HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-208-89DN: VANDEW REPORT File #60-35-. 26 Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Tuesday, September 5, 1989 REPORT #: PD-208-89 FILf #: _DEV 88-28 SUBJECT: REZONING SITE PLAN APPLICATION - E. VANDEWALKER PART LOT 25, CONCESSION 1, CLARKE OUR FILE: DEV 88-28 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-208-89 be received; 2. THAT the application submitted by Mr. E. E. VanDeWalker to rezone a parcel of land within Part of Lot 25, Concession 1, former Township of Clarke to permit the expansion to 29 units and year-round accommodation within the existing Trailer Park be DENIED, and that the applicant be given one (1) year to September 5, 1990, to comply with the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive zoning By-law 84-63 as amended, and to comply with the 1981 Site Plan Agreement; 3. THAT the Region of Durham and Regional Planning be so advised and forwarded a copy of Report PD-208-89; and 4. THAT the delegations and persons listed to be notified, be informed of Council's decision. 550 ...2 1. BACKGROUND PAGE 2 1.1 In March of 1988 an application was received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department for amendment to the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended, as well as amendment to a Site Plan Agreement dating back to 1981. The application was submitted by Mr. VanDeWalker and the subject site is a 1.3 ha (3.2 acre) parcel in Part Lot 25, Concession 1, Clarke. The rezoning application proposed to legalize the existing facility to operate as a "Mobile Home Park" with year round living accomodations as opposed to a "Trailer Camp or Park" as presently defined in the Comprehensive Zoning By -law, which permits seasonal occupancy only. In addition, the application seeks to increase the number of units permitted from eighteen (18) to twenty -nine (29). 1.2 In December of 1987, planning Staff were informed that the 'trailer park' on the subject site was operating in contravention of the Site Plan Agreement and Zoning provisions regulating its use. The existing Site Plan Agreement dating back to 1981 allows eighteen (18) seasonal use trailer siteS on the subject property. The current zoning of the subject property as per the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84 -63, as amended places the site in a 'Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C4 -8)' zone. This zoning permits a trailer park or trailer camp, however, 'Trailer Camp or Park' are defined as follows; "Shall mean an establishment consisting of camping lots and comprising land used or maintained as grounds for the camping or parking of mobile recreational trailers, motorized recreation vehicles, truck campers or tents for recreational or vacation use designed for seasonal occupancy only. TRAILER CAMP or PARK shall include accessory recreational buildings and structures normally related to such operations." (underline added for emphasis) ...3 551 REPORT NO.: PD- 208 -89 PAGE 3 2.1 The subject lands are in Part Lot 25, Concession 1, former Clarke, more specifically known as 623 King St. E., Newcastle Village. The site is bounded to the south by the Graham Creek which also forms the southeastern boundary of the Village Urban Area; to the east the site is bounded partially by a restaurant /tavern and partially by vacant lands zoned 'Environmental Protection (EP)'; to the north is a recently approved 172 unit residential subdivision and a concrete block manufacturer and sales establishment; and to the west are currently vacant .lands that are subject to applications for Official Plan Amendment, Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning. 3 OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 3.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject site is designated 'Residential' within the Small Urban Area of Newcastle Village. The Durham Plan permits a Mobile Home Park development in residentially designated areas if such development is considered desireable and compatible with surrounding uses by the .local council. It is further noted that mobile home park developments shall be fully serviced with water and sewer facilities designed to Regional standards and approved by the Ministry of Environment. Furthermore, mobile home parks may proceed either by registered plan of subdivision and /or by development control agreement. Such agreement being in accordance with relevant municipal by -laws and having regard for criteria established by the CMHC publication 'Site Planning for Mobile Homes - A Supplement to the Site Planning Handbook'. 3.2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject property is designated 'Residential'. Development in Newcastle Village shall be generally restricted to low and medium density, with an overall average density not to exceed fourteen (14) units per net residential ha. The subject application for 29 units has an overall net residential density of 22.3 units, plus the existing dwelling. The application does not appear to comply. ...4 REPORT NO.: PD- 208 -89 PAGE 4 WWWCOR 4.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982, and the requirements of the Planning Act the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. The Public Meeting for said application was held June 6, 1988. 4.2 At the time of the meeting no written submissions had been received by Town Staff. However, two neighbouring land owners spoke in opposition to the application. A number of people presently residing in the park did attend the meeting. Since the meeting a dozen letters have been submitted by Trailer Park residents in support of the application. In summary, the letters note a concern of personal loss if the rezoning for year round accommodation is not approved. Most have noted the money invested in their trailers through initial purchase and renovations. Their contribution to the community through taxes and day to day purchases. 