HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-131-89DN: C. SMIT TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, June 5, 1989 REPORT #: PD-131-89 FILE #: DEV 89-30 SUBJECT: REZONING APPLICATION - CHRIS SMITH AND ASSOCIATES PART LOT 13 & 14, CONCESSION 2, BOWMANVILLE FILE: DEV 89-30 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-131-89 be received; 2. THAT Application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Chris Smith and Associates on behalf of the Bowmanville Valley Co-operative Homes Inc., be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to the interested parties attached hereto. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In March of 1989, the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department Staff received an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. The application was submitted by Chris Smith & Associates on behalf of Bowmanville Valley Co-operative Homes Inc. The proposed application would change the zone category of 2.26 ha REPORT 0O.: pD-131-89 PAGE 2 _ ______ ___________ (5.58 acres) parcel of land in Part Lot 13 6 14, Concession 2, BovonaovilIe, from "Urban Residential Type One - Holding ((B) Bl)n and "Environmental Protection (EP)" to an appropriate zone to permit the development of 48 row townhouses and two (2), twelve (13) unit, three (3) storey apartment buildings, for a total of seventy-two (72) units. 1.2 Staff note that as of May 23/ 1989, the proposal has been revised to include two (2) apartment buildings, one 12 unit and one IO unit, the number of townhouse units has been reduced to 42. This maintains the total number of units at 72. 1.3 The site is located south of Jackman Road, east and north of the BovmnaovilIe Creek and west of 8ougog Street. Surrounding land uses include existing residential to the east, existing and proposed residential to the north, Bovmuuoville Creek Valley lands and estate residential to the west and proposed residential to the south. 1.4 On April 20, 1989, Staff were notified of an application for Land Severance (LD324/89) related to the subject rezoning and site plan application. This consent application involves additional lands of 0.61 ha (1.5 acres) to be added to the southern limits of the subject lands as originally submitted. The application was considered by the Land Division Committee on Monday May 15, 1989 and was approved conditional upon the applicant satisfying various agencies' requirements. 2 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS: 2.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning &nt' the appropriate aigoage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. ...3 b u L 11101 PAGE 3 -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Staff have received many counter enquiries regarding the application. The concern's expressed were with regards to the present state of Jackman Road including the one lane bridge and the impact increased traffic will have; other concerns were with regard to density and impact on creek lands. As of the writing of this report however, only one letter has been received related to this application. The correspondence outlined present and future safety hazards in the area should the application be approved. The residents believed that prior to any development taking place the following upgrades should take place: construction of curbed sidewalks on Jackman Road; installation of more street lights; improved traffic signalization at Scugog Street and Jackman Road, and Barbara Street and Jackman Road intersections; the installation of safety signs re: bridge, grade, etc and the reconstruction of the Jackman bridge. 3 OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 3.1 Within the Durham Region official Plan the subject property is designated "Residential" with "Environmental Sensitive Areas" within the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. The predominant use of lands within the "Residential" designation shall be for housing purposes. The "Environmental Sensitive" designation would appear to identify the valley lands to the west of the subject site. The limits of this designation will be further defined with the assistance of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 3.2 Within the Town of Newcastle official Plan, the subject lands are designated predominantly 'low density residential', with some of the lands possibly encroaching on the "Hazard Land Designation". The limit of developable land will be further determined in conjunction with Staff at the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. The density of the application as submitted equals 32.2 dwelling units per net hectare. This would exceed the 30 units/net hectare for low density residential as specified in the Town's Official Plan. Staff note however, when the Land Division application is cleared of all conditions of approval this REPORT 00~: PD-131-89 will add 0.61 (1.5 acres) to the total holdings. This in turn will reduce the density oƒ the site to25.35 units/net ha which complies with the Official Plan provisions. However, should any of the lands be determined to fall within the Hazard Land designation, these will be excluded from the total for density calculations. 4. COMMENTING AGENCIES 4.