HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-179-89DN: TOMINA ..,.,+rte 1111 1_111'. � � I l "I l � i) � ► � � � tlT:�`� r �q MEUING: General Purpose and Administration Committee 6-a- . s 7. F le #—L, o 6. Res. # By -Law # DATE: Monday July 17, 1989 REPORT #: PD- 179 -89 FILE #: OPA 89-38./D, DEV 89 -47 & 18T -89025 SUB.IECT: APPLICATION TO AMEND DURHAM REGION OFFICIAL PLAN APPLICATION TO AMEND BY -LAW 84 -63 APPLICATION FOR PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: MR. JOE TOMINA, PART LOT 20, CONC. 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-179-89 be received; 2. THAT the applications for OPA File 89 -38/D, zoning by -law amendment - DEV 89 -47 and Plan of Subdivision 18T- 89025, submitted by William Wolfe on behalf of Joe Tomina, to permit the development of fourteen (14) residential lots to be serviced individually by private sewage disposal systems and a drilled well, be referred back to Staff for a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments. 3. THAT the applicant and applicants agent be so advised. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On April 13, 1989 the Planning and Development Department receeved an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive zoning By -law. Subsequently on May 14, 1989 the Town was advised by the Region of Durham of an application to amend the Durham Region Official Plan, as well as an application for a draft Plan of Subdivision. 2 REPORT N0.: PD-179-89 PAGE 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ 1.2 The application to amend the Durham Region Official Plan would change the current Major Open Space designation to permit the development of a fourteen (14) lot residential Plan of Subdivision serviced by individually drilled wells and private waste disposal systems. 1.3 The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would change the current "Agricultural (/\)o uVuiug to implement the Plan of Subdivision. The proposed draft plan shows five (5) lots tzmutiog directly on Holt Road, the remaining nine (9) lots are situated on a cul-de-sac. The lot sizes range from 3800 sq. m to 4900 sq. m. with frontages ranging from 30 metres to 40 nmtcao. 2^ LOCATION JUN8 SURROUNDING LAND D888 2.1 The subject property is located on the east aide of Holt Road, south of 0aob Road, being Part of Lot 30v Concession 2 in the former Township of Darlington. 2.2 The existing adjacent laud uses surrounding the subject property are as - to the north: non-farm residential uses on 2 bm parcels of land - to the east: bush - to the south: a number of non-farm residential Inta - to the west: a number of non-farm residential lots 3. PUBLIC NOTICE AND 8OI8MI88IO0S 3.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act the appropriate oiguage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 3.2 As of the writing of this report, no written submissions have been received. ...3 - ^l/-A ��� REPORT NO.: PD- 179 -89 4. AGENCY COMMENTS 4.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following departments /agencies in providing comments, offered no objection to the application as filed: - Town of Newcastle Fire Department - Separate School Board - Ministry of Natural Resources - Ministry of Transportation - Ontario Hydro 4.2 The Town of Newcastle Community Services Department offered no objection to the proposal, however, requested that the applicant pay to the Town 50 cash -in -lieu of parkland dedication. 4.3 The Regional health Department requires additional information before comments can be provided. The Department requires a new site plan to be submitted showing tale bed locations. Lots 1 and 2 should be eliminated, due to the high water table. A plan of the drainage swales showing elevations and direction of water flow must also be submitted. Finally, a copy of the Ministry of Environment comments on ground water quality and nitrate contamination must be obtained by the Health Department. 4.4 The Ministry of Agriculture and Food noted that according to the Canada Land Inventory, the soils on the site and in the surrounding area have an agricultural capability rating of Class 5. The surrounding land uses indicate a number of non -farm residential uses in the area. Based on these two statements the Ministry has offered no objection. 4.5 The following agencies must still provide comments: - Regional Works Department - Public School Board - C.L.0.C.A. - Ministry of Environment M 5. STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 The applicant has submitted these applications defining them as a "Rural Cluster". The type of development does not exhibit any characteristics of a rural cluster, as defined. The proposal is more characteristic of an Estate Residential Plan of Subdivision since it shows an internal road, however, the design of an Estate-residential development shall provide for a range of lot sizes directly related to the site's topography, vegetation, soil and drainage. Although there is a variety in lot sizes, the surrounding land uses is not characteristic of Estate-residential development. However, Staff must obtain the comments from the Ministry of Environment and Health Department to determine soil and drainage suitability before providing additional information. 6. RECOMMENDATION 6.1 Staff will continue to review the proposal in detail to examine the impacts it will have on our municipality, given Staff's position on rural residential development. 6.2 In the interim, this Staff Report was prepared to facilitate a Public Meeting, pursuant to the requirements in the Planning Act. Once all outstanding comments have been received and issues of concern are addressed, Staff will prepare a Report with a recommendation. Respectfully submitted, 1% --- ------------------ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development CRV*FW*cc *Attach. July 5, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee e ----------------- Lawrence7EI'.,Kotseff i Chief Admi istrative Officer INTERESTED PERSONS TO BE NOTIFIED OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE DECISION: Joe Tomina Mr. William Wolfe R.R. #3 7 Elmira Court, BOWMANVILLE, Ont LlD 3K4 WILLOWDALE, Ont. M2K 2T1 1sT. 89o25 ROAD ALLOWANCE NASH Ro.a.O El KEY PLf�h/ 5 2,9, E-M h-, � R-1 , Z3 a.a ��.1 9 Fi Q 0 N 72.54 KEY PLf�h/ 5 2,9, E-M h-, � , Z3 a.a ��.1 9 v -Z KEY PLf�h/ 5 2,9, E-M h-, KEY PLf�h/ 5 2,9,