4.3 One letter of opposition was received by Staff. The objection included the precedent being set of approving illegal uses, should the application be approved. The poor repair of the park and drainage to boundary fences, littering of garbage on adjacent property caused by Trailer Park residents. 5 CIRCULATED AGENCIES 5.1 The application was circulated to various departments and agencies in accordance with Town procedures. The following provides a summary of the comments received through the circulation process. Newcastle Hydro was the only agency which provided an unconditional no objection to the proposal. 5.2 The Building Department has noted that in order for a Mobile Home to be considered as a dwelling unit, they must be placed on foundations capable of supporting all intended loads. As well decks and all other 553 ...5 PAGE 5 REPORT NO.: PD- 208 -89 attached buildings would be required to meet similar standards. Any new mobile homes placed within this site would require building permits and proof that the structure complies with CSA Z 240.2.1 or the Ontario Building Code. This would include heating, lighting /electrical and plumbing systems in accordance with code, as well as one (1) full bath, including toilet, sink and shower /tub, laundry facilities and kitchen facilities. 5.3 (i) Fire Department Staff in their original comments provided numerous concerns with regard to the application: These include substandard access routes and turn around facilities; outdoor storage of compressed gas cylinders; access to Graham Creek for fire protection and agreement by the applicant to connect to municipal water at such time as it become available; and the proximity of the trailers to each other, in some cases less than 2.5 m, poses a threat to fire spreading. It is recommended that 5 or 6 m minimum separation be maintained. (ii) A revised set of comments advised Planning Staff that the applicant has attempted to address the Fire Departments concerns and has now installed signs identifying the road as a fire route and prohibiting parking; has installed a platform allowing access to Graham Creek; and a turn around area has been identified and parking prohibited. 5.4 Public Works Staff review of the application required submission of a site grading; installation of street lighting at the entrance of the park and that all works be undertaken with Town standards. Works Staff have also submitted revised comments noting that the applicant has submitted a grading plan to their satisfaction. 5.5 The Ganaraska Conservation Authroity provided comments noting no concern with the proposed rezoning, provided that the Regional Storm flood plain of the Graham Creek continues to be recognized in the Environmental Protection (EP) zone category. �J4 REPORT NO.: PD- 208 -89 PAGE 6 5.6 (i) Comments provided by the Regional Health Department noted no objection to the original eighteen (18) sites which are serviced by Holding Tanks. However, they could not support the application for rezoning and increase to twenty -nine (29) stating there is insufficient area for the installation of an on -site sewage disposal system with 100% replacement area to service the proposed development. (ii) Revised comments based on a re- assessment of the application provided no objection to increasing the trailer park by eleven (11) sites conditional upon: (a) an additional 2000 gallon holding tank being installed to service trailers on lots 26 and 29 and a second 2000 gallon may be required to service lots 22 to 25. (b) raw sewage pumped from holding tanks must be disposed of at a municipal sewage treatment plant. (c) records kept indicating dates, number of gallons pumped and from which tanks. (d) Connection to municipal water when it becomes available and drilling of an additional well should water shortages be experienced in the meantime. 5.7 Regional Planning Staff commented that within the Durham Region Official Plan the site is for the most part designated 'Residential' within the Small Urban Area of the Newcastle village. Graham Creek traversing the south - easterly portion of the site is designated 'Major Open Space'. Highway # 2 extending along the frontage of the property is a Type "A" arterial /provincial highway. Their comments quote: Section stating that a mobile home park development may be permitted if in the opinion of the municipality it is considered to be desireable and compatible; Section mobile home parks shall be fully serviced with water and sewer services. They note Regional services are not available, therefore the proposal does not appear to conform. They further note this to be an existing, non - conforming use, and the municipality may wish to consider Section 16.6.5, which allows expansions to such developments. They further note any expansion will necessitate the payment of development charge levies. 555 ...7 REPORT NO.: PD-2O8 -89 -- ®---- -w Ministry of Transportation Staff provided no objection to the application, subject to any future buildings and structures being set back a minimum distance of 14 m (45 ft.) from the Highway property line• MW PAGE 7 6. STAFF COMMENTS 6.1 In reviewing the subject application for Zoning By -law Amendment and Site Plan Amendment, there are really two (2) issues being considered. One being the expansion from eighteen (18) units to recognize the existing twenty -nine (29) units, and the other being 'seasonal' as opposed to 'year -round accomodation'. it must be emphasized however, that the use as it presently operates is illegal in both number of units and the 'year -round accomodation'. 