HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-141-89DN: 89-56 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #66 Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday June 19, 1989 REPORT #:. PD-141-89— FILE #: DEV 89-56 (x-ref. 18T-88037) SURJECT: REZONING APPLICATION - MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES PART LOT 8, CONCESSION 2, TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: DEV 89-56 ( X-REF 18T 88037) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-141-89 be received; 2. THAT Application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By- law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Ministry of Government services, be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the interested parties attached hereto. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In May, 1989, the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department Staff received an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. The application was submitted by the Ministry of Government Services. The proposed zoning by-law amendment would change the zone category of approximately 5 2 9 ... 2 PAGE 2 38.6 ha (95.5 acres) of land in Part Lot 8, Concession 2, BovmnuoviIle, from 'Agriculture (&)' and `fnn/ic000xeutoI Protection (EP)' to an appropriate zone to permit the development of 196 single family dwelling units, 192 semi detached/link dwelling ouitox 68 street townhouses, a multiple housing block, a school and a park block. Staff note that the proposed rezoning application omnpIemweuta a proposed Plan of Subdivision (lOT 880]7). The subdivision application which was originally circulated to the Town in June of 1988' has since been revised and roog?Iiea with the rezoning application. 1.2 The site is bounded on the west side by Mearua Ave., on the south side by Concession Street, on the east by Soper Creek and on the north side by the Canadian Pacific Railway Right-of-way. The surrounding laud uses include: Residential to the south, Soper Creek and the Old Training School lands to the east, agricultural lands and the rail line to the unztb and agricultural lands subject to proposed Plans of Subdivision to the west. 2. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 2.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of JoIv 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. As of the writing of this report' no written submissions have been received, although Staff have received counter enquiries with regard to the applications. 3. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 3.1 Within the Durham Region Official Plan the subject property is designated 'Residential". The predominant use of lands within said designation .°.3 ' ,) J � O / L REPORT NO.: PD- 141-89 PAGE 3 shall be for housing purposes. Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Bowmanville Urban Area), as amended, the subject property is designated 'Low Density Residential ". There is also a Junior Public Elementary School and a park block designated for the subject lands. The Town's Official Plan policies state that low density development proposals may develop to a maximum of 301 units per net residential hectare. 3.2 The subject proposal has a net residential density of approximately 18.7 units per hectare. The density would appear to comply with the provisions, however, Staff further note that the target population for neighbourhood 11D' which this proposal falls within is 501010. Based on this figure and the lands available in neighbourhood 11D' (approximately 110 ha), Staff have calculated a maximum density of 201.2 units per net hectare for all lands in this neighbourhood. The proposed density for this application calculates to circa 18.0 units per net residential ha, this would therefore appear to comply. Staff note the applicant has also proposed adjoining school and park blocks of 2.7 ha and 2.0 ha respectively. 4. AGENCY COMMENTS 4.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following departments /agencies in commenting, offered no objection or concern with the application as filed: Ontario Hydro; Ministry of Transportation and Newcastle Hydro. 4.2 The Newcastle Community Services Department Staff noted no objection to the application, however they further commented that 'Block 3' the park block be revised to provide full street access and visibility to Street 'E' by eliminating lots 187 to 196 inclusive; that 'Block 5' (open space) and connecting walkway be accepted gratuitously as Open Space; and that Blocks 3 and 5 be fenced along the common boundaries of Town land and residential properties to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. PAGE 4 4.3 The Fire Department Staff noted that this proposal will represent an increase in population of approximately 1500 persons. This along with other proposed sites in the Bowmanville area will have an impact on the level of service which the Fire Department will be able to supply in its present state. 4.4 The Public School Board comments noted that an agreement for future purchase of a school site is required before registration. ministry of the Environment Staff noted that a slight noise concern has been identified as impacting the lots nearest the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way. Accordingly draft approval is subject to registering on title the potential occassional noise interferance in order to advise future purchasers. 4.5 The Ministry of Natural Resources Staff noted they have no objection to the development, however, they have concerns which must be addressed prior to approval of the plan. The Soper Creek traverses the north east portion of the subject property, and is a migration route for a number of fish species. It should be protected against water quality degradation and on site erosion should be minimized. Conditions of approval include maintaining the 'Environmental Protection (EP)' zone, preparation of lot grading, site drainage and soil erosion control plans acceptable to the Ministry. 4.6 The Regional Public Works Department Staff commented that the subject lands are within the current urban boundaries of Bowmanville and within the present servicing limits. The Region required the developer to provide a water distribution system analysis to justify proposed watermain sizes and cost sharing calculations. In terms of sanitary sewers, the subject site is tributary to the Soper Creek sub-trunk sewer which extends to Concession Street. The trunk sewer in this area was designed on the basis of a population density of 50 persons per gross hectare. The proposal should therefore be reduced to this figure to allow servicing of external lands. The applicant will be required to submit a functional servicing report to the Region, illustrating the proposed sewer and water servicing scheme. A soils investigation report will also be required from the applicant. 5 5 REPORT NO.: PD-141-89 PAGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verbal discussions with Staff at Regional Planning have indicated a noise feasibility study will be required from the applicant. 4.7 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department and the Separate School Board have not provided comments on the application as of the writing of this report. 5. STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 The application before Committee/Council has been revised from the original proposed Plan of Subdivision submission at Staff's request. The revision has introduced a third access to Mearns Ave. from the proposal. In reviewing the revised plan Staff notes the proposed collector roads 'A' and 'El will require a minimum 23 metre road allowance as opposed to the proposed 20 m. 5.2 The proposed plan does not allow for continued development with the lands directly to the north between the subject property and the Canadian Pacific Railway line (5.21 ha). A more detailed review of the development potential for these lands is warranted, as a future railway overpass/underpass may limit sight lines and ultimately direct access to Mearns Ave. 6. RECOMMENDATION 6.1 As the purpose of this report is to address the requirement of a Public Meeting under the Planning Act and in consideration of the agency comments outstanding, and Staff comments it is recommended that the application be referred back to Staff for further processing. Iwo REPORT NO.: PD-141-89 -------------- ------- Respectfully submitted, anklin Wu, M.C.I.P. U' M-C-I-P' Director of Planning & Development CP*FW*cc *Attach. June 5, 1989 PAGE 6 Recommended for presentation to the Committee ------------------------------ Lawrence E. Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer Interested parties to be notified of Committee and Council's decision: George Bellman Mearns Ave. N. R.R.#4 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3K5 John Perdue Ministry of Government Services Land Development Branch 777 Bay Street 16th. Floor TORONTO, Ontario M5G 2E5 ,7n J U Dev. 89�56 531 tr .•'I � 1 .,.r o�ooitf mot.— t `� hl.p/Iril11�4 4 I' N 1 1► I 1141 .t.W 1 I W I L I° d ( i I 1-� ._n , trlllutl 11 H�ttl11A ' .' r 11 nm w I � �troul Nt a Ilr tN • �i 1` ! _• 111 OC OIK 4 IM1rylNOVIM t41 Y 11 1 � j _ I •. "" goeo�eeloN 1 I All �J 2 IF ti 1 11111 M y f ��Flr. IN kill ku 11 nm w I � �troul Nt a Ilr tN • �i 1` ! _• 111 OC OIK 4 IM1rylNOVIM t41 Y 11 1 � j _ I •. "" goeo�eeloN 1 I All �J 2 IF ti 1 11111 M y f ��Flr.