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated as submitted to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. To date comments have been received from all but three (3) of the circulated agencies. Those still outstanding are Durham Region Public Works Department, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Staff note that both Ministry of Natural Resources and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority have verbally indicated they will not be commenting until further information is provided on site drainage. 4.2 Newcastle Hydro, the Northumberland-Newcastle 9obIio School Board and the Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland-Newcastle Separate School Board have indicated no objection to the application. The Town's Fire Department noted a concern with the application, ao the 72 units proposed represent an approximate population increase of 216 persons. It was further recommended that no building permits be issued until all access routes are in compliance with the Ontario Building Code and adequate water for fire fighting is available. 4.3 The Community Services Department Staff noted no objection to the application subject to a 50 cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication, and the construction of a paved pedestrian waIhmvav to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services to the valley floor through the grade in the south west corner of the site. The Public Works Department Staff's review of the proposal indicated no objection io principle, however, zeoVonneuded the application not to proceed further until a Couceptial Site Servicing Report is submitted by the applicant. and approved. The Report should include among other things proposals for the minor and - �� `J � � �� ...5 REPORT NO.: PD-131-89 PAGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- major storm outfalls; Site distance on Jackman Road at the proposed entrance; and proposed traffic volumes (vehicular and pedestrial) for Jackman Road. Should the Report be satisfactory, prior to approval the applicant will be required to undertake a number of conditions. These include: bearing 100% cost of any works on Jackman Road which are necessitated as a result of this development (i.e.: intersection, turning lanes, utility relocation, etc); the owner contributes to the cost of reconstructing Jackman Road in accordance with Town Policy; the owner provide street lighting on Jackman Road and the entrance to the proposal; that the applicant provide a walkway to link with the proposed walkway for Edsall and Rehder Ave. extension (Plan of Subdivision 18T-87005); that performance guarantees be taken in accordance with the standard Site Plan Agreement; and that all the other standard Public Works requirements be undertaken. 4.4 Regional Planning Staff's comments noted that the subject property is designated partially "Residential" and partially "Major Open Space", with an indication of Hazard Lands, in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The Major Open Space area and the Hazard Lands are associated with the Bowmanville Creek Valley. The proposal may be permitted in the area determined to be Residential, the limits of such area will be defined in the zoning by-law. The portion of the subject property determined to be in the urban area is designated "Low Density Residential" in the Town of Newcastle official Plan. The proposal has a density of 32.2 dwellin units per hectre. With reference to the residential density ranges in Section iv) of the Town Plan, the proposal appears to represent a medium density development. It should be noted, however, that a portion of the subject property may be designated Major Open Space and/or Hazard Lands and outside the urban area. Such area(s) should be excluded when calculating dwelling units per hectare. J ME 5.1 The site is a triangular parcel of land located on the south aide of Jarkusno Road, bounded by the BovmneoviIle Creek to the west and a cmsaII tributary to the east. A review of the Conservation Authority's Flood Plain Mapping for the area would appear to indicate the subject site as submitted is above the 'Fill and Construction Limits'. The proposed area to be annexed (0.61 ha) would also appear to be above the defined `Fill and Construction Limits'. 5.2 Staff notes servicing and drainage comments have not been received as of yet, these comments will be intrinsic to the review of the proposed development. The resident's c000ezuo received to date' are for the most part issues which the Town's Public Works Department has also noted. 8booId all conditions of Land Division be satisfied and the severance cleared the applicants will have sufficient Imod to be considered a low density development within the context of the official Plan. 6~I As the purpose of this report is to address the requirement of a Public Meeting under the Planning Act and io consideration ofthe comments and issues outstanding, it to recommend the application be referred back to Staff for further processing. ...7 _ rm� Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning 6 Development CP*FW*oo *Attach. May 25, 1989 Interested parties to be notified of Committee and Council's decision: Chris Smith and Associates 146 8imooe Street North 2nd. Floor OS8AW\" ONTARIO LQG 4S7 671461 Ontario [td. 162 Wellington Street BCWM&0VILLE, Ontario LlC IW3 BnvmnaoviILe Valley Do-op 8ouxeo Inc. I88 Main Street T0D00T0, Ontario M4E 2W1 Mr. 6 Mrs. Salomon 48 Jackman Road BONMAWVILLE, Ontario ClC 2C9 - F'n7 JV/ Dev. 89-30