6.2 The application has been reviewed by a number of agencies with the respective comments outlined above. A number of concerns have been outlined in these comments, some of which the applicant has been able to resolve. A number of letters have been received mainly in support, however, some objection was received. Even among the existing residents supporting the proposal, there was mention of additions and structures being constructed without proper permits and concern with the proximity of these structures to other trailers and site boundaries. 6.3 A review of the publication produced by CMHC (Site Planning for Mobile Homes A Supplement to the Site Planning Handbook) makes the following observations when planning a Mobile Home Park. - mobile home parks shall generally have a minimum of 25 units or 3 acres (1.2 ha); - all streets should be paved or a compacted granular surface and shall be well drained and graded; - roads should be sufficiently wide to accomodate all underground services, pedestrian walkways, surface drainage and snow storage; - lots should be of a diverse size and shape; - consideration should be made for street lights, garbage containers, signs, benches etc.; - a minimum of one paved or gravelled parking space per lot and an additional space for every four (4) lots be provided for visitors; D0 ...8 PAGE 8 REPORT NO.:' PD- 208 -89 - screening and fencing between homes; - a minimum of 25 ft. (7.5 m) separation to the adjacent lot line be provided from either one of the long sides containing the main entrance door; - a 6 ft. (1.8 m) side yard on the other side is recommended; - units shall be 12 ft. (3.6 m) from any public street - a minimum 25 ft. (7.5 m) rear yard shall be maintained between lot line and the rear of the unit; - lawns or suitable cover shall be provided; - a usable open area of at least 450 sq. ft. (42 m2) with a minimum mean dimension of 12 ft. (3.2 m); - all units shall be supported on a secured stand capable of supporting the maximum anticipated load; - all units shall have a skirt from the bottom of the unit to the ground. The above list contains some of the more key considerations in reviewing a Mobile Home Park. 6.4 From the site plan submitted it would appear the average lot width is less than 17 ft. (5.2 m.) while the depth may vary from 40 ft.(12m) to 60 ft. (18 m). This would make it impossible to obtain 25 ft. (7.5 m) side yards and difficult to realize a similar rear yard. In addition, the recommended 450 sq. ft. (42 m2) of usable open space per lot would be impossible to achieve given the lot sizes compared to the units situated thereon. The Town's Comprehensive Zoning By -law requires two parking spaces per unit and one parking space for each four (4) Mobile Home Sites. The application does not appear to comply. Upon reviewing the application in terms of the summary list outlined above, it is clear that the subject development would not conform to a number of recommended design criteria, as well as Town policies. 6.5 The Regional Official Plan defines Mobile Home in Section as: " a mobile home or modular home unit shall mean a factory -build single family dwelling designed to be made mobile that is sited on a permanent anchoring foundation and connected to service facilities so as to be suitable for year round occupancy and is constructed to meet, as a minimum, the standards of the Ontario Building Code, the Electrical Code and the Plumbing Code as well as all relevant by -laws of the respective area municipality." ...9 5i REPORT NO.: PO- 208 -89 PAGE 9 It would appear from the submission made in support of the application and a site inspection of the property, that a number of units would not satisfy the definition of mobile home, but rather would be construed as travel trailers. 6.6 The subject lands are within the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area, and are bounded to the west by a 200 plus unit residential development proposal. It is believed that the appropriate buffering between the proposed residential development and the mobile home park would be difficult to achieve. The lots for the trailers have been established and units set up without such consideration. The proximity of the units to each other was a noted concern of the Fire Department and Building Department and is considered a safety hazard. 6.7 As noted above in the report the Town's Official Plan outlines density in the Village at 14 units per net ha. The subject application for 29 mobile home units equals 22.3 units per net ha, this is not in conformity. Regional Planning Staff have noted that mobile home parks shall be fully serviced with water and sewer services. As this site does not have full municipal services, it was noted that it does not conform. As for Section 16.6.5 of the Durham Plan, it permits local Council at their sole discretion zone to permit the continuation, expansion or enlargement of existing, or the variation to similar uses, provided that such uses: a) have no adverse effect on the present use of surrounding lands or the implementation of the provisions of this Plan; b) have regard for the Agricultural Code of Practice; c) are accessible by Public Road; d) are subject to any conditions that may be contained in a district plan. ...10 758 PAGE 10 As noted previously the proposed amendment does not appear to comply with the density provisions of the Town Official Plan, and Regional Staff have noted that it does not comply with the Durham Plan. This would suggest that the Section 16.6.5 would not be applicable. In addition the report outlines a number of areas which the proposal is deficient compared to Town criteria and standards outlined in the CMHC publication. 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Staff are aware there are presently twenty -nine families who make the trailer park their home. However, the current Zoning By -law and Site Plan Agreements allows only 18 units on a seasonal basis. As noted in the comments above, it is felt that this application has several fundamental problems with Official Plan conformity, By -law conformity, design guidelines and safety deficiencies. For these reasons, and the issues highlighted in the body of the text, Staff cannot support the subject rezoning and site plan amendment application. 7.2 In consideration of this recommendation, the number of people who are residing in the park on a permanent basis and the eleven (11) sites which are over and above the permitted. It is further recommended that the applicant be given a one (1) year grace period to bring the existing trailer park into compliance with the Zoning By -law and the Site Plan Agreement. CP *FW *cc *Attach. August 25, 1989 ?59 Recommended for presentation to the Committee acarence E. Kotsef f Chief Administrative Officer ...11 Rpp•,zT NO.: PD -208-89 INTERESTED PARTIES • BE NOTIFIED OF COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL'S DECISIO1 Mr. Eugene VanDewalker 152 Colin Road East OSHAWA, Ontario LIH 7K5 Frank Williams Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 28, 623 King St. E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Myles Pepper General Delivery NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Harry Jones General Delivery NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO S. & S. Hogan Newcastle Trailer Park 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. Guy Garrier P.O. Box 526 NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mona Berlingeri 623 King Street East NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. & Mrs. Leveque Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 2, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. L. Babchishin Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 10, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. & Mrs. Sims Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 11, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Gilles Lelievre Anne Girarle P.O. Box 161 NEWTONVILLE, Ontario LOA lJO Mike Morrison Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 4, 623 King St. E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. Richard Dallaire General Delivery NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Martha Link & Family Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 5, 623 King St. E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. E. mostert R.R. #2 NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Foster creek Developments c/o Edvan Realty 214 King Street East BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 1P3 Mrs. S. West Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 3, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. & Mrs. Hoskin Unit 8, 623 King Street E. Newcastle Trailer Park NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. & Mrs. Timms Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 12, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO ` 6 0 D REPORT NO.: PD-208-89 ------------------------------ Mr. D. Hilliard Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 13, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. L. Brazzard Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 15, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. & Mrs. Tuck Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 22, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. D. Brunelle Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 24, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. F. Williams Newcastle Trailer park Unit 26, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. D. shred Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 28, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. & Mrs. Smith Unit 14, 623 King Street E. Newcastle Trailer Park NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Miss Lyuck Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 21, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. & Mrs. smart Unit 23, 623 King Street E. Newcastle Trailer Park NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. & Mrs. Bergeron Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 25, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. J. ROSS Unit 27, 623 King Street E. Newcastle Trailer Park NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO Mr. B. Benford Newcastle Trailer Park Unit 29, 623 King Street E. NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO PAGE 12 ' Dev-.88�28- „gin. ! s,.a > , �.,..s ♦Y ,� ,> 4 �1 � m b � � � 1 I I yr .sj[f � ♦�r-�s ® •� L.s�39 I L.r'�'. 4r'z> La-� zG L.r�23' L.fsf� L.r'Z� L.r�::. � / \ 6eo -N..vs >e+ao til 2 A � .cy's' .nrr. a >� xac __ —__ 4 awc• �� r nve,.,rt=H.m .g I � WI � N/t'ot'�e'J L-. ` n I '”" !_— __� - -_ � � �s ♦ V g � f S .crow• -GiA. G Pwwsv L+e Wc: �! rc -E w, .� L�i.ow 6rs Lw.sTi.r6 Lwe l..a -j 7'10.00 .�S�s � /� �4e T � eJ.r .Asio .G.e � N..e•� 7>1.wr S•T6 PCwN cis�t s , 7 � -S .0 .e S.s�s _ w %�1T.14TLS.Grssri.w I /� GT 135+✓NCT 16r•Mt !/.u.wy� ..•.wc,m+.�� /Y�A.rY � AF N E /"'••f wtwWT�E TA• as¢K R�2T O� for 2S N GAr.+ �T:N L...•ss ✓ > � q �� �ucse rL� T u..i N ucarc! �C ��= e.✓ � � Lw =IS]•w 1 i o� uFw4ST�E re, It' Ile Ile �Off.s.n +c /�..+i.M.<iZry si � •�! S ns _ >Y 26