HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-171-89DN: 23.5.2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Ira Res. # By -Law #/ /Z V /,s -- 0 e/L MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, July 3, 1989 REPORT #: PD- 171 -89 FILE #: 23.5.2 SLRECT: IDENTIFICATION AND PROTECTION OF NORTH /SOUTH FREEWAY CONNECTION IN NEWCASTLE FILE: 23.5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 171 -89 be received; 2. THAT the Ministry of Transportation be advised that Council supports the designation of a north /south freeway connection, east of Regional Road 34 and the Courtice Urban Area; 3. THAT the Ministry of Transportation be requested to commence a route selection study immediately in co- operation with the Town of Newcastle and the Region of Durham; 4. THAT the Interim Control By -law attached hereto be approved; 5. THAT notice of the By -law be forwarded to affected property owners and owners of properties within 120 metres of the area to which the By -law applies pursuant to Ontario Regulation 4015/83 made under the Planning Act; and 6. THAT a copy of Report PD- 171 -89 be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham, the Director of Plans Administration Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, and the Regional Director for Central Region of the Ministry of Transportation. 1�g0 1 ...2 DEDO82 00.: PD-171-89 PAGE 2 1.1 The Highway 407 Overview Study is in its final stages of completion. The Study was to determine the rationale and need for Highway 407 from Biobosav 48 to Biobvmuv 115/25. Moreover, the Study examined the need for additional north/south connections between Highway 401 and the proposed Biobvmav 407. The Highway 407 Overview Study establishes a mature freeway system through the Greater Toronto Area as shown in Attachment #l. & north-south freeway connection is proposed in the vicinity of Regional Road 34 (Courtice Road). 1.3 A Route Selection Study is now being initiated to determine the specific corridor for Highway 407. This will be subject to an Environmental Assessment. The early determination of the actual route will enable these lands to be protected and secured. It will also remove the uncertainty which will assist the long term laud use planning process. 2. FREEWAY CONNECTION EAST OF (%}DBTICE 2.1 It is anticipated that the Route Selection Study for the north/south freeway connector in the vicinity of Regional Road @o. 34 will also be initiated shortly. The study area is generally bounded by Regional Road 34 to the west and the north/south hydro transmission corridor in Lot 21, former Township of Darlington to the east. As illustrated in Attachment #2' this area iooImdea lands designated for industrial, residential, agriculture and open space uses. 2.2 Regional Staff, in consultation with Town Staff, identified several alternatives which my accommodate the appropriate road system through this corridor. These include: ...3 � 0 J// JL REPORT NO.: PD_171_89 PAGE 3 Alternative 1 Development of a freeway generally located on the existing Regional Road 34 alignment. Alternative 2 Construction of a freeway on a new alignment immediately east of the eastern limits of the Courtice Urban Area. Alternative 3 Construction of a freeway on a new alignment generally located along the north /south hydro corridor west of Holt Road. These alternatives are illustrated in Attachment Nos. 3, 4 and 5 to this Report. 2.3 The route selection study will include a careful examination of all alternatives in this area including the environmentally sensitive lands north of Nash Road. Town Staff expressed the view that any such freeway should by-pass the Courtice Urban Area due to the substantial social and cost impacts. Nevertheless, Alternative #1 will test the merits of a freeway connector along or adjacent to Courtice Road (Regional Road #34) in relation to the other alternatives. 3. PROTECTION OF FREEWAY CORRIDOR AREA 3.1 Until such time that a route alignment is determined, it is important to preserve all options presently available and ensure that development activity does not jeopardize or adversely impact the route selection process. In this regard, the Ministry of Transportation and the Regional Planning Department will be carefully scrutinizing development applications. ...4 REPORT NO.: PD-171-89 PAGE 4 3.2 Alternative #2 includes an interchange with Highway 401 in the immediate vicinity of Regional Road 34. Given that this land is presently designated "Industrial" and zoned "General Industrial (M2)", it is considered necessary to pass an interim control By-law prohibiting development in the area north of Highway 401 and east of Regional Road 34. 3.3. on June 20, 1989, Regional Planning Committee approved a recommendation to request the Town of Newcastle to introduce an interim control By-law prohibiting development within the industrially zoned area as described above. It is anticipated that Regional Council will adopt this recommendation on June 28, 1989. 4. COMMENTS 4.1 The development of a north-south connector freeway is considered vital to the overall functionality of the transportation system and to the Town's future. In particular, this will be important to the Town's economic development prospects. It considerably enhances the future of the Courtice Industrial Park. All efforts should be made to ensure that the route selection process is not hampered by any further constraints than those existing presently. As a result, Staff fully support the introduction of an interim control By-law (Attachment #6) to achieve the protection of a possible freeway alignment. 4.2 Section 37 of the Planning Act empowers a municipality to pass an Interim Control By-law for a period not exceeding one (1) year to allow the municipality to freeze development until it has the opportunity to undertake a Study to arrive at proper planning policies. Extension for a second year is permissible. Although the environment assessment process could not be completed within this two year period, the identification of the preferred alternative could be determined. ...5 �QQ A ' REPORT 00.: pD-171-89 PAGE 5 _ _ ____ This Interim Control By-law would supezoede the existing zoning By-law for the duration of this period. 4.3 Public meetings and prior notices are out required under the Planning Act for the purpose of an Interim Control By-law. Regulations made under the Planning Art do, however, require that notice of the By-law be sent to all property owners affected and those property owners within 120 metres of lands identified in the Interim Control By-law. The affected parties have 60 days to appeal such Interim Control By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.p. Director of Planning 6 Development DJC*FW*lP *Attach. June 18' 1489 rnn 7r l_/7 )l Recommended for presentation to the Committee UAdmtrative ____________-_ Lamctoeff Cbie 0ffioec ATTACHMENT NO. j i DURHAM t YORK =' �o i PEEL 74'T' METRO n HALTON DEVELOPED FREEWAY SYSTEM THROUGH THE GREATER TORONTO AREA 79l -7/ ATTACHMENT NO. 2 REGIONAL ROAD 34 CORRIDOR AND EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATIONS 1p 599 37 a LEGEND I N N / STUDY AREA DESIGNATIONS AS PER THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN d ' MAJOR OPEN SPACE GENERAL AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL ® INDUSTRIAL ® ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE ® SPECIAL STUDY AREA UTILITIES ®LANDS AFFECTED BY SECTION 123.3 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 ALTERNATIVE 1 LEGEND _ Freeway to Freeway Connection (On New Alignment) -jW Connection to Hwy 407 �' 5Q/ ATTACHMENT NO. 4 I< io SM IN IN Rao HAMPTON p «. MITCHELL CORNERS ;s TAUN 7ilo ` ALTERNATIVE 2 .3•F 'wit �`�:+^ o :. NA ROADI F7 i I W REG. RD. lE CPR l � � Y _ I 2 J O S J LEGEND a < r H Freeway to Freeway Connection CNR • (On New Alignment) LAKE ONTARIO Connection to Hwy 407 p ��� JF,q9 3 p ATTACHMENT NO. 5 ALTERNATIVE 3 LEGEND _ Freeway to Freeway Connection (On New Alignment) -116, Connection to Hwy 407 7V 599 4 n DN: 23.5.2 ATTACHMENT NO. 6 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle passed By-law No. on the 10th day of July, 1989, under Section 37 of the Planning Act, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 37(4) of the Planning Act, 1983, any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle not later than the 7th day of September, 1989, a Notice of Appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection. AND TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 37(2) of the Planning Act, 1983, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has the authority to extend the period during which the by-law will be in effect to a total period not exceeding two (2) years. EXPLANATION AS TO PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF INTERIM CONTROL BY-LAW NO. 89- The Purpose and Effect of this By-law is to prohibit the use of land, building or structures within the affected area generally described as being lands immediately east of Regional Road 34 (Courtice Road), north and south of Baseline Road, shown as such on the schedule attached to this By-law for any purpose other than one for which it was lawfully used on July 10, 1989. The Route Selection Study for the north/south freeway connection between Highways 401 and 407 in the vicinity of Regional Road 34 will be initiated shortly by the Ministry of Transportation in co-operation with the Region of Durham and the Town of Newcastle. One of the study alternatives includes an interchange with Highway 401 in the immediate vicinity of Regional Road 34. F,QQ A T i / / Lf I DN: 23.5.2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 89- being an Interim Control By -law passed pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, 1983. WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation has identified the need for a north -south freeway connection, between Highway 401 and the proposed Highway 407 in the vicinity of Regional Road #34; WHEREAS a Route Selection Study is required for the north /south freeway connection; WHEREAS one of the Study Alternatives includes an interchange with Highway 401 immediately east of Regional Road 34; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham, on June 28, 1989, requested the Town of Newcastle to introduce an interim control By -law prohibiting development within the industrially zoned area north of Highway 401 and immediately east of Regional Road; WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle supports the designation of a north -south freeway connection, east of Regional Road 34 and the Courtice Urban Area; and WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has requested that the Route Selection Study to be prepared by the Ministry of Transportation commence immediately; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Comprehensive zoning By -law 84 -63, the area identified as "Land Affected by By -law" as per the attached Schedule "A" shall be subject to the provisions of this Interim Control By -law. No person shall within the "Land Affected by By -law" use any land, building, or structure for any purpose other than for a purpose for which the land, building or structure was lawfully used on July 10, 1989. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By -law. 3. This By -law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, and shall remain in effect until July 10, 1989. BY -LAW read a first time this day of 1989 BY -LAW read a second time this day of 1989 BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1989. IfL 599 MAYOR CLERK This is Schedule to Py-law passed A of 1989 I OT 28 CANADIAN PAC/ric it "wAr M 4 O J Z O W HIGHWAY 401 Mayor 0, 7R N N W U Z LANDS AFFECTED ® BY INTERIM BY-LAW Z O_ W u Z O V Z O E Z W Y O m Clerk 35 34 33.32 31 30 29 26 27 26 25 24 23 DN: 23.5.2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 89- being an Interim Control By -law passed pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, 1983. WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation has identified the need for a north -south reeway connection, between Highway 401 and the proposed Highway 407 in the viginity of Regional Road #34; WHEREAS a Route `Selection Study is required for the north /south freeway connection; WHEREAS one of the Study Alternatives includes an interchange with Highway 401 immediately east of regional Road 34; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham, ,t on June 28, 1989, requested the Town of Newcastle to introduce an interim control By -law prohibiting,,development within the industrially zoned area north of Highway 401 and immediately east of Regional Road; WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle supports the designation of a north -south freeway connection, east of Regional Road 34 and the Courtice Urban Area; and WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has requested that the Route Selection Study to be prepared by the Ministry of Transportation commence immediately; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1 _1 -<_•4 d-L... J-- ....,A4__ 1-1- y,__ —nnc of OrnTnr nhon a w 7.nnin/Y Tim-1 ;;w DN: 23.5.2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 89- being an Interim Control By -law passed pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, 1983. WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation has identified the need for a north -south freeway connection, between Highway 401 and the proposed Highway 407 in the vicinity of Regional Road #34; WHEREAS a Route Selection Study is required for the north /south freeway connection; WHEREAS one of the Study Alternatives includes an interchange with Highway 401 immediately east of Regional Road 34; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham, on June 28, 1989, requested the Town of Newcastle to introduce an interim control By -law prohibiting development within the industrially zoned area north of Highway 401 and immediately east of Regional Road; WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle supports the designation of a north -south freeway connection, east of Regional Road 34 and the Courtice Urban Area; and WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has requested that the Route Selection Study to be prepared by the Ministry of Transportation commence immediately; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, the area identified as "Land Affected by By -law" as per the attached Schedule "A" shall be subject to the provisions of this Interim Control By -law. No person shall within the "Land Affected by By -law" use any land, building, or structure for any purpose other than for a purpose for which the land, building or structure was lawfully used on July 10, 1989. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By -law. 3. This By -law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, and shall remain in effect until July 10, 1990. BY -LAW read a first time this day of 1989 BY -LAW read a second time this day of 1989 BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1989. MAYOR CLERK