HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-181-89DN: SPECIA TOWN OF NEWCASTLE -`I REPORT File #1,3����, Res. # By -Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, July 17, 1989 REPORT #: PD- 181 -89 FILE #: DEV 89 -57 and OPA 89 -47/N SUBJECT: REZONING /SITE PLAN AND OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS APPLICANT: J. SCHWARTZ TEMPERANCE AND WELLINGTON STREETS, BOWMANVILLE FILES: DEV 89 -57 AND OPA 89 -47/N RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 181 -89 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended, submitted by J. Schwartz on behalf of Specialty Paper Products Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT the applicant be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 In May, 1989 the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department received an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as well as to enter into a Site Plan Agreement. The proposed application submitted by J. Schwartz proposes a twenty -two (22) unit residential condominium with 2500m2 of commercial floor space. The _2 E_ 7 7 ) .) / ` REPORT NO.: PD-181-89 commercial component would comprise the first two floors, and the residential units no the third and fourth fInmco. The applicant has also submitted an Official Plan Amendment application, the purpose of which is to allow the development of the four (4) storey mixed use commercial-residential building. Should the principle of the residential/commercial use be approved, the applicant will be required to enter into a Site PIuu Agreement. 1.3 The subject site is an irregular shaped parcel, approximately .525 be (1.3 acres) in size and is located on the south-east corner of Temperance Street and Wellington Street. Adjacent land uses include residential on the north side of Wellington Street; residential, a church and fireball to the south; residential - multiple rental to the east; and residential and library on the west side of Temperance Street. 2. PUBLIC NOTICE 2.1 Staff would note for the Committee's information that Aorooaut to (oxxooil'a resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the DIauoiug Act, the appropriate aigoage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands and surrounding property owners were advised of the proposal. 2.2 By letter dated June 39' 1989, the Library Board objected to the proposed application. & copy of the Letter of Objection is attached herein. 3. CIRCULATED AGENCIES 3.1 Staff undertook a joint circulation of the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning/Site DIau applications. To date, comments that remain outstanding are from six (6) of the circulated agencies. These include, Newcastle Public Works, Regional Planning, Regional Works, the Separate School Board, the Public School Board, and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. ..,3 - F 70 J .)U REPORT NO.: PD-181-89 PAGE 3 3.1 Newcastle Electric Hydro Commission noted no objections to the proposal as submitted. Newcastle Fire Department offered no objections, noting that the proposed development must conform to the applicable sections of the Ontario Building Code and Ontario Fire Code for mixed Group C and Group E occupancy. Demolition of the existing building will be required to comply with Subsection 1.1.3 of the Ontario Building Code. 3.2 Newcastle Community Services Department offered no objection to the proposal, however, noted that the approximately seventy-seven (77) persons generated from such a proposal would be located within the central core which has an inadequate provision of parkland for the existing population. Pursuant to Town standards/policies, Community Services Staff would request that the land dedication requirements for both the residential and commercial development as contained in the Planning Act and Town's Official Plan be accepted as cash-in-lieu and the funds realized be credited to the Parks Reserve Account. 3.3 Although the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has not provided written confirmation of their comments, it is noted that the site is subject to Ontario Regulation 161/80; consequently permits must be obtained prior to any filling or grading on these lands. Staff would anticipate that their concerns would be addressed within the site plan approval process. 3.4 The Bowmanville Central Business Improvement Area endorsed a resolution at the May 9, 1989 meeting which stated that they wished to go on record as having no objection to the proposal to amend the official Plan to permit the proposed development. The B.I.A. reconfirmed that they have always taken the position of supporting the Official Plan which provides for the location of some 500,000 sq.ft. of commercial and ...4 personal service space in the Bowmanville Central District. 3.5 Staff would note that the Regional Planning Department has confirmed the submission of the Official Plan Amendment and will be liaising with Staff during their processing of the application. Additionally, Regional Staff requested that any amending by -law not be passed until the related Official Plan has been dealt with by both Town and Regional Council. 4. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY -LAW INFORMATION 4.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject area is designated "Main Central Area ". Residential uses are permitted in the Main Central Area in conjunction with commercial development up to the allowable floor space index of 2.50. The proposal has an index of approximately 1.05, therefore, appears to be in compliance. 4.2 The lands are located within the designated "Main Central Area" in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and are further designated in Schedule 8.2 as "Community Facilities ". The predominant use of lands for those areas designated "Community Facilities" shall be social, educational, governmental and recreation activities, hence, the requirement of an Official Plan Amendment. 4.3 The present zoning of the lands is "Urban Residential Type One Exception (R1 -12) ". The "R1 -12" zone permits single family dwellings, semi - detached dwellings, duplexes and converted dwellings. Special zoning category will be required. 5. STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 In order to assist our review of the application, Staff will require more detailed information for the purpose of Site Plan Approval. ...5 J It u; REPORT NO.: PD-181-89 PAGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These include detailed floor layout, and elevation drawings of the building from all sides. A separate landscaping schedule detailing vegetative type and dimensions, coverage proposed, walkways, fencing, illumination etc. must be provided as well. 5.2 Staff is generally satisfied with the provision of parking. However, the nature of the commercial uses need to be verified in order to ascertain the total required spaces. For example, parking requirements for restaurant is different compared to office. 5.3 Section 3.11 within By-law 84-63 - loading space regulations would require the provision of two (2) loading spaces; only one is proposed. Staff will be discussing this matter with the applicant. 5.4 Staff note that, to date, no input has been received from the Regional Works Staff nor Town Works Staff with respect to the site servicing and design. It is acknowledged however, that this type of information has not been supplied by the applicant for Staff's review. Information is essential prior to Staff formulating a recommendation on the proposal. 5.5 RECOMMENDATION As the purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements of the Planning Act with regards to a Public Meeting, and in consideration of the comments outstanding and the various concerns outlined above, Staff recommend the application be referred back to Staff for further processing and a subsequent report. REPORT NO.: PD-181-89 --------------------------- Respectfully submitted, -------------------------- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development LDT*FW*jip *Attach. June 21, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee ------------------- Lawrenc Kotseff Chief dinistrative officer INTERESTED PARTIES TO BE NOTIFIED OF COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL'S DECISION: Mr. Jayson B. Schwartz 2040 Yonge Street 3rd Floor TORONTO, Ontario M4S lZ9 Ms. Barbara Baker Newcastle Public Library Board 62 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LlC 3A8 Dev. 89�57, OmPnA. 89�47/N 54 3� newcastle public library board EMEMENEEM 62 temperance street, bowmanville, ontario L1C 3A8 k June 29, 1989. Franklin Wu, Director, Planning & Development Department, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 RE: Your File: DEV 89 -57 and OPA 89 -47/N Dear Mr. Wu: Ir JUL 4 1989 T0114 J OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING DEPARTMENT I am writing with regard to the rezoning application for Part Lot 12, Concession #1, Town of Newcastle (Temperance Street in Bowmanville) and the request for an official plan amendment for that site. A letter similar to this one has been sent to the Region of Durham Planning Department. The Town of Newcastle Public Library Board discussed this matter at its regular meeting of June 21, 1989. The Board opposes the official plan amendment which would have the effect of deceasing the amount of land in the Bowmanville Main Central Area designated as `Community Facilities'. The Board has advised Council that a new central library facility is required of approximately 25,000 sq. feet and with future expansion potential for a total of 35,000 sq. feet. This main branch should be in the Bowmanville Central Area. Until a site is identified by the Board and Council, the Board opposes a decrease in the central area lands designated as `Community Facilities'. The Board is also concerned about the requested rezoning of the site to permit combined residential /commercial use. -The present site of the main library branch is directly across the street at 62 Temperance. While commercial use of the site is not incompatible with effective library branch operation, members of the Board are concerned that some types J of commercial or restaurant uses might be of concern for a public facility, one purpose of which is to attract children as independent users. Further, the Board is very concerned about the impact of the proposed development on parking for library users. Library parking at the main branch.consists of seven on- street spaces on the east side of Temperance directly across from the branch. Available parking is inadequate and complaints from library users about lack of parking are continuous. The proposed development would increase the demand for parking in the library area during the day and introduce a significant new demand for parking during the evening hours. Finally, the Board requests that it receive copies of any correspondence or reports on either the official plan amendment or the rezoning. Material should be sent to the attention of Barbara Baker, Secretary- Treasurer of the Board at the address above. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Erla B. Jose, chairman 5) Page 2