natural Resources - City of Oshawa No agency comments had been received as of the writing of this report. 5. STAFF COMMENTS: 5.1 The Neighbourhood Plan Amendment currently being proposed does not address the large woodlot north of Centrefield Drive which is currently designated "Minor Open Space" by the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan. The woodlot is subject of Subdivision Application 18T-86068 and an application to amend the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan (File: OP 2.2.1(3)) to permit the development of a residential subdivision. Given the nature of the issues involved with the woodlot, these applications are not being considered in the context of the subject Neighbourhood Plan amendment. K 11 5.2 The road pattern proposed by the amendment to the Neighbourhood Plan for the lands between Varcoe Road and Harmony Creek generally reflects a proposal submitted by a consultant working on behalf of a large number of the affected property owners. The road pattern and land use details may be revised as the result of agency comments and further_ review of the proposed amendment to the Neighbourhood Development Plan. 6. COLLUSION: This is the second Public Meeting to consider a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the lands north of Nash Road between Varcoe Road and Townline Road. The purpose of this Report is to outline the revisions to the proposed land use designations and policies for this area. It is recommended that the proposed amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan be referred back to Staff for further review and the preparation of a subsequent report upon the receipt of the agency comments. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development JAS *DC *FW *jip *Attach. September 22, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrenc Kotseff Chief A aistrative Officer r_ '7 !' DN: C /WEST TO THE TOWN OF OFFIC AL PLAN ATTACHMENT NO. 1 PURPOSE: The Purpose of this Amendment is to provide further detail regarding the collector road network in the Courtice West Neighbourhood, including the Adelaide Road extension across the northern boundary of the Neighbourhood; to delete a Neighbourhood Park symbol from the Courtice West Neighbourhood; to revise the population figures for the Courtice West Neighbourhood; and to amend the provision regarding the public acquisition of valleylands to include the Harmony Creek system. BASIS: This Amendment is based on a proposed amendment to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan to establish road patterns and land use designations for the area west of Varcoe Road and north of Nash Road. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Town of Newcastle Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. In Section 6.3.1 ii)(a), replacing the words "Black and Farewell Creek Systems" with "Black, Farewell and Harmony Creek Systems" such that Section 6.3.2 ii)(a) reads as follows: "The Major Open Space System within the Courtice Major Urban Area generally comprises those lands below the topographic break in slope of the Black, Farewell and Harmony Creek systems. The boundaries of the Major Open Space System shown on Schedule 6 ®1 are not precise and shall only be used as guidelines. More precise boundaries shall be delineated in the Zoning By -law in consultation with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. Council shall encourage the public acquisition of and access to, for passive recreational purposes, the valley lands of the Black, Farewell and Harmony Creek Systems." 2. Schedule 1 entitled "Land Use Structure" is hereby amended as indicated by Schedule "A" to this Amendment. 3. Schedule 4 entitled "Transportation Network" is hereby amended as indicated by Schedule "B" to this Amendment. Schedules "A" and "B" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as amended, regarding implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 5-7 6 TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN [SLVUN 537 DN: C/WEST AMENDMENT NO. ,, TO THE COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD, PURPOSE: The Purpose of this Amendment is to establish land use designations and road patterns for that portion of the Courtice West Neighbourhood west of Varcoe Road and north of Nash Road, and to make minor amendments to the text to reflect the above changes. Several technical amendments are also incorporated. BASIS: The lands west of Varcoe Road and north of Nash Road were incorporated into the Courtice Major Urban Area through Amendment No. 22 to the Darlington Township official Plan. Section 6.1.2 of the Town of Newcastle official Plan requires Neighbourhood Development Plans to be prepared and approved by Council for those lands within the Courtice Major Urban Area. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. All or similar references to the "Official Plan of the Township of Darlington" are hereby deleted and the words "Town of Newcastle Official Plan" inserted. 2. In Section 1.3, third paragraph, second line, the words 11165 hectares" are deleted and the words 11205 hectares" inserted thereto. 3. In Section 2.1.2, second line, the word "generally" is inserted before the words "specific area" 4. In Section 2.1.5, second line, the number 114,30011 is deleted and the number 11660011 inserted thereto. 5. In Section 2.2.1, first line, words "Central West Public School" are deleted and replaced by 'IS. T. Worden Public School" and the last sentence beginning with "Appendix A, attached,..." is deleted. 6. In Section 2.3.2, in the second sentence, the words "Section 6.3.311 are replaced by "Section 6.311 and the third sentence is deleted and replaced by the following sentence, "The Courtice West Neighbourhood will require approximately 5.25 hectares of parkland for neighbourhood and parkettes and 4 hectares of community parkland located elsewhere within the Courtice Urban Area". F � P J J 0 ® 2 DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NO. ,, TO THE COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN 7. In Section 2.3.7, second line, the words "and Harmony Creek" are inserted after the words "the Farewell Creek ". 8. In Section 2.6.1, third line, the words "and at some time in the future by a proposed extension of Adelaide Avenue, also a Type B Arterial, along the northern limit of the neighbourhood" are hereby deleted. 9. In Section 2.6.2, the following new subsection is hereby inserted: "(iv) The proposed alignment for the Adelaide Avenue extension along the northern limit of the Courtice West Neighbourhood between Townline Road and Tooley's Road is indicated on Schedule 1. The exact alignment and possible easterly extensions will be determined prior to the preparation of plans of subdivision for lands abutting the Urban Area limit ". 10. Schedule 1 entitled "Land Use Structure Plan" is hereby amendment as indicated by Schedule "A" to this Amendment. 11. Schedule 2 entitled "Population" is hereby amended as indicated by Schedule "B" to this Amendment. 12. Appendix A to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Plan entitled "Student Generation" is hereby deleted. Schedules "A" and "B" attached hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation, shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 39 0 Ir Ld z I z O U) w SCHEDULE" A "TO AMENDMErw • THE COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN LOT 35 >---� �- LOT 34 X--H LOT 33 AREA SUBJECT OF AMENDMENT ®moo NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL .......... MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ....... CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL.. . .. . - - SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. PARKETTE.... NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK COMMERCIAL NODE CN MINOR OPEN SPACE ................ MAJOR OPEN SPACE .................. HAZARD ARTERIAL ROAD-TYPE '8'. COLLECTOR ROAD LOCAL ROAD. PEDESTRIAN/ BICYCLE PATHWAY. ....... DENOTES DENSITY DESIGNATION m DENOTES MAXIMUM NUMBER 40 OF UNITS PER NET HECTARE-- 540 I IADD POPULATION FIGURE 0 a 0 W. 1000 w 0 U B 340 lG WAY NEwn ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ME== ■ W V 2175 NASH 430 N° 2 1450 1005 m ROAD 7 pp�w ADJUST POPULATION FIGURE FROM'450' TO ' 1450' 0 Total 6615 0 Z J ADJUST TOTAL Q POPULATION FIGURE FROM-4615- TO'6615' Schedule " B " to Amendment # to the COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN