HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-140-89MPQ�41 lain REPORT METING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday June 19, 1989 o REPORT #: PD- 1401 -89 FILE #: DEV 89 -35, 18T 8901301 SUBJECT: APPLICATION TO AMEND BY -LAW 84 -63 APPLICATION FOR PLAN OF SUBDIVISION KALEE INVESTMENTS LTD. (GRAHAM DALLAS) PART LOT 19, CONCESSION 8, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON File #6 Res. # By -Law # RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 1401 -89 be received; 2. THAT the application submitted by Graham Dallas on behalf of Kalee Investments Ltd. for rezoning to implement a residential Plan of Subdivision be referred back to Staff for a subsequent Staff report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT the applicant and applicant's agent be so advised. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On March 22, 1989 the Planning and Development Department received an application submitted by W. G. Dallas on behalf of Kalee Investments Ltd., to amend By -law 84 -63. The By -law amendment would change the current "Agricultural (A)" zoning on a 12.4 hectare parcel to an appropriate zone to implement a twenty (201) lot Plan of Subdivision, located within the Hamlet of Enniskillen. ...2 . 51� REPORT NO.: PD- 140 -89 PAGE 2 2.1 Members of Committee may recall on February 6, 1989, Staff Report PD- 146 -89 recommended approval of an application to amend the Development Plan for the Hamlet of Enniskillen. The amendment allowed for the expansion of the Hamlet boundaries for Enniskillen to include a 12.4 hectare parcel to permit the development. 2.2 In the Durham Region Official Plan Enniskillen is designated as a Hamlet for growth and is allowed a maximum of 200 units. In considering the expansion to the boundaries, Staff reviewed alternate locations and had resolved that the subject property would be the most appropriate location for expansion. In addition an Engineering Study also supported the area chosen for expansion noting that soils were suitable for individual waste disposal systems. 2.3 The proposal was approved as a modification to the Enniskillen Secondary Hamlet Plan, noting that Section 9 (Hamlets) of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan had been approved by Regional Council, as of January 11, 1989. Section 9, however, has not yet been approved by the Ministry. 3. LOCATION AND SURROUNDING LAND USE 3.1 The subject lands are located on the west side of Old Scugog Road, 1/2 kilometre north of Regional Road 3, being Part Lot 19, Concession 8, former Township of Darlington. 3.2 The existing To the north: To the west: To the east: To the south: land uses adjacent to the proposed development area 26 ha parcel in agricultural production 12 ha parcel in agricultural production 12.6 ha parcel in agricultural production Estate Residential Subdivision - phase one Hilltop Estates. 519 ...3 REPORT NO.: PD-140-89 4. PUBLIC NOTICE PAGE 3 4.1 Pursuant to council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 4.2 As of writing of this report, no written submissions have been received. 5. AGENCY COMMENTS 5.1 In accordance with departmental procedures the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following departments/agencies in providing comments offered no objection to the application as filed: Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Agriculture and Food Separate School Board 5.2 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department offered no objection to the proposal, provided all concerns are addressed with respect to road widenings, reconstruction and drainage. All other aspects will be dealt with through the Subdivision Agreement. 5.3 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department offered no objection, however, noted a concern with the level of service provided, given the increased growth in the Town. 5.4 The Town of Newcastle Community Services Department offered no objection to the proposal, however, requested the applicant pay to the Town of Newcastle 5% cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication. ...4 520 REPORT N0.: PD-I40-89 PAGE 4 5.5 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority offered no objection to the principle of the development, however, recommended that the DIau be revised such that the rear limits of Iota 7 to lI (inclusive) be amended to coincide with the top-of-bank and be rezoned Environmental Protection (8D). The Conservation Authority also suggested that the vaIleylanda be deeded to one of the tableland lots. This would place the entire valIeylaud block into single ovmzerablp and would minimize impacts on the slope and valleylaoda. 5.6 The Health Services Department requires further information prior to providing more detailed comments. The applicant will be required to submit soil tests, revised site plans indicating location of septic systems and wells and a final lot grading plan. 5.7 Through the circulation of the Hamlet Plan Amendment the Ministry of Environment provided comments with respect to the nitrate levels in the ground water. The Ministry requires that a bydcogeolw]icaI study be provided to determine the number of lots suitable for development. The Ministry will require the study prior to approval of the Plan of Subdivision. The Ministry's comments were not received until after the Hamlet modification was approved, therefore the results of the BydcogeologioaI Study will be required prior to draft approval being granted. 5.8 Comments are utlII outstanding from the following agencies: - Regional Works - Public School Board 6. STAFF'COMMENTS 6.1 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's proposal to place the valleylaudo under one ovmzecobip appears to result in an odd lot configuration in the PIou of Subdivision and may reduce the lots size ...5 J�| REPORT NO.: PD-140-89 PAGE 5 and/or number of lots in the Plan of Subdivision. The applicant has been asked to discuss the concerns with the Authority. 7. RECOMMENDATION 7.1 As the purpose of this report is to address the requirement of a Public Meeting pursuant to the requirements in the Planning Act and in consideration of the outstanding comments, it is recommended that the application be referred back to Staff for further processing. Respectfully submitted, . �,Fra klin C r C.I.P. . Director of Planning & Development CRV*FW*cc *Attach. June 6, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence E. Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer Interested persons to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Graham Dallas Mr. Glen Easton c/o Kalee Investments Ltd. Proctor and Redfern Ltd. R.R. # I Consulting Engineers and Architects BOWMANVILLE, Ontario 45 Green Belt Ave. LlC 3K2 DON MILLS, Ontario M3C 3K3 522 b -. � I r UY • � � .z # . � � � '�.1' \, •1iVU� • � �..' G':J� ►s �`. '� I ail sy ®r ^yw �� • . a ��• �►� +'"ice � � ,��' . r • • ►• • • •i